
perverts unite!

Attached: 149878421444415.gif (540x540, 993K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>no I love it :)
b-but I hate it though?
>oh thanks now I won't need to search for it heh
no problem hope you like it :))
>pfffffffffffff no
yes its true haahahhaha
>(yeah that is true... shit)
I think I just heard that you confirming what I thought heh
>nah I would NEVER do something like that hehehe. You got what you deserve lol
yes you would if I managed to trick you heh and shut up!!!!!
>well ok whatever

Attached: 1516741215927.png (863x706, 557K)

Do you live alone? which girl would you choose on the daki?

Attached: Kuroe.01.jpg (741x1121, 285K)

2D >>>>> 3DPD
perversion >>> *

Attached: 1531840032603.png (516x516, 202K)

I agree she's my favorite oregairu girl too

Attached: yande.re 273700 ponkan_8 screening seifuku thighhighs yahari_ore_no_seishun_lovecome_wa_machigatteir (3479x6478, 2.4M)

2D >>>> 3DPD
ah fuck

Attached: 1520885449469.jpg (986x1500, 133K)

Hm, not really, lol

Attached: 1379388987073.gif (640x360, 509K)

hmmm gonna fap too desu

Attached: 1518650054740.jpg (500x475, 109K)

my love for them is stronger than your hate hahahaha
>no problem hope you like it :))
I hope so too :)
>I think I just heard that you confirming what I thought heh
wtf just stop doing it or fuck it I'm just gonna start wearing a tinfoil hat hehehe
>yes you would if I managed to trick you heh and shut up!!!!!
and how would you do that? lol I'm not a japanese only they do it(or some hippies) and no I won't lol

Attached: Kuroe.03.jpg (699x1121, 269K)

>Do you live alone?
I wish, I live with flatmates because rent is cheap
>which girl would you choose on the daki?
probably mio from k-on
good taste, HOWEVER
btfo lol

Attached: 1504060145884.jpg (1102x1560, 807K)

have fun fellow pervert
>I wish, I live with flatmates because rent is cheap
ohhh then it would be kinda weird to have a daki
I don't have it because I also don't live alone
>probably mio from k-on
hmmm I see

Attached: Origa.04.jpg (699x1121, 285K)

>ohhh then it would be kinda weird to have a daki
yeah that's why I don't have one
>I don't have it because I also don't live alone
truly awful world we live in

Attached: 1508364453429.jpg (1443x2618, 272K)

Attached: d89aec8421a755a52614e6b4025fbcf5aac62864_00.jpg (400x274, 24K)

thought so
>truly awful world we live in
Indeed I can't wait to live alone. Do you live with some total strangers? if so then it must suck

Attached: Kou.jpg (1900x2250, 509K)

>Indeed I can't wait to live alone.
same desu
>Do you live with some total strangers? if so then it must suck
I guess they're the closest I have to friends irl but yeah they're pretty much strangers

Attached: 1526568264813.jpg (1500x1326, 1.04M)

Would eat it lol

Attached: 545411.jpg (720x410, 44K)

Let's be honest here. She was all talk no action. The moment she had saw a real dick she bolted out of what's his face home.

Attached: df14420b9ab0.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

>I guess they're the closest I have to friends irl but yeah they're pretty much strangers
hmm ok do you have your own room?

Attached: Prim.01.jpg (723x1121, 204K)

actually I didn't finish the series

Attached: 1522305141783.gif (392x498, 1005K)

>hmm ok do you have your own room?
yeah, I don't neither I or my flatmates could live without me having my own space

Attached: 1513399671316.jpg (971x1376, 855K)

It's pretty good to just chill and have a bit of a giggle but only thanks to pic related.

