Any thread even mentioning TÜRKIYE

>any thread even mentioning TÜRKIYE
>hundreds of balkanshits, araps and wh*Tes get PTSD and unfold their prepared anti-TÜRK folder

Attached: 1488640246259.jpg (505x744, 217K)

I am Greek

I miss /tr/.

/brit/ is shit and it was the only place diaspora were welcome

Nein, Almanci, du bist kein Türke

>actually be ruled by a combo of Greek and Italian women and Serb and Albanian bouncers at your height
>be Ahmet III
>be just slightly less of an inbred degenerate than you immediate 10 predecessors
>initiate a cautious and elegant detente with the Christian world
>an Albanian whoremonger breaks into your palace and kills you, then appoints a Greek butcher the ruler of Moldavia for the lolz
>be Napoleon
>come to Egypt, defeat a bunch of camel-riding Arabs claiming to be Tartars
>the Turks are nowhere to be seen
>take the whole of the Levant in like a month out of pure anger at Turkish cowardice
>eventually leave out of boredom
>be romanticist Greek rebels
>reinitiate the ancient epic conflict between Greek and Turk
>the Sultan responds by first sending one Albanian warlord and then another against them
>the other Albanian warlord decides to kick the sultan's ass for lolz in the middle of the campaign, turns around, and takes the whole of the Levant from the Turks without resistance


mashALLAH my BLACK brother

OP Helal Olsun

Attached: 1.jpg (997x700, 176K)


I am 100% TÜRK Alman

Yeni tirad acalim karedesimm b*yaz oruspulari siktir et

Eyvallah hoxam

>implying Turks are any different from Arabs

Attached: soon.jpg (1370x960, 135K)

Ben yeni tirad yaptim.

/tr/ artik diasporalarla dolsun

amk düzenli /tr/ açın da geleyim ben de. uzun süredir int bakmıyorum hiç türk tiradı yok diye :D

yeni tirad

1453 still pisses them off it's amazing. Turks are the only people who seem to cause this reaction, its because they know its the only muslim country that won't stand the western bullying #KARABOGA

>b*yaz oruspulari siktir et
meanwhile in real life

Attached: greece.png (1079x551, 881K)

Actually curious, did they get rangebanned or did their government ban sites like the chans?

I think both.

Fuck off ikishit

Last time I asked, anons said that Jow Forums banned Turks, not the other way around.

Attached: (5).jpg (1298x1316, 254K)

>anons said that Jow Forums banned Turks, not the other way around.
Good, T*rds are abhorrent posters.