It's because world is escaping poverty, while EU was rich from the beginning.
The e""""u"""" was rich because of third world poverty. Now that the so called third world is picking up pace the e""""u"""" will go back to being irrelevant.
It's like my Gundams where EU is irrelevant
The US hasn't budged a bit
Why are yuros so incompetent?
Distorted by China.
>The Southern Hemisphere
wtf is their problem?
401-440 is Israel's barcode.
All other than Asians are not even trying? I know the deal with middle East but why Latin America?
Isn’t most of that decline because they let in poor countries like Greece?
Germany is not the true enemy, because if you destroy it another country will take its place. You have to step back and look at the big picture.
Yes the e""""u"""" must disband
They decided to declare war, they have to face the consequences.
Yes the falling share of the EU in world gdp is because they enlarged the union with several new countries since 1980.
That meme isn't accurate. Protectionism is also pushed by France and Holland.
Only when it comes to agriculture. Because we don't want to starve like Greeks.
The food you produce is tasteless crap with zero nutritional value.
We're the second food exporter of the world, after the USA.
So people like what we make.
Greece produces the best agricultural goods in Europe.
Also, world population is increasing rapidly.
People want to eat. Chances are they are going to consume whatever the market has been flooded with no matter the quality.
dutch vegetables are bland like the spanish ones
you just produce them for the mass to make money
Meanwhile Greek farmers plant their seeds with love and Greece is full of small stores where people buy fresh vegetables and fruits every day. I'm sure Holland is like Germany where people buy everything each week.
You're wrong.
We have a 'just in time economy'. The food in the supermarkets is often fresh every day.
Plus we are actually big on small food shops as well.
Plus most people get their food on bike and carry for 1 to 3 days.
We get a lot of trash from Holland, Poland and Spain here.
I can tell the difference between a good product and your garbage.
We're literally the most advanced agricultural nation in the world.
You should talk considering how shitty former East Germany is
indeed, now you just need the technology to add some taste
This is a good thing.