نتحدث هنا باللغة العربية و نتحاور عن المواضع التي تهم أمتنا العربية
عاش البعث عاشت العروبة
نتحدث هنا باللغة العربية و نتحاور عن المواضع التي تهم أمتنا العربية
عاش البعث عاشت العروبة
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Good thread
What's worse than Islam and socialism? Islamic socialism.
The Baath ideology is an authoritarian secular ideology, socialism to some extent is nothing wrong with. Free school, free university is good.
يعني تتفق مع هذا القرد؟
It's Arab Socialism, not Islamic Socialism.
The founder was an Arab Christian.
kys you disgusting jew
God have mercy upon Michel Afleq and Saddam Hussein.
What's worse than an Arab and a socialist? An Arab socialist. I mean just look at the glorious state of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, etc. All countries that have been graced by "wonderful" socialist leaders like Nasser, Hussein and Assad who not only made their countries very rich but also defeated Israel, liberated Jerusalem and united the Arab world into a single secular socialist republic capable of competing with the likes of America and China!
لا انت كاب
كس اختك يا حقير
While growing up, I’be been fed propaganda, like how Saddam is literally Arab Hitler and that America is the bastion of democracy.
When asked about the rampant chaos going on in post-invasion Iraq, the propaganda machine was basically dogwhistling that arabs are savage cavemen by nature and it’s not our fault they don’t know how to use their ‘gift’ properly.
Regretfully, I believed it at first, but my shift to anarchism as a teen and being friends with actual Arabs helped me see through the lies. I wish Arabs the unified socialist prosperity they deserve.
Iraq used to be great under Saddam (before the sanctions). Had the best healthcare system in the middle east.
>Saddam is literally Arab Hitler
>implying that would be a bad thing
Media lies about Hitler just like they lied about Saddam. Jews are the fucking worst snakes and insects on the face of the planet, a full genocide would be too kind for them.
>used to be great before he ruined it
oh wow
أنت تدعم الحركة القومية العربية التي تعيش في أوروبا. كنت خائفة الكلب.
Iraq was great without the sanctions, my father lived in Iraq those times and worked there. He would always tell me about the greatness of Baghdad and that he enjoyed life at most when he was living during that time in Iraq.
ليس في اروبا حركة قومية عربية أيتها القحبة
Please, no antisemitism, you’re saying the exact same thing most Americans thought about Arabs. Like, fuck, people were so damn toxic to Arabs that one of my uncle were yelling at me for befriending “scum” instead of killing them like my older brother was doing.
He was also compared to Stalin, THAT is what you should be complimented by. He and Lenin were great leaders.
Are you on drugs? Stalin and lenin great leaders? Fuck communism.
cringe the thread
ايري بالأسد من الجد للولد
البعثية لا تعني الأسد يا أهبل, الأسد اصلاً لم يملك سوريا و هو فاقد السيادة على دولته, بل اصبحت سوريا الآن كلها تحت رعاية الروس و أمريكا
Saddam and Gaddafi were heroes!
لأسد سيدكم ناك لعربش لموبنا ثماش صرم عربوش يحي رب فمو عل سيدو قلو روسيا و أمريكا شكون ينجم يشد قد مشد هوا
خرا عسوريا يا زلمي ، أنا سوري و يلعن حظي
If you can't write and speak in normal Arabic (MSA) please btfo.
عربي أو إنجليزي لو سمحت ، أنا لا أفهم البربرية
I don't understand Berber's language
لا تلعن بلدك يا صديقي هذا لا يليق بعربي شريف, بل ألعنك حكومة سوريا بدلا عن الدولة لأن الحكومة هي التي ترتكب الأخطاء ليس التراب السوري
>fastest growing nation in history
>still managed to send a man to space in just 40 years after a civil war and the worst war in history
they definitely were amazing leaders
Baathism is retarded and dead
Even the "Baathist" parties don't adhere to the ideology
SSNP is retarded and laughable. Baathism is for all Arabs while SSNP only has focus on Syrians (levant). SSNP in reality is something interesting for minorities in order to gain more regional power.
الموت لامريكا
لمذا كل هذا الغضب في هذا الموضوع؟
ليس هنا أي غضب