Attached: 96ce8e2ccac8df9ea5dbd5634a062b8a635dcf23_hq.jpg (576x324, 28K)

oh then it is all good, I greatly value personal space too and I like being alone
oh this little thirsty pervert hehe. Maybe one day I'm gonna finish it

Attached: Maia.03.jpg (698x1121, 239K)

Gonna go shopping

Attached: ea05fbc4cd15c9bf45a0b0717fbc2acb.png (1120x1400, 1.12M)

same desu personal space is important, specially for perverts such us ourselves
what are you buying?

Attached: 1512699779480.jpg (2000x3000, 2.9M)

yes really
this dark elf is mine too
>my love for them is stronger than your hate hahahaha
w-wow rude...
>I hope so too :)
yep :)
>wtf just stop doing it or fuck it I'm just gonna start wearing a tinfoil hat hehehe
wow okay hahahaha
>and how would you do that? lol I'm not a japanese only they do it(or some hippies) and no I won't lol
ugh.... was so close either way I know even if you say no
>good taste, HOWEVER
Iroha is obviously secon, Yui is not even in the race but she'd make a good cum dump
>btfo lol

Attached: 68455017_p0.png (919x1300, 1.15M)

thank you I did!

Attached: 1525529520469.png (594x530, 141K)

best girl

Attached: I would really drink this.jpg (1800x2700, 1.76M)

>Iroha is obviously secon,
good taste, but she's number 1 on my book
>Yui is not even in the race but she'd make a good cum dump
yeah I'd fuck yui desu

Attached: 1513216683192.png (850x1241, 1.22M)

>same desu personal space is important, specially for perverts such us ourselves
>what are you buying?
candies and soda and all that crap hehehe
no she is not
>w-wow rude...
awwww are you sad little boy? :(
>wow okay hahahaha
I'm already wearing it hehehe
(I bet he can't read my mind now lol what a fool what an absolute baka poopy pants hahaha)
>ugh.... was so close either way I know even if you say no
not even close like I said I would never do that!
no problem it took you a veeeeeery long time, over an hour it is insane!

Attached: Maia.01.jpg (715x1121, 267K)

I wish Anna raped me
>good taste, but she's number 1 on my book
not everyone was acquired with a good taste as I am...
>yeah I'd fuck yui desu
good taste

Attached: __anna_nishikinomiya_shimoneta_to_iu_gainen_ga_sonzai_shinai_taikutsu_na_sekai__0ace9c2279b3192e5076 (960x540, 712K)

amen brother
>candies and soda and all that crap hehehe
wow you're gonna get fat
>not everyone was acquired with a good taste as I am...
yeah you got a pretty good taste in general, I'll give you that
>good taste
y-you too

Attached: 1522733911928.jpg (756x1080, 160K)

>no she is not
yes she is I even said that when we talked about it baaka!
>awwww are you sad little boy? :(
>I'm already wearing it hehehe
haahhahahaha a tsundere with a tinfoil hat must look very kawaii!
>(I bet he can't read my mind now lol what a fool what an absolute baka poopy pants hahaha)
yes I can muhaahhaahhahaha! are you scared?
>not even close like I said I would never do that!
ugh.... y-yes you would

Attached: __kajou_ayame_shimoneta_to_iu_gainen_ga_sonzai_shinai_taikutsu_na_sekai__67116c82f952e5b0c5bc122b75d (960x540, 907K)

Not at all
*shows you my tongue*

Attached: 1349182928415.png (500x500, 276K)

>wow you're gonna get fat
are you still fasting?
>yeah you got a pretty good taste in general, I'll give you that
thanks you too desu!
>y-you too

Attached: 906db71b05770a3a25dad2fb6e283a2c.jpg (1920x1080, 493K)

>Not at all
at all
>*shows you my tongue*
rude cuck

Attached: 56264912_p0.jpg (714x1000, 463K)

>no problem it took you a veeeeeery long time, over an hour it is insane!
and yes I went to a store to get peanuts

Attached: 182dd3670e3ac752ddf668fc9a0b6565.jpg (1440x1330, 178K)

