I just realized how fucking little much the English Canadians have to distinguish themselves from Americans

I just realized how fucking little much the English Canadians have to distinguish themselves from Americans

They are literally the same people. At least Brits and Aussies can easily distinguish themselves from the big USA. English Canadians have nothing. Oh they something jokingly add a ''eh!'' at the end of sentences wow literