Be a butthurt Trumptard sub

>be a butthurt Trumptard sub
>cry to mods when someone says anything negative about your hero

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what's a sub ?

a delicious sandwich

Someone really needs to assassinate him.

A submissive is a person who takes it in the ass from daddy trump

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Mods have been real anal about anti-Jow Forums threads recently; guess they’re trumpfags. Not that that should surprise anyone.

Yeah they'll delete anti Trump shit but they leave "is X white" shit alone.

>have no argument because you’re objectively wrong
>Cry to the mods to remove any negative coverage of Trump

Why are they such faggots?

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I hate trump abut anti trump threads are politics which don't belong on Jow Forums while is x white threads are an Jow Forums tradtion

>while is x white threads are an Jow Forums tradtion
This is about as Jow Forums as Jow Forums gets. Tradition or no, it doesn't belong here.

is x white threads are not allowed in Jow Forums atleast according to their rules
Is x white threads on Jow Forums produced pretty good memes historically

>is x white threads are not allowed in Jow Forums atleast according to their rules
Fine, /b/ then.

>Wow the left hates free speech
>*reports opposing viewpoints*

I find really cringy when i see americans sperging about Jow Forumsdunno why

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Nice try, FBI.

Okay. Mods, can you delete this post? It's bad enough that the Eurofags make fun of America all day but now you're allowing this ShariahBlue poster as well?


The mods are paid by Soros

They're the cancer of our country. Why wouldn't the rest of us hate them?

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A bunch of Jow Forumstards literally went screeching at Hiro on his Twitter page when a mod was deleting one of their activist generals they had a year or so ago.


You'd have to search his Twitter. It was in relation to a general they had going about fire safety, where they were contacting authorities and making up shit about places that were apparently "liberal hotspots", with the intention of getting them shut down and the people kicked out on the streets.
Try something like "fire safety" on desuarchive.

Jow Forums has been hijacked by certain interests for well over a decade.

t. shareblue shill cuck

Yeah, goon faggots from SA.

Is there anything more cringe than Jow Forumstards screaming about Trump, like the rest of the world even cares about their Reality TV tier politics?
>mfw some amerimutt tried to convince me that a Civil War is going to happen soon between Antifa and Alt-Right
They literally so delusional that they think they're Weimar's Republic at this point.

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>anyone who doesn’t like trump must be a leftist

Actually it’s called “having standards” kiddo. You should try it someday

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This is another nice one. You're 2-for-2!

>Is there anything more cringe than Jow Forumstards screaming about Trump, like the rest of the world even cares about their Reality TV tier politics?
To be honest this Trump trend is really a lot more rational and less pants on head retarded than some of the other /x/ tier conspiratorial bullshit Jow Forumstards have been sperging out about over the years.

I did have standards. It's why I voted for Trump.

No. The worst is how binary they see everything because they just swallowed babby’s First redpill and think they know about politics now.
They’re also incredibly sensitive and anemic to logic and conversation.

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Why do so many people pretend to care? Bush jr got two terms but people just recognized his idiocy and moved on.

Bush's clusterfucks were relatively few and far between and aside from the whole kicking another lengthy war thing, his gaffs have been magnitudes lesser than what Donald Trump has been pulling off on a weekly basis since day one.

Bush Jr was a retard but he had his heart in the right place when he wasn't being influenced by Cheney. Trump is a malevolent grifter without regard for the needs of the country.

Come on, he couldn't form one sentence without flubbing a word or two. I actually like the guy, but he was twenty times more memeworthy than trump.

>not daily

On a further note: back then almost everyone on Jow Forums took a jocular mocking tone towards the Bush presidency. Now, under Trump, we have been absolutely fucking inundated with a swarm of cretinous zealots working as gloried shills, unironically defending the man as some sort of glorious leader.
It's a complete swing away from the usual and more light-hearted anti-mainstream, anti-establishment, anti-society outlook Jow Forums was raised in and if you were to tell someone back in the day that by 2014~2018 Jow Forums would be completely overran with normalfags who treat politics like a religion and worship a politician, you'd be laughed at for being a retard.

>but he was twenty times more memeworthy than trump.
Not remotely.

>thousands of americans dead
>hundreds of thousands of iraqis dead
>5 trillion dollars wasted
>allowed the rise of china right under our nose
yeah no, when historians write about the downfall of america it will start with w bush

Absolutely this.

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I don't recall any mocking either. People just didn't care. But it was a long time ago and I didn't frequent Jow Forums as much then.

Bush Jr., Obama and even Trump have more or less stated the course on Reagan's blueprint for American foreign policy. Grandpa dementia doesn't get enough credit.

You said it perfectly

There's a difference between being critical of any government, especially authoritarian and being 100% shill

Because everyone then realized politics were dumb as shit and just laughed about it.
Now every retard has access to the internet, can read some dumb shit in an echochamber (Jow Forums, reddit, tumblr, twitter, doesn't matter which), and think he's part of some epic revolution by retweeting something that some faggot posted on twitter
Basically internet gives access and power to the idiots.
What's really cringeworthy is when those same faggots meetup irl and you have shit like HWNDU which, while pretty memeworthy, are still pretty pathetic when you look back to it

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immigration turned politics from a meme to serious business. here and in europe


It's like chanology, but everywhere and forever. You'd think people would learn. Maybe they will.

Immigration is a meme.

Also this.
Back then, politics were more of a status quo because nothing really changed for quite a long time and didn't really impact anything because everyone automatically assumed politicians are corrupt and useless. Then the migrant crisis happened which pissed a lot of people off because of Merkel's absolutely retarded decisions that screwed over the Western Europe.

Social media is really destroying our society. It's made it incredibly easy for retards to organize in masses and create stupid movements. I miss the internet before smartphones as boomerish as that sounds

it's not. and until the left takes it seriously this populist stuff will continue