Herro howaito man, do nottu steppu here

>herro howaito man, do nottu steppu here

Attached: gou houm.jpg (620x596, 43K)

haroo autisuto

It's a football stadium. Supporters did it. They were punished.

kiru yuaserufu doutei netouyo jappu

Onri Japenisu,

i trolled those fans on 2ch furiously accusing them of being racist. it was fun.

Attached: 00382.png (498x345, 333K)

>muh burka
>muh ghetto
Why are mainstream media never attacking Japan??

its OK Im just slav. Basically mongoloid brother

they attack it the most like everyday. in the nerd industry. sjws like kotaku, polygon, etc are obsessed with japan.