

Attached: ok__.jpg (1548x1366, 429K)

Other urls found in this thread:


me eat rocks. no time for book


nothing wrong with audiobooks


last 5 books u read in the last 5 weeks come on user

listening to wolf alice

makes you think doesn't it

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Need Labour to ditch Corbyn so I can vote for them again


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reading books is the surest sign there is of a virgin FREAK

can smell a distinct whiff of taigs


how do atheists explain miracle spots like Lourdes where pilgrims are healed by holy wells

corbyn is 100x better than some of the other runts in the labour party

Last book I read was One Hundred Years of Solitude. It was alright

190's lurking itt (-:

any gooner man in

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how do atheists believe something can come from nothing haha mental

>2 blue ticks and she's not replied
fucking fed up

fiction books: waste of time

non-fiction books: can be summarised in a blog post without missing any nuances and often contain 2 or 3 ideas repeated ad nauseum



business idea: mgtow without being cringey

love based lobster man

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up the arsenal

counterofffer: don't date a feminist

business idea: unspecified goals


Think I almost got robbed by moped thieves today lads - two black guys on Peds with the plates covered up and driving dangerously came up, slowed down a little, double took at me and then drove off

Tfw I'm a bit of a unit and that probably deterred them. Thank you based deadlifts.

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problems books: no point because you can just look at the answers

*raises paw*

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they probably saw your busted trainers and thought there was nothing to be had

The lobster stuff is quite interesting, not what I was expecting though.

Mates gf won't stop texting me

We've become #1 best friends on snapchat


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why does 190 feel the need to announce his arrival without a trip as though no one realises it's him
>fucking based lad, what's she like

Called my team leader a runtoid as a joke earlier because he couldn't open a jar and now im getting called in for a disciplinary on thursday fuck sake

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there needs to be a phimosis awareness week

>brag about reading a book a week
>get called out
>mysteriously vanish

she's a whore
don't be tempted by her, you have moral integrity and she is beneath you

'Mates gf' is its own gimmick

careful you'll set mboko off

love when toilberg goes in hard against uppity brits and their inappropriate "banter" work culture

20 chinups done

you're never going to fully trust her bc of the unethical ways you got together.

simple as.

got called a based lad on /brit/

>study totalitarian dictatorships for thirty years and explain to your students why they're a bad idea
>still get called a nazi by marxists

Read a book maybe once a month.

ask her for a picture of her feet then post them here

quick update on the girl with the cute ears situation?

ngl 190cm was based last thread

his best ever post

got called a twinkyhole in the gym shower
not sure what that means

>key falls off laptop
>try putting it back on for 20 minutes
>sperg out and start hitting the keyboard
>key pops into place
was a good day lads

Update on the 6.8/10 girl in work situation?

put your trip back on your sperg

If GANGSTER RAP is black music then what is white music?

she's not a whore
she's a very unique socially awkward girl
she's also stunning

probably away reading

get those fucking not stated out of my country NOW

Mr. Tickle
Mr. Greedy
Mr. Happy
Mr. Nosey
Mr. Sneeze
Now STOP asking

got called a virgin freak in the gym shower
not sure what that means

literally every other genre

190s here!!!!!

Fucking based lad what's she like

just bought 20cl of Glen's Vodka
cute MENA ideal brown girl behind the counter

feel sick that I'm supporting Scottish business though. I bet my pennies are filtering their way into Nicola Sturgeon's purse as I type this

rape, murder, cannibalism and then suicide
he live posted it at the time
still got some pics

>Read a book maybe once a month.

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all jews

I like 190. don't care what any of you cunts say

Getting blazed like Grenfell haha

/brit/ getting better every thread without political mick

any singular anti-yank poster man in?

so lads, what about those politics eh

trip back on you ugly cunt

wtf, dogs can't read!

>with your friend
>flirting with you
>"she's not a whore"

lad, come the fuck on. she's a sly slut and you're better than this. don't be her puppet.

Idea: A strain of weed called Grenfell

playing Civ

>>still get called a nazi by Marxists

no it's Liberals who name call. Socialists, Marxists and others who actually have done a bit of reading towards politics understand how people are too quick to call people fascists these days (e.g calling Trump a fascist).

Liberals are the enemy bro bc of their fucked up and hypocritical logic.

don't care I need to shag her she's petite and beautiful

which one? civ6 is shite

reading fiction is mere escapism, you should work on creating a life you don't need to escape from

Bloody Tories! Bloody Labour!

Idea: women are trained to be fuck toys and sold to the highest bidder


doug stop

business idea: cigar packaging designed after the latest building to burn down

9/11 would be extremely rare 2 in 1 tube

>job advert makes a shitty pun at the end
yeah I'm not applying for that
I'm sure there's some "quirky" hr hag behind that who thinks she's been a funny cunt, but it's just cringeworthy

optimum bong post

you're a scumbag then, fuck off

>ywn have a model railway built around the inside your house

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reckon 'post-literacy' is possible in the future?

will actual literacy even be necessary in the super technological age? back in the days of low literacy people relied on symbolism to make sense of primitive art-based communiques which is why so many paintings from the middle ages have such odd elements that will baffle the modern viewer but served a real purpose in their context to purvey a message without needing to put it in written form

is it possible to in a way regress to such a state? given that text messages alone have already bastardised most modern languages as it is

The /brit/poll to end all polls.

I read a super secret British Marxist forum and I have to say you are very wrong about this

this is the brain on neurotypical

>Socialists, Marxists and others who actually have done a bit of reading

most left wingers you encounter on the internet are either trannies or teenagers who have spent a few months on leftypol or Jow Forumssocialism