>herro howaito man, do nottu steppu here
Herro howaito man, do nottu steppu here
haroo autisuto
It's a football stadium. Supporters did it. They were punished.
kiru yuaserufu doutei netouyo jappu
Onri Japenisu,
i trolled those fans on 2ch furiously accusing them of being racist. it was fun.
>muh burka
>muh ghetto
Why are mainstream media never attacking Japan??
its OK Im just slav. Basically mongoloid brother
they attack it the most like everyday. in the nerd industry. sjws like kotaku, polygon, etc are obsessed with japan.
You don't need to accuse, they are racist and proud of it and that's a good thing.
There's something which should be an example for all of us.
all eastern yuropeans are the same. We carry the Gengis Khan blood
But I never see BBC, NYT etc. go after Japan because of racism. The only time I remember going af Japan, was when that movie about your dolphin and whale catching methods.
zisu izu raiku 0.0003 % of piipoo hia desu
both bbc and nyt have constantly attacked japan. to put it another way they never ever give japanese norms/cultures credit. especially bbc. bong media, both right and left, still treats every east asian country like a subhuman uncivilized "exotic" shithole. last year or so, i talked with one canadian poster here who had the same impression as mine. so its not just me, i think. they are pretty much racist to east asians in a way whereas they always champion/pander to blacks browns and arabs.
Based BLACK nipponese bulls
Because Japan is culturally speaking very isolated from the western world.
What will happen to Japan during the Tokyo Olympics?
numerous deaths caused by heat stroke.
Probably nothing much, I don't remember any noticeable change where in England, although i'm sure that wasn't the case for L*ndon.
would be alright if e-celebs and potential weebs who lack self awareness didnt come here
Based, I wish westerners had balls to do that
Massacre of whites, nigs, chinks and gooks
absolutely based and redpilled nips
Japanese women out in force claiming western cock
Japan's birthrate will increase.
I think you'll find that most racists like these are a minority. Many people are racisist, but mainly because they're afraid for their job security or they're afraid of being made an ass or making an ass out of someone else because of the language and cultural difference.
If we all try hard enough, we can be really happy with each other and respect one another. A perfect balance between preserving your own way of life and enriching it with new ideas.
You dont do that, you wind up weak and inbred facing a world that has hopelessly out paced you. For example, Japan wanted to shut themselves out of the world forever and for a time Japan was a no travel zone. No one could leave, no one could enter. But then white people came and showed them that they could obliterate their fucking country with advanced technology, so the Japs decided to stop being autistic and learn from foreigners. They quickly became the most powerful asian nation on earth. Even after World War 2 where they got nuked(twice!), they were still powerful. Why do you think people were afraid of the japs up until the mid 90s or so? Because they thought that the economic juggernaught that was Japan would be literally able to financially subjugate the world.
Why? Because they werent being autistics who think that living in a bubble with their head buried is the best way to live.
>They were punished
Why? Being patriotic is not allowed in Japan?
how is loving your country the same thing as deliberately discriminating against a group of people?
Do you love your mother but bar your father from entering the house or vice versa?
those who did this shit were permabanned
I love my mother and my father but banned canadians from entering my house.