Country rate thread

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Why is there a country inside Romania? There's not. Please fix that.

what kind of regional divide is this

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based and blackpilled

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based fellow breton. You shouldn't trust normands though

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explain Ukraine

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you live in Murmansk or some remote village?

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Murmansk. Shithole, but there's nice nature, Finalnd and Norway near.

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Noice thread

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the whole planet is my country

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Why everyone hates Sweden?

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Even Africa?

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Especially africa.

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I like Sweden

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y-you too

wow how do you make to have so few opinions?

I liek you gremania

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yes pls stay in Oregon and dont come any further

those are all the places I visited. Gray is places I didnt

based and redpilled

why do you hate the deep south ?

Very smart and based poster

dumb, obese, where most negative stereotypes of the US come from, horrible humidity, Florida just has insane people and a cuban infestation

shall be driving highway 1/ I5 into BC and theres nothing you can do about it

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Mongol rapebaby

cucked to death

>Having mixed feelings about Austria but cherry picking out south Tyrol and carinthia
What's your connection to those two regions?


typical scandinavian faggot, faroese posters truly are despicable

he was just making a rainbow my dude

100 % G A Y

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ew why do you like romania my nig

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t. kelemen hunor

you have to back to hungary gipsy shit

love you too ETA

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N*rbonnoïde scum

Glad it's reciprocal, SS.

Daily reminder West Africans are 8% unknown ghost hominid on average.

Probably something like Homo Heidelbergensis.

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Maps kinda shitty but oh well

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What's wrong about Cartagena ?


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Murcia is a meme. It's where Castile, Catalonia and Aragon dumped their national scum.
I would've painted all dark red if it wasn't considered Castile.

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What about sarmatians in Russia?

Rate me gang

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What is your problem? :(
I love Finnland

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Just an angry mongolian, nothing to see.

> Crimea is russian

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Can yo explain what's going on the the Middle wast there spainbro

Why Poland?

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Okay so explain why you love Northern Ireland and hate us please.

>Europe meme map Edition

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cry me a river, Mjoxhamed

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Fuck Nazis and Midwest.

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Based except the midwest part

Based globalist

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