
mugabe edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


This post is disrespectful to other peoples cultures


saffers are actually consistently cunts
makes it hard caring if black people kill them or w/e


45 minutes of kino

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Clonazepam is shit

Hahaha what

Sara is a virgin freak

not getting the tingles

>honestly sara just needs a good shagging

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hello nigger

shall be making good use of this

based janny. nonces better be on their best behavior

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Are they shagging?

he just looks like the type that crossdresses too

Why do I get the impression that Sara is one of those bints that has 0 sense of humour and would get legitimately angry and stop being your friend if you joked about her made up sexuality fetishes?

why has the Jow Forums report page turned into an SJW paradise?

lasses with beards get more patreon bux

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because it's probably true

want a cute but semi-retarded wife who wants to have lots of babies

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heard they dropped an atomic bomb on swindon.....caused about 15 quids worth of damage

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the eu is a fascist regime

state of those laugh lines on lauren
looks like a relative of mine

that's like flipping a coin with women whether they're like that or not

lads does anyone know the celebrity gossip website (exclusively gossip not a news website that aslo does gossip or w.e.). The website has a black style and it lists entries by date on the left hand side. Thanks

chuffed about this new report system
remember to report every suenonce post on sight

here we are..........

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here here

brent posting?

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My morning alarm

poo nigger

thought about going to visit cousin and got a semi

send help

Lauren only shags black guys

hope nobody reports me for being culturally insensitive when I use the word paki

will making quite good use of this one when talking to bongs

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poo bum nigger

janny has his work cut out tonight

well at least he's well compensated for his efforts


based and redpilled



pill time

hello lads Jow Forums staff here

based doug

the free press



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Can you report people for hurting your feelings
because I would be using that one often

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based nigger

poo willy bum wank

Just had a load of beer. Regretting it now because I’m working night shift tonight


thanks lad


say goodbye to all future mutt threads lads

sensitive virgin freak cretin

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writing my masters thesis on /brit/

thank god

>news presenters read a script
??? don't get the outrage over this, especially when everything except fox news on this list is left wing propaganda

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did mine on potatoes

this user hurt my feelings

so who's going to get the first racism ban?

haha epic west brit! xD

red grapes > black grapes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> white grapes

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based fox news

made a mainstream wojak that is regularly posted chon-wide

can you say you did the same? i think not. fucking worm

anyone dare use the n word in this thread will be having a word with the jan man

>white grapes
>are actually green

red > green > black

I've had sex

I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!

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still feel like shit about a girl that ghosted on me
you'd think you grow out of caring but not really


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Mad that we've reached a point where an average person can become more well travelled than Marco Polo in s couple of years effort

yes but you didnt make a popular wojak did you, fucking loser hahahahaha

Really love my girlfriend lads not sure where I’d be without her or her RICH fucking parents haha


former first monkey Michael 'nigger cotton' Obongo

are u my sister's bf?

why do people never say colours correctly. white people (actually beige). black people (actually brown). yellow people (beige again). white grapes (actually green). orange juice (actually yellow).

>why yes, m'lady
>my greatest accomplishment IS making a wojak that gets posted chon-wide
>what do you mean you've never heard of me!?

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Some absolutely top notch lenticular clouds tonight

can we stop swearing so much

deary me, absolutely no need for it!

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enjoying this Report Type gimmick 2bh

keep it going won't you

Somebody Jay this muppet

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he reminds me of someone

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decided on heroin as a means to top myself painlessly

30th birthday is soon and i might actually kill myself

inbred paki and a tranny. what a world we live in

wojak is the greatest meme. so versatile with such longevity.

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if you're beige you need to consult a physician

>orange juice (actually yellow)

somebody Will this virgin freak

should have chosen meth

just pulled this out my arse

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Barbiturate overdose my friend

>I've had sex

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