El Americano
El Americano
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Activated my almonds.
Dios mio ..
Ai papi
based jon hamm. My guy.
still not enough to make me dislike john hamm
RAoF was fairly kino even though I don't get what's the deal with the blacks.
how is this not illegal? Its open racism on mainstream television
Just got an HBO subscription.
Lek. Imagine being that desperate to be accepted by the cool black kids
I'm about half way through, are they implying 'whiteness' doesn't exist because it's a catch all for many ethnicities? Then replace the term 'white' with 'European' it means the same thing.
Shut up goy
flagged for racial hatred , let's see what happens
Such sweet naïveté
Wtf i hate white people now
White 'people' should be all be gassed to death.
That like to dislike ratio lmao
¡Dios nuestro señor!
It's commited to obliterate all the whiteness on the surface of Earth...
En el Nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. ¡Amén!
Gran y glorioso Príncipe de los Ejércitos Celestiales, San Miguel, el Arcángel, defiéndenos
“Porque para nosotros la lucha no es contra la sangre y carne, sino contra los principados, contra las potestades, contra los poderes mundanos de las tinieblas, contra los espíritus de la maldad….” [Efes. 6: 12].
Ven y asiste al hombre quien fue creado en Su imagen y quien Él ha redimido de la tiranía del demonio a un gran precio.
El Pueblo de Dios os venera como su guardián y protector; a ti el Señor ha confiado las almas de los redimidos para que las dirijas al cielo. Ora, por lo tanto, que el Dios de la Paz aplaste a satanás y que ya él no pueda mantener al hombre en cautiverio y hacerle daño a Su Pueblo. Ofrécele nuestras oraciones al Más Alto, que sin demora ellas atraigan Su misericordia sobre nosotros; que Se apodere
“… del dragón, la serpiente antigua, que es el diablo y satanás, y lo encadene por mil años, y lo arroje al abismo que cerrará y sobre el cual pondrá sello para que no seduzca más a las naciones,…” [basado en Apoc. 20: 2-3].
Jon Hamm is based
Okay I *think* the point of this skit as you see at the end is to point out how black people focus on being anti-white to extreme by abusing guilt ridden white liberals rather than building up their communities.
I mean... that seems about right. The hyperbole here seems kind of obvious now, the commercial is meant to highlight racism against whites not promote it.
americans need to fuck off they are so annoying
Nobody cares about denmark
>“The main function of white supremacy,” he noted later, paraphrasing Toni Morrison, “is to distract you from your work.”
It is not a dismissal of the skit, it is what he said here.
>those dislikes
I do