Euros drown their fries in miracle whip

>euros drown their fries in miracle whip


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Go die fucking mutt
Nothing wrong with fries+mayo

Aside from being an abomination against God, sure.

No wonder why f*rsties have Acne.

Americans drown fries in their own blood when Justin McIncel decides to shoot up the local fast food joint.

American mayo tastes like shit. They don't use miracle whip because it's shit

>being so fat that you need to drown your fried potato skins in oil and egg yolk

>americans eat fair food like deep fried mars bars
>many Americans live off of the frozen section of the super market

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The US is an abomination by itself you nonce

>mutt post
Instantly dropped. Go get obese and shit your pants useless fuck.

>Swedes put grenades on their fries

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>miracle whip

Miracle whip is sold in europe, dumb euroboo. Not as popular as mayo though.

Why do Americans hate mayo? It activates my inner slav


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>Miracle Whip is made from water, soybean oil, high-fructose corn syrup, vinegar, modified corn starch, eggs, salt, natural flavor, mustard flour, potassium sorbate, paprika, spice, and dried garlic.[7]

American """""""""food""""""""" everyone.

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>burgers drown their nation in Hebrew semen


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I love mayo. I'm just not a disgusting fatass enough to drench my fries with it.

Literally never seen it before. I'm from Europe

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God bless you Bavaria!

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>I'm just not a disgusting fatass

Methinks the lardy doth protest too much.

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North american mayo like hellmanns and no name is too rich for me and doesn't have much taste.
I prefer miracle whip. The tang makes it more flavourful.

As if ketchup is better. Besides, that amount of mayo is supposed to be enough for the whole cup (which for on the go), so it's really not that much

>no taste

That contradicts itself

small amounts of miracle whip on fries doesnt sound bad.

American cuisine
uma delicia

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I want to try this so bad

I guess "rich" was the wrong word choice.
I should say mayo has too much fat for my liking.

True patricians eat their fries with no sauces.

or gravy.

True patricians eat their sauces with no fries.

Thats probably rather tasty though.

>deep fried mars bars
thats a scottish delicacy mate

Holy shit.
Mayo is trash food, but at least (Hellmann's) is made of:
>Rapeseed oil (78%), water, free range pasteurised EGG and EGG yolk (8.9%), spirit vinegar, sugar, salt, lemon juice, antioxidant (calcium disodium EDTA), flavouring, paprika extract.

Why do Americans allow their food to be like that?

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Wait, he's clearly bedridden, how do the bottoms of his feet have calluses?
I bet it's not even real. I bet it's all a CIA psyop. It's a man in a fatsuit!

My parents buy Hellmann's and I tell them please don't buy American food. But my mom says she likes the taste so... Women...

What did you expect, mayo is pretty much just egg and oil.



It's an American in its natural habitat.

A CIA psyop. Clearly.

It just doesn't add up, man. None of it makes sense.

Seriously though, why is his skin like yellow bubble wrap?

Some dumb intern tried dry cleaning the fat suit and silicone reacted with the chemicals.

>mention CIA in my post, captcha suddenly takes multiple times to solves and loads slowly
I fucking knew it.

I usually put mayo on my frikandel, only saté on my patat

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So what, you prefer corn syrup ?

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>> Neitherlands
>> Cuisine
pick only one.

>Never tried it
>Lemme dip this is bacon cheese

Haha no, only on the American shelve and no one buys it because it looks disgusting.

Literally the same here. My mom says she'll only eat fucking Hellman's.

THOMY is best.

Memes and trolling aside, can I ask you a question? Do you genuinely think you just made a good and valid point?

Americanas talking about fat food and obese people while in Europe, people are way thinner

are Europeans always this thick?
why are you surprised mayonnaise was always oil and eggs

Sorry but you are not allowed to speak about food.

>grenade attacks in Sweden
This is our fault, isn't it?

*speaks about food*

Sorry, but malmö is part or greater Copenhagen. So its pretty much Denmark.

Yes, it's yugo munitions.


>actually liking mayo

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