>created internet
>still no cheap unlimited internet connection
Created internet
Other urls found in this thread:
>american “infrastructure”
>created internet
Nope that's us
Communication utilities aren't universal here. Phones were never a right
memes aside, we have unlimited connected
Cheapness and abundance is communism.
switzerland created it
>cheapness and abundance
Communism creates cheap shit so it makes sense. If something is cheap you know it’s bad because commies probably made it
I hope you pay every time you breathe.
>Communism creates cheap shit
No it doesn’t. Capitalism is better at that too.
Everything that’s cheap is made in China or Vietnam, two commie countries.
>memes aside, we have unlimited connected
Yeah but it's not cheap though. Fuck my Comcast bill.
How are they not Communist?
How much? Mine is $7 month and it's not cheapest
Bongs BTFO by Wikipedia
The rich part of China that makes everything is in "special economic zones" where these participating cities can trade freely and act privately. All of the commie inland cities are third world
I forget because I have it bundled with cable TV but I think like $70?
Because their economic system is capitalism
Mine's $47
They call themselves the PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA.
>associating yourself with achievements beyond your capabilities
Yeah and north korea calls themselves the DEMOCRATIC peoples republic of Korea
You must get really confused by buffalo wings.
What's your connection speed? I pay 20 eurobux per month for 50/10
Not so expensive as I expected. I thought it's ~$100-150
It doesn’t matter what they call themselves. Vietnam is also run by a socialist party, but it’s very much capitalist.
Nah, not that bad (yet).
How did you managed to play WoW in 2005 2006 ?
Australia and Canada have worse internet speeds than the US. It comes with the territory of having large countries.
They have excuse as remote locations. But US is the CENTER of main internet resources
american flyover sububrs are not the CENTER of main internet resources.
I live in the east cost and my internet is pretty good. 100/100 + tv for 40 bucks
The US is super spread out. We don’t have connecting metropolitan areas like Europe except on the East coast.