What are boomers like in your country?
What are boomers like in your country?
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better than the zoomers
Why do 4chaners call boomers people with 30 yaers??
Boomer is who was born in Europe and USA in the 60s
I wish to be as successful as a boomer one day
arr rook the same
And the populational boom in LATAM has happened 50 years later
Old people who don't understand that their generation didn't foster an economic environment in which their children could thrive like they did.
my dad is an original boomer and he is terrible. no understanding of modern society, irresponsible with his money, thinks things were as easy as they were when he was young.
the boomer generation was a mistake.
Their economic environment was fostered by WW2 so it would be hard to match that.
One of the most successful generations of all time, they’re the ideal generation which every generation after should have strived for
>tfw gen-X with less opportunity than the generation before OR after
Mostly based and redpilled
kinda like this i guess
There are plenty of guys in ther late 20's and early 30's here who only listen to dad rock and disregard every new trend as childish, specially in gaming.
It is sad seeing how they are in denial and just can't embrace the idea that their time is fading and they just can't adapt
Is like watching your grampa slowly go senile
time to mow your lawn old timer
living the dream
The ones at dances who request "dont stop believing" "sweet caroline" and"Miss American Pie" and sing their asses off and act like its the shit.
looks comfy
There are a couple of flavours
>degenerate gambling addicts
>fat drunks waddling between RSL clubs
>silver haired Chads who live on properties and wear flannel and spit white hot banter
>soft doughy old men who live somewhere within 50km of a winery or own one and affect an english accent
god I wish that were me
its call shashlik and its basically just slavic bbq
Go watch Bill O'Reilly and hose off your boat.
>They should 'adapt' their based tastes to those of cringy zoomers
>Not giving a shit about zoomer tastes is 'being in denial'
Is this what happens when you overdose on Fortnitr and trap music?
Muskoka feels
I crie
the neighbours at my parents place are like this. filthy rich boomers with two lexus suvs with multiple summer homes.
there should be a mention of filipino women in this post
All fatties on drugs
They say arse instead of ass
'ate abos
'ate asians
'ate millenials
'ate soccer
'ate unions
Love me pension
Love me immigrants
Love me footy
Love me union job
Simple as
your objective* definition of boomers please
*Beyond what age is deemed Boomer tier
boomer isn't an age, it's a state of mind. Dwight D. Eisenhower said that
stop skirting they issue
but it's the truth
To be fair working in a union is pretty boss
>ur dur how do you use this computer thing
>ur dur lets gets laids nao
>ur dur stop playing vgames you mong
>ur dur lets gets drank
tl;dr: mostly normie retards
good point
>rides the benefits from greatest generation
>Listen to classic Finnish rock (Popeda, Eppu Normaali, Leevi and the Leavings)
>Drink beer and spirits, smoke cigarettes (the cheapest brand)
>Love going to sauna with friends and alcohol
>Work in something relating construction, industry or logistics
>Military conscription is a sacred thing
>Politically socialist but very anti-immigration
Future museums will display Jow Forums boomer art
You forgot to mention the lenin poster or USSR flag hidden somewhere in their study.
Finish boomers sound based
>ywn be this comfy
the want milicos back
You don't seriously think shashlik is slavic right?
canadian boomers are alright yknow. some of them are pretty dumb but they were good stewards of the nation. now its my gens turn and im trying hard but sometimes it feels like the world's weight is heavy
>why listen to blue oyster cult or thin lizzy when you can listen niggers from puerto rico or el poquito?
>Boomer is who was born in Europe and USA in the 60s
45-60 or so actually. It's from the post war birth spike or "boom" 60s is more the beginning of Generation X.
Fuck I wanna make one about Latin American boomers now
They seem nice.
>Rush and Molson Canadian
Umm that doesn't sound very Slavic.
But it tasty as fuck.
Especially with ketchup, onions and vodka.