>wow you're gonna get fat
nah I have fast metabolism I have never been fat in my life just skinny
pffff I-I totally don't remember that mhm..
awwww :( and how could I make you smile once more?
>haahhahahaha a tsundere with a tinfoil hat must look very kawaii!
first of all I'm not a tsundere second of all NO
>yes I can muhaahhaahhahaha! are you scared?
n-no y-you are obviously lying! I-I h-have tinfoil hat on my h-head! t-then what where I thinking? h-huh?
>ugh.... y-yes you would
pff no

Attached: Kaguya.02.jpg (711x1121, 284K)

>no comment about the pic
Wow, hate Kirino and didn't open the pic??
>at all
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn *lifts you* lol
Upset now???

Attached: 5OCs27TMXZU.jpg (768x432, 31K)

you mean you fapped while walking to the store? oh wow what a perv

damn I want to fill Yui with cum desu

Attached: yande.re 386915 sample ass bra dakimakura lingerie pantsu see_through stockings tanaka_yuuichi thigh (512x1500, 127K)

>are you still fasting?
I'm not fasting right now, I should've fasted this weekend but I saw weak
>thanks you too desu!
>nah I have fast metabolism I have never been fat in my life just skinny
I envy you, I had a fast metabolism too until a couple years ago, now I just keep gaining weight unless I fast

Attached: 1510748061597.png (771x1147, 773K)

>pffff I-I totally don't remember that mhm..
liar pantsu on fire hahahahaha
>awwww :( and how could I make you smile once more?
y-you could give me a pizza?
>first of all I'm not a tsundere second of all NO
>n-no y-you are obviously lying! I-I h-have tinfoil hat on my h-head! t-then what where I thinking? h-huh?
you're obviously thinking about anime girls hahahahaah
>pff no
>Wow, hate Kirino and didn't open the pic??
yes don't want to lol
>Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn *lifts you* lol
you're smoller though???
>Upset now???
I meant I fapped and went to a store lol

Attached: 5ecd77c269f667fee5f6bb9b402fc214.gif (1280x720, 3.78M)

>I'm not fasting right now, I should've fasted this weekend but I saw weak
>I saw weak

Attached: 1533478845198.gif (500x658, 713K)


Attached: 1512027749145.gif (500x500, 1.98M)

so you were weak?

Attached: yande.re 412674 boku_wa_tomodachi_ga_sukunai cait kashiwazaki_sena no_bra see_through seifuku wet we (2100x3500, 686K)

>I envy you, I had a fast metabolism too until a couple years ago, now I just keep gaining weight unless I fast
well that sucks well probably the metabolism gonna slow down for me too in the upcoming years.. tho I don't think that I will ever gonna be fat
fatty lol
>liar pantsu on fire hahahahaha
aaaaaaaa it is hot! *jump in the bathtub and turn on the shower* ahhh much better
>y-you could give me a pizza?
oh yeah absolutely anything for my good friend :) *sends you a large pizza*
>you're obviously thinking about anime girls hahahahaah
w-wow how did you know that?

Attached: Kaguya.04.jpg (699x1121, 273K)

O-open it! Now!
>you're smoller though???
Bullshit, lol, me lifting you in this pic lol
Wow.... Calm down???

Attached: 235.jpg (1063x1500, 471K)


Attached: fuck you.jpg (640x400, 44K)

>aaaaaaaa it is hot! *jump in the bathtub and turn on the shower* ahhh much better
hahaahhahahahaah funny tsundere
>oh yeah absolutely anything for my good friend :) *sends you a large pizza*
wow thanks! what are the toppings?
>w-wow how did you know that?
well I can read minds heheeh
are you scared?
>O-open it! Now!
dont' feel like it lol
>Bullshit, lol, me lifting you in this pic
fake lol
>Wow.... Calm down???
did yes

