Fratelli Mario, imperatore Salvini and pic related are my favorite Italian figures.
Fratelli Mario, imperatore Salvini and pic related are my favorite Italian figures
Interesting. Do go on
That woman killed herself cause she was caught swallowing dick like a champ
How do you people from abroad know the story of this girl?
looks like a typical lebo whore 2bh
I have no idea who she is. She's not even attractive based on that one pic.
I'm on me phone. Broom broom
She was in the news after her suicide. It was the usual stuff you'd expect, "those evil men posting a private video online! cheating on her boyfriend? sending him and his friends the video? l-let's not get into that"
There's an entire video of her sucking cock and getting caught in the act.
do lebanese sluts also have good dirty talk while getting rekt?
It was on almost all portals who wanted the clickbait bux of "PHOTO VIDEO HERE".
Jesus Christ it worked. Thank you user for teaching me something new
Nobody wants a sex tape leaked but killing herself sounds like a pretty drastic response. Sucking dick is a thing normies do. It's not like she was getting fucked by a horse or molesting a kid.
no idea
I'm a virgin
there were threads made about this on int for almost 2 weeks after it happened.
....and I already prepared several other spicy question. what a shame.
It wasn't the video itself, it was her "enthusiastic reaction" that made her a meme.
begone, normalfag
there's also one where she's gangbanged by 4 guys and one of them slams fist on her spine while fucking her ass.
I think I banged this girl back in 2013, met on her interpals
are you the same brit who greentexted story about fucking swedish/iranian hapa in tent, fucking mulatta in bathroom of nightclub while on cocaine, getting blowjob from paki slut in alley behind burger king and then fucking same girl in her house with all islamic texts on wall in room?
yes, that was me
>Non e il succo di mela
porco di..avolo
Teach me AngLord
Can you, uh, share your greentext?
gimme tanned italian gf
ngl I jerked of to this dumb slut and the fact she kys'd made it even hotter