/balt/ + /ausnz/

Cant think of anything clever edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


So who /a/ here?

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Hmm yes quite. Gotta do a work lads

feed your dog weebshitter

>fEeD yOuR dOg wEeBsHiTtEr

You came to the wrong thread, fuccboi.

Peru more like Poo R U xD

/a/ for Anime?

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Well in that case... me!

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B/a/sed and /a/kapilled

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Stfu Weeb nonleaf.

Suppose I better get outta bed and start the day.


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hilo latino

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Absolutely based and redpilled.

morning lads

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Good morning buddy.

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how are you?

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I despise animefags at every waking moment

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Looks like some-body needs a hug~

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hilo Alex
I don't mind if they watch anime I just wish they'd feed their dogs

animefags in my thread?
ain't gonna happen.

gas the weebs
world war 5 now

Looks like someone needs to get back in the camp.

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Fine and dandy.
And you?

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anime thread now

absolutely JUST right now desu

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weebshits can join the lithuanian pedo /balt/
you're not welcome here

There were zero amerindians or weebs in concentration camps


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Whats going on buddy?

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>nigger in a balt thread tells balts that they shouldn't control the thread

I'm a powerlifter. Lotta people uh...lotta people look at me, and they want to sort of be like me. They want to be a nasty, fully naturally 100% beast, how I look.

Step 1? Go to Kroger, get a gallon milk. Gallon a day, do my upper cuts. Would you rather have the ability to do 30 situps in a row? Or would you rather be able to fucking lift an atlas stone?

You wanna be strong, you gotta commit. You gotta, it's a big time commitment, it's a big money commitment - you gotta spend about $2000 a year on milk.

I like it nice and quiet in my gym. It's my dream one day to have a gym that's guys only. It's gonna be called Guy Heaven.

You can't just keep doing the same thing, you gotta invent new ways of working out. You have to shock the body. I do kickers, I do, fucking twisters.

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Animespammers are glow in the dark Olginoniggers

>There were zero amerindians or weebs in concentration camps
Time to change that.

Joined a club, so i'm going to need to talk to LOTS of new people. Not my favourite thing

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post balt pics to scare animefags

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/a/usnz/ hours are anime hours.

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Everything broken no computer or phone lost wallet also I ate something bad now I'm damn near freezing too death and I'm locked out yelled at by Honda crv they shot me with paintball gun and feet are covered in blood or blisters from walking to STD clinic with heavy backpack on

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Go to or, alternatively, consider killing yourself.

I go through my day pretty normal, like I'm a normal guy, I'm a swell guy, I'm a nice enough guy, I'm a cool kinda guy. Heh. I'm a pretty groovy guy… But then I get a little SUGAR in me, and I start to go KEKOO! Doesn't have to be much, this time around it was two 'em–two of Fiber One® Brownies, only 90 calories each but they do the job! Do you know what I'm sayin'? They get me goin', they get me riled up! A little KEKOO, a little WACKY! Start gettin' me a little KOOKY, a little–you know–LOOPY!! Ooh-ooh! Hey! Somebody t–somebody put this kid in a padded cell, get 'im a straitjacket, he's goin' a lil… wacky… Goin' a lil KOOKY… He's off the walls! Bananas! Loco! You want me to stop. Isn't that wonderful. Well lemme just do whatever you say, because it's your little fairy tale

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What sorta club did you join?

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Such is life in Latvia

Just be yourself :^)))))))))))

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Kuulan 5miinust salaja.

Perú does what Perú want and nobody can stop them

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niggers are not welcome here

stop please

just stop

fag club

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Kuula päris räppi.

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You're more than welcome here.
I guess you'll fit right in then lmoa

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I'm not a nig, my skin is golden brown with the texture of the sun

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you're gayer than me shut up

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still counts as nigger

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Pask, sõber.

kys spicpedo
the time of the pedoshithuanian is over

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It doesn't~

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>golden brown

Ma ei postita ühtegi generaali inglise keeles. Kõik välismaalased võivad putsi käia.


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>There were zero amerindians or weebs in concentration camps
Big mistake

Of course it does. What kind of color do you think jungle niggers usually are?

>wearing a dress makes you gay
false and cringe

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So if people of every person is a nigger, you might be a whiteish nigger?

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I know.. It's early and I couldn't think of a good come back...

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miskit viisi tuleb ju välismaalastega läbi saada
he's so white that your iris would burn out if you were to see him

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lmao you're gay

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I don't think that sort of thing exists. He should post his nipples just to be sure desu

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i think you just want to see nipples

unlike you, he has the /balt/ privilege

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>miskit viisi tuleb ju välismaalastega läbi saada
Mulle ei sobi see, et on eraldi tehtud generaal, kus ma vestlen inglise keeles. Mujal, muidugi, inglise keeles.

The correct term is swampnigger. Snownigger is also acceptable, but the term is also applicable towards Scandinavia.

>yuo're still gay and a fag and I hate you for liking anime kill yourself

This desu.

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My my, I'm just asking for some proofs to that dubious statement.

Sure thing my white nigga

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Don't you get your benis sucked by girls(male)

Fuck it's cold outside
My Hans are going numb

My, baltics are so shy and cute

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Tell your Hans to come inside, it's not OK to stay out in the cold.

is hans alright?

wouldn't ruthenians be the swampniggers? they have more swamps than we do
we're like plainsniggers, or something


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Eh, maybe. Maybe I'm just biased since I live surrounded by swamps. Also part of the reason why we don't have swamps errywhere anymore is that they were drained during soviet times to provide more arrable land.

I would but I don't speak German and he doesn't speak English
I don't think so, he's turning blue

Feels weird to have /balt/ too now.

/balt/ is dead, /balt/+/ausnz/ is alive

My germans's a bit rusty, but just shout at him
>Hans, komm rein, du Schweinehund

blet, prie ruso tikrai gereu buvo
they took us, kicking and screaming, and uplifted from lowly swampniggers to glorious plainsniggers

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But why desu? Never really paid attention to /balt/. I was only posting in /ausnz/

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Have a warm drink to warm up.

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designated shitting bins?

some lithuanian pedofile took it over with his anime spam.
pic related

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and it's kawaii

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