Think they are superior
Love non whites
Is pro-immigration, because we need more shitskins to pay their colossal pensions
Think children are useless
Have no respect for the environment
Doesn't believe in global warming
Boomers were born in between 1946 and 1960. The generation born in the 60's was the first generation who knew unemployment and were too young to make the revolutions of may 1968 and become hippies.
They're rather miserable and poor as they lived in communism for most of their life.
you actually had to have mental dissability to hear the shit that puerto rico makes
No hobbies but love to consume by buying useless shit
french millenials are human trash and think it's the boomer's fault, say what you want about the mai 68ards but at least they didn't introduced the vegan/sjw/nuttrinazi etc bullshits that the french millenials adore, oh and they are also capable of finding a work unlike these dumb french millenials with 0 work experience but refuse every works because "hurr durr they ONLY pay me 2500€ a month!!! it's slavery!!"
>hurr durr boomers had it so easy
you can't survive 1 week without a tv/internet/hot water and you think they had an easy life ?
This. Kids these days don't know who boomers are. In my time we had REAL boomers.
is silly me me
What's a zoomer?
I haven't been on here in a while
Unlike Americans, British boomers actually had it quite hard. Rationing, unemployment, workers strikes, civil disorder, governmental negligence. WWII and the crumbling of the empire meant Britain was a shithole up until the mid 80s.
They're generally kind and reserved people who keep to themselves. A bit uneducated and jingoistic though.
like my dumb family that has no education but somehow has a job. wake up, go to work, come home, turn on tv, zap until you find the dumbest program so you can turn off your brain and stay that fucking worthless piece of shit who never gave you an useful tip your whole life. Then proceed to buy the most useless shit possible like that 80€ trash can you sure needed while dreaming of going to vacation in some generic place like Barcelona or the "beach". imagine having no hobby your entire life. imagine living in ignorance (willingly) your entire life. that's our boomers
>Boomer is who was born in Europe and USA in the 60s
Not just Europe and the USA but effectively in most nations involved in the war.
They sgitpost on Jow Forums for one
Here most boomers are stuck in the 90s. Listen to bands like nirvana and red hot chili and are generally backwards in terms of mindset. They still think like their parents
I have a boomer uncle who always barks at me that at my age he had this, this and this and did this, this and this. He thinks things are as easy today as in the 60's and 70's.
A lot of our unions during the peak Boomer years were able to set up fucking sweet pension deals and the like, later on ensuring a policy cut off date that a large amount of the next generation were unable to get in on the deal, as well as completely fucking over any chance of their grandchildren from reaping any of the benefits. In fact, the tail end of Gen-X and all of Gen-Y are effectively funding these sweet fat pension and benefit deals the Boomers almost exclusively secured for themselves.
There was a fair amount of spill over of those union higher up into politics, allowing them to remove the policies earlier put into place while ensuring them and their cohort were grandfathered into it. As an example, I have an aunt who is in her late 50s working a government job which when she retires from will receive something like a 40k a year pension for the rest of her life. Those working the exact same position who are from my generation, as an example, are not applicable for any of this. Crazy, right?
Yeah it's fucked, fuck Boomers seriously.
A few years ago at a family get together, said aunt was telling me in detail about this retirement package she has. Laughing about how she got in just in the nick of time and that other employees will be footing the rest of her years.
Borderline sociopathic, man.
I have the impression the meme started because of Varg's videos. He usually criticize the boomers in his videos, even call their neighbors that.
My mum was in the union at a big grocery chain here in North America, making $25/hr for working in the deli, as a manager. New stores aren't even union and they stripped out half the benefits she got while working there. Someone doing her job at a new store probably makes a buck or two above minimum wage, if even, without benefits.
Shit's insane.
For comparison that's almost as much as a journeyman tradesman which requires 4 years schooling and is much harder work sitting around $30/hr give or take depending on employer.
>North American
Something doesn't add up here
its a meme
that's the joke
Its a meme.
me on the left
Ruined Soviet Union and vote for manlet dictator.