Attached: 57972493_p0.png (1200x1700, 1.3M)

well Yui is a cum dump so its okay lol

Attached: 1533487641268.gif (512x384, 314K)

Why? :)
Please do open it :)
>fake lol
>t. smol
>did yes
Good boy!
>Nintendo Switch

Attached: 1389897479193.gif (480x270, 1.35M)

>well that sucks well probably the metabolism gonna slow down for me too in the upcoming years.. tho I don't think that I will ever gonna be fat
nothing lasts forever
>fatty lol
not a fatty thanks to fasting, proudly rockin' a 23 bmi right now

Attached: 1510441082603.jpg (507x507, 31K)

>Why? :)
cause they look hot?
>Please do open it :)
>Good boy!
you yes
hot nice, based Nintendo
is that not even on ps4???

Attached: __atago_and_takao_azur_lane_drawn_by_tony_guisado__90f447aaef56e20d85182999868a12d1.jpg (631x1200, 88K)

thanks but that hurt it wasn't funny! and wait a minute I'm not a tsundere! arghh
>wow thanks! what are the toppings?
just pineapple and shrooms and nothing else hehehe it is a vegan pizza just for you :DDDDDD, no but seriously ham, mozzarella, olives and jelapeno.
actually which type of meat is your favorite on pizza?
>well I can read minds heheeh
are you scared?
NO just embarrassing that you might know all my deepest and dirtiest and scariest secrets and btw kinda amazed that you are not scared of my crazy psychopathic, sadistic thoughts ... hmm

Attached: ea37ab7b6e09208075897b3bcaedeea2.jpg (827x1016, 171K)

wow that is rude but still ok hahaha gonna fuck her nice and hard
>not a fatty thanks to fasting, proudly rockin' a 23 bmi right now
hmm I guess that is okay, so before fasting you were literally fat?

Attached: 46d31e1fff4a29550fade63a2a011736.jpg (1463x2000, 1.46M)

Do they? :)
Why not, friend? :)
>you yes
>t. smol boy
No, switch only, duuuuuuuuuumb blind boy

Attached: 1479962357005.webm (711x400, 542K)

>thanks but that hurt it wasn't funny! and wait a minute I'm not a tsundere! arghh
yes you are hahahaha cute!
>just pineapple and shrooms and nothing else hehehe it is a vegan pizza just for you :DDDDDD
ewww disgusting
>but seriously ham, mozzarella, olives and jelapeno. actually which type of meat is your favorite on pizza?
oh nice and yes any type of meat is okay saliami,minced meat,ham desu
>NO just embarrassing that you might know all my deepest and dirtiest and scariest secrets and btw kinda amazed that you are not scared of my crazy psychopathic, sadistic thoughts ... hmm
no because I know that you wouldn't hurt me heheehhe :)

Attached: 1521637026928.jpg (1080x1920, 383K)

>wow that is rude but still ok hahaha gonna fuck her nice and hard
that isn't rude I don't use "cum dump" in a bad way she is just hot and that's why
simply based
kagawa life forever
>Do they? :)
yes why asking?
>Why not, friend? :)
don't want to lol
>No, switch only, duuuuuuuuuumb blind boy

Attached: __anna_nishikinomiya_shimoneta_to_iu_gainen_ga_sonzai_shinai_taikutsu_na_sekai_drawn_by_gen_bividgen (762x1986, 972K)

ugh shut up!
>ewww disgusting
>oh nice and yes any type of meat is okay saliami,minced meat,ham desu
oh nice so literally the same as me :)
>no because I know that you wouldn't hurt me heheehhe :)
w-well yeah that is actually true...

