I'm racist

>I'm racist

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Other urls found in this thread:


>We are all one race, the human race

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im not racist i just hate niggers

t. Alberto Barbosa


>i’m not racist

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Being racist outweighs any possible political affiliation right now. It's all identity politics and if you're not supporting your own identity, you're supporting someone else's. Niggers, poos, mudslimes, chinks etc, they're all racist too, in many cases openly.

>I judge people that I don't know based on their skin color, and no their personality
>even if they're harmless and well educated, then their skin color determines my attitude towards them

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A negroid mongrel would write something like this.

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>pictures of the government tearing down a favela are bad for the image of Portugal

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>i'm a race realist

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>I'm a kike

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>all ethnicities act the same

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come back and say that again when there is 10 million niggers in your country

Are you the Jew living in Denmark?

Do you want Africans in Israel?

i hate you too

>what is identity and culture




>when you 1) deny someone the righ to defend themselves based on their ethnicity take it as granted that they will die out eventually; and 2) assume that a certain ethnic group won't make it alone without the aid of a another specific ethnic goup, then therefore you are a racist yourself

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*and take it...

>all people are the same, there are no evil, no robbers and no rapists

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G-d damn it.


>I'm only racist against people who are short and thereby possess inferior genetics

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t. manlet

>all humans are evil and deserve to be eradicated

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>people are a combination of nature and nurture but just because their nature (genetics predispositions) and nurture (culture) are shit, doesn't mean they are shit

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Attached: racerealist.png (1489x718, 170K)

>Do you want Africans in Israel?
I don't give a fuck

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I'm only racist towards gooks, japs and canadians

After posting your well thought out memes, you are now free to walk through my black neighbourhood, brothah.

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why are you racist against us in your racism?


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You judge people you don't know based on their personality?

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>*controversial opinion regarding race*

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That pic wouldn't be so ironic if it wasn't literally the opposite IRL

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