1.Your cunTree
2. Your opinion on refugees
1. Polen
1.Your cunTree
2. Your opinion on refugees
1. Polen
Other urls found in this thread:
>nigger vs nigger
we don't have them lolz
>t. nigger
Bring them all here :)
>Blaming the refugees and not the frenchies and brits for starting wars and creating them
SAD desu
t-the poles I mean...:3
I blame all of them desu fampai.
Whiter than you, Pawel
I blame the poles
reminder that poles helped aytians in fighting the french
There are plenty of guys in ther late 20's and early 30's here who only listen to dad rock and disregard every new trend as childish, specially in gaming.
It is sad seeying how they are in denial and just can't embrace the idea that their time is fading and they just can't adapt
Is like watching your grampa go senile
based and redpilled
they tried to screw us over, so fuck them
aytians called poles negres les europe
Just a reminder, this thread is about refugees , not some XVIII century polish-french-haitan affairs. Want to talk about these events, go and create another thread.
>implying new trends in gaming aren't childish as fuck
when i was a kid i played the world of warcraft, it was good, you were a warrior fighting monsters, it had a real story, it didn't look like shit
fast forward 20 years i stopped playing but i look at my little cousin and kids are playing fortnite, graphics are somehow worse, it's full of flashy colors, there's no story, there's no goal, it's just complete shit, even call of duty was better back then
i already thought lol was bad but this is a new low, even for video games, which are a shit hobby anyways
1. Germany
2. Don't mind them
This pretty much. There wouldn't be any refugees, if US and little babies wouldn't mess up any middle eastern country.
pretty sure it's about nigerian diaspora in poland not recent refugees
But we are aware who is responsible for the crisis. We even say it out lound when we can.
It was in Germany.
Now the Haitians should help Poles fight Africans trying to take over Europe.
i agree, nuke france, it's full of niggers anyways
that being said it's no reason for not taking care of niggers otherwise
Why would haitians fight their black brothers
It's symmetric. Poles helped Haitians fight the French. Now the Haitians should help Poles fight the Nigerians.
we should make an international war
that demands all wars to be refugee-less
meaning that in every war, you also have an additional duty of murdering all civilians too
this way, you can do business and war all over the world and you dont have to suffer refugees
good old times with wars of extermination
i dont know much about germans but i do know about austrians, and they failed miserably because they did not cleanse the land upon conquest
if you do not cleanse the recently occupied land, you just have countless empire wrecking problems later on, civilians should be the primary target in a war, not soldiers, because 500 years later civilians start funding the armies and revolts and rebellions and start wars and cause political unrest....
>empires with more than 1 ethnicity
2. I think we should stop taking in more until we have integrated the ones we already have.
Africans dislike Haitians, everyone dislikes Haitians
>polish refugees
>undesirable refugees
>There wouldn't be any refugees, if US and little babies wouldn't mess up any middle eastern country
Maybe they should stop durkaing
This desu.
You don't have to actually kill off anyone, even as an expansionist empire. Set up tributary system and only core and settle regions that make sense strategically. Previous inhabitants can be moved to reinforce some borderlands that are high risk and suffer from low manpower.
the problem is a lot of states disregard the cultural aspect of their countries entirely and just move armies on maps or calculate voting blocks to their support. that is rooted in the personal aspect of politics, generals, politicians etc. look out for themselves, wider implications be damned
all this has fuck all to do with the current situation tho. what we see now is inward covert colonization.
tribute regions could probably revolt as well, and mainland population wouldnt care as much if a buffer zone gets massacred
if you have it nice and uniform, one ethnicity, one language, one people, at least the cultural problem is solved, even if it doesnt solve all the problems at least it gets rid of large chunks
people go to war for absolutely random reasons, football clubs fight footballclubs, town hooligans fight town hooligans, so there are really no reasons to postpone cultural/religious/ethnic/linguistic cleansing as soon as you win militarily
>if US and little babies
That's cute that you'd imply that Germany hasn't played a hand in the international politics which has directly led to the instability of the Middle East.
We haven't tho really
>we havent tho
External to being a member of NATO and participating directly in the combat actions of the U.S. throughout the Middle East in only the last 20 years, Germany has played as a large of a part in the numerous international economic, political, and social actions such as free trade agreements, globalized business practices, and even the industrialization process that have impoverished the non-white world as any other member of the EU. Especially trade agreements, especially those with the US, have made it nearly impossible for other countries to develop their own economy for instance, creating a situation in which non-U.S./European countries are forced to business as massive trade deficits to the U.S. and Europe. The ramifications of the international policies of your country exist since before the European Union, arguably centuries back.
Literally the only defense you've got is, "Well, this place wasn't always the Germany it is today." There is a point to be made that the numerous political and geographic reorganizations of what is Germany could defend a modern Germany against, say, the colonialism of the 19th century, but you've really got no room to talk about what has happened since the fall of the Iron Curtain.
Unless you're trying to suggest that, somehow, Germany had absolutely nothing to do with the European Union's international economic policies (at a bare minimum), there's absolutely no room to argue that your country hasn't been responsible for the disruption that exists throughout the non-white, non-European/U.S. world, especially in the Middle East.
Never considered the trade agreements aspect, that's an interesting viewpoint. Thanks.
this is a very ugly thread
Glad I could offer up something new for you, makes me feel like reading about all this stuff isn't a waste of time.The common knowledge that free trade agreements are good for the economy/market is 100% true - but, what is good for one economy is not necessarily good for another, and what is good for the market has absolutely no bearing on what is good for people.