Attached: 12575214_f520.jpg (520x618, 67K)

>ugh shut up!
hahahahaha did you stutter? lol
not funny I'd probably puke from that
>oh nice so literally the same as me :)
good taste senpai :)
>w-well yeah that is actually true...
so kawaii! just like I thought :)

Attached: 1521674999103.jpg (2290x3088, 473K)

oh then ok

Attached: 1521691632806.jpg (800x1355, 216K)

>hmm I guess that is okay, so before fasting you were literally fat?
no, I actually gained weight since I started fasting lol because I got kinda addicted to the ketosis at one point and I'd gain weight just so I could fast it away which is kinda silly now that I think about it

Attached: 1529095145588.jpg (1023x855, 416K)

amm but I didn't?
>not funny I'd probably puke from that
hahaha that is kinda funny tho. Would be a nice prank to pull on you lol
>good taste senpai :)
thanks :)
>so kawaii! just like I thought :)
no you!

Attached: vulva.jpg (600x315, 49K)

>oh then ok
also Rin is mine

Attached: cc9859100edc3be4f0f929948d902dd6.jpg (2505x4153, 3.37M)

>simply based
Naaaaaah, wish she fell from her bed, LOL
Just wanted to know? :)
>don't want to lol
Why not, smol friend? :)
It's just a pinball game though? :)

Attached: 1489516908899.webm (854x480, 172K)

>and I'd gain weight just so I could fast it away
>amm but I didn't?
I bet you just hid it heh
>hahaha that is kinda funny tho. Would be a nice prank to pull on you lol
no it'd be really disgusting I hate puking desu
>thanks :)
yep :)
>no you!
yes you!!!!!

Attached: 1530981155569.gif (500x281, 709K)

>Naaaaaah, wish she fell from her bed, LOL
rude Tougou is a good girl
>Just wanted to know? :)
>Why not, smol friend? :)
no you dumb boy why? hmm?
>It's just a pinball game though? :)
but it has nice senrans...

Attached: 69191080_p0.jpg (717x1000, 113K)

I know

Attached: 1509323845041.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Sorry, smol boy :)
Want to learn more about you? :)
Cause it's a hot pic.....
Tcccch, it does....

Attached: 7d0e04fc1f6615de953ecb70d5313a5b.jpg (1895x1565, 660K)

>I know
I wonder if its unhealthy to keep gaining weight and losing at all desu
was it something that was written here?

Attached: 1528235662329.jpg (1400x880, 1.09M)

>I wonder if its unhealthy to keep gaining weight and losing at all desu
nah I was doing alright, there's people who've done it for years
>was it something that was written here?
what do you mean?

Attached: 1514148882901.jpg (1295x1812, 262K)

cute image Maho is very pretty
yes but Saber is mine :)
no I did not
>no it'd be really disgusting I hate puking desu
yeah it would be disgusting but still funny lol
>yes you!!!!!
no you! only you! super kawaii little tsundere pizza/ramen/water boy hahahaha are you red right now? :)

Attached: anime-boobs-gap-kashiwazaki-sena-boku-wa-tomodachi-ga-sukunai.jpg (1920x1080, 1.48M)

understood that word lol
>Sorry, smol boy :)
you're small yes
>Want to learn more about you? :)
>Cause it's a hot pic.....
why so? :)))))))))
>Tcccch, it does....
lol sad? :)

Attached: 1533569473989.png (1280x1199, 1.86M)

>nah I was doing alright, there's people who've done it for years
oh then yes continue
>what do you mean?
I mean we often talk about food desu is that why you didn't fast?
>cute image Maho is very pretty
yes she is and she is mine!
>yes but Saber is mine :)
ugh... yes
>no I did not
hmmm I hope you are lying cause stuttering is kawaii!
>yeah it would be disgusting but still funny lol
not for me though
>no you! only you! super kawaii little tsundere pizza/ramen/water boy hahahaha are you red right now? :)
s-shut up....... *hides face* not at all... u-ugh....

