Everything east of Poland shouldn't be considered Europe.
Everything east of Poland shouldn't be considered Europe
Everything east of the Rhine shouldn't be considered human.
Wtf is going on in the french part of Belgium?
based high test finns
Everything east of poland needs to be demongolized and desemitized.
I thought Amsterdam was bad.
But wtf are the Belgians doing.
this is why swedish sissies fear us
French people:
Just look at all places where French people live or used to be French - it's always the shittiest and poorest part of the country
Belgium - Walonia
Switzerland - Lausanne/Geneve - highest unemployment rate in the country
Canada - Quebec - poorest, shittiest and very leftist, home of Pierre Truedeau who almost destroyed Canada economically
>Places like Tonga and Samoa have lower murder rates than Russia and Estonia
low iq slavnigger
I live in the dark region of my country. Kewl.
Since when is Normandy that violent?
Higher IQ than you.
France is West Romania - linguistically, genetically, culturally, economically and criminally
strongly agree
80% of finns are lapps so that statistic doesn't even surprise me, all asiatic populations suffer from alcoholism and self hate
N*rmand scum needs to be civilized through submission to the superior breton masterrace
why do p*les always use fake infographics ?
Tongans and Samoans are too obese to get up and kill someone
It's not fake, it's official. Deal with it you non-white goblin. France is a shithole of western europe, because it is filled with non-white meds.
Here is an example of Modolva - literally a France in East Europe. Just like France is the shittiest place in the entire geographical region.
Don't even respond to be because you subhumans aren't even worth talking to me.
Here is official IQ
literally what do we have in common with France except for the fact that we used to be massive ouiaboos back in the day
And here's what would happen if you put med french subhumans in the East - Moldova
ah yes, seems very up to date
>no source at all
hmm this seems totally real.
You are much better than Russia.
Border between Finland and Russia looks like border between Heaven and Hell - literally. The Russian side is like Africa and Finnish is average decedent looking with decent infrastructure.
Take pride of yourself. You could always end up as part of Russia and be even more shitty.
you mean low iq and alcoholism
lies russia can have nostalgia over being a superpower with sssr
we finns have nothing but 2 lost wars against russia we're also seen as racial trash
Not really. I'm just doing my best. BTFO'ing with facts. France is the least respectable country, looking at their pathetic gay manlets and their entire history which a joke, always relied on others and had their butt saved by the better people. Despite them being socialism loving work-hating lazy asses whothy my spit in their pathetic non-white West-ROMAnian faces
>t. his people come to my country to escape his shithole
Why are Finns prone to killing and whom do they kill?