Attached: 1529504090380.jpg (2887x4099, 1.21M)

Hot face...
What word? :)
>you're small yes
Proof? :)
Why not, smol friend? :)
Cause Kirino is getting abused there??
>lol sad? :)
Mmm, not really. Why? Care about me a lot???? :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Attached: 1491542755330.gif (500x281, 1.27M)

>yes she is and she is mine!
I'm very jealous
>hmmm I hope you are lying cause stuttering is kawaii!
not lying! you are the only one who stutters in this thread hehehe
>not for me though
yeah but what is important is that it would be funny for me! lol
>s-shut up....... *hides face* not at all... u-ugh....
veeeeery kawaii hahaha I just want to pat you hahaha

Attached: __darjeeling_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_ponpokoimo__4a3dfc7617271e196d20af7d6fd472b6.jpg (4542x6420, 1.75M)

>oh then yes continue
I don't have the time to do it anymore desu, not on purpose at least, working while fasting is really hard so I just dry fast on weekends when I start getting a little chubby
>I mean we often talk about food desu is that why you didn't fast?
oh, no lol I just saw a bag of doritos and said fuck it, the food talk is kinda painful when I'm fasting though

Attached: 1513322758342.jpg (666x1000, 369K)

>Hot face...
>What word? :)
in your image
>Proof? :)
trust me I just know
>Why not, smol friend? :)
you are small yes
>Cause Kirino is getting abused there??
nice lie lol
>Mmm, not really. Why? Care about me a lot???? :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
no comment yaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn

Attached: 1530617185371.jpg (750x1000, 110K)

Darjeeling too (hot image)
>I'm very jealous
heh I bet you are :)
>not lying! you are the only one who stutters in this thread hehehe
w-what? s-stop lying you baka...
>yeah but what is important is that it would be funny for me! lol
but that would really hurt me :(
>veeeeery kawaii hahaha I just want to pat you hahaha
stop thinking about patting me all the time ugh....
>I don't have the time to do it anymore desu, not on purpose at least, working while fasting is really hard so I just dry fast on weekends when I start getting a little chubby
oh okay well as long as you stay pretty slim desu
>oh, no lol I just saw a bag of doritos and said fuck it, the food talk is kinda painful when I'm fasting though
noted that will try to make is lower during weekends then heh, also are doritos good? never ate them desu

Attached: So-bin_art_on_the_Pleiades.png (1280x720, 1.41M)

damn I wish in an anime world

Attached: 1463345204904.jpg (696x808, 320K)

>in your image
What about it and that word? :)
I am big though
>nice lie lol
Not lying :)
>no comment yaaaaaaaaaawn
Oh Oh Oh Oh! >_< Nice tsun

Attached: 1332149723936.png (640x479, 556K)

>What about it and that word? :)
not going to answer retarded questions
>I am big though
proof? post passport?
>Not lying :)
you really are though haahhahaha
>Oh Oh Oh Oh! >_< Nice tsun
you're a nice tsundere yes

Attached: 1524336586643.jpg (3840x2160, 1.53M)

>Darjeeling too (hot image)
it angers me that you took SO MANY cute girls for yourself...
>w-what? s-stop lying you baka...
not lying :)
>but that would really hurt me :(
awwwww :( sad to see you acting so sad
>stop thinking about patting me all the time ugh....
okay I will try tho it might be hard to do it

Attached: smug (2).png (1280x720, 513K)

speaking of work I gotta leave
>oh okay well as long as you stay pretty slim desu
>noted that will try to make is lower during weekends then heh
nah it's alright, I can handle it
>also are doritos good? never ate them desu
I like them but they kinda lost their original flavour

Attached: 1515822866763.gif (480x430, 247K)

good luck wagie

Attached: 3d.jpg (640x480, 120K)

Why? Lied about understanding that word? :)
How's that related to my big height? :)
No, you! :)
>Urusai urusai!

Attached: __fujimino_daisuke_hino_matsuri_and_yamamura_sadako_original_osananajimi_ni_najimitai_and_the_ring_d (860x1214, 1.3M)

>it angers me that you took SO MANY cute girls for yourself...
hehehehehe yes I have many good ones but so do you heh
>not lying :)
d-do you like that? s-stop b-baka!!!!!
>awwwww :( sad to see you acting so sad
>okay I will try tho it might be hard to do it
I guess yes... just stop tihnking about it!!!!
>speaking of work I gotta leave
have fun desu haahha
>nah it's alright, I can handle it
hmm okay then
>I like them but they kinda lost their original flavour
are they salty,sour or spicy?

Attached: anchovy darjeeling.jpg (1394x2000, 473K)

>Why? Lied about understanding that word? :)
>How's that related to my big height? :)
they write your height there post???
still you
no you lol

Attached: smug witch.jpg (1366x768, 153K)

gangsta shibuya

Attached: 1524496879286.png (533x1007, 413K)

I guess that is true
>d-do you like that? s-stop b-baka!!!!!
you stuttering? yeah I love it! hahahaha stop what? I'm not lying like I said :)
very cute heh
>I guess yes... just stop tihnking about it!!!!
okay dokay

Attached: T_Lo_ru_Dkmr_000.jpg (625x1000, 236K)

Yui and Mikan are mine to you gave them to me don't forget!
>I guess that is true
yep Koume and Holo are one of the best desu
>you stuttering? yeah I love it! hahahaha stop what? I'm not lying like I said :)
y-you d-do? b-baka!!!!!! s-stop l-liking it.......
>very cute heh
not at all!!!!!
>okay dokay
heh I keep making you do stuff heh hypnotized by me heh

Attached: 1524078561506.jpg (866x1220, 582K)

Dumb liar lol!
No, they do not
You! Oooooooooooooohhhhhh! :)

Attached: 1492436350690.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

yes I made a mistake I shouldn't give you girls in exchange for nothing
>yep Koume and Holo are one of the best desu
indeed hehehe I loooooooove them both
>y-you d-do? b-baka!!!!!! s-stop l-liking it.......
yeah I absolutely love it! and I can't and also won't :)
cute tsundere
>heh I keep making you do stuff heh hypnotized by me heh
not at all that is a lie!

Attached: T_Lo_ru_Dkmr_002.jpg (1200x3875, 1.25M)

shirase sakuya is also mine btw
>Dumb liar lol!
you yes
>No, they do not
yes they doo
>You! Oooooooooooooohhhhhh! :)
>yes I made a mistake I shouldn't give you girls in exchange for nothing
yes I love them both my favorite girls from to love ru but deviluke and darkness are also my favorite ones desu to love ru has too many good girls.... also its not that bad since you got all the other ones heh
>indeed hehehe I loooooooove them both
I bet you do pervert! :D
>yeah I absolutely love it! and I can't and also won't :)
s-shut up!!! i-idiot!!!!!!
>cute tsundere
you yes! hahahahaha kawaii! :) and n-not me b-baka!!!!
>not at all that is a lie!
exactly what someone who is hypnotized and doesn't know it would say

Attached: yande.re 451332 bra cleavage nekotama1987 see_through seifuku shirase_sakuya the_idolm@ster the_idol (1300x1829, 1.19M)

1st meant for

Attached: 1522508550662.jpg (2309x1732, 464K)

>yes they doo
Proof?? :) Post your passport
Why? :(

Attached: 1501326999997.gif (745x720, 409K)

very cloudy.......typhoon coming

Attached: 1443477487_nabe.gif (500x281, 1.87M)

>Proof?? :) Post your passport
no I asked first
>Why? :(
cause you really are?

Attached: 1528267651800.png (1343x2202, 1.1M)

I lost it, lol
No, I am not! *pats*

Attached: 9ylGLoi0zQ4.jpg (1882x1577, 437K)

Hello Japan! How was your sleep?
>very cloudy.......typhoon coming
is it usually strong or weak?

Attached: 1532529352920.png (3294x3200, 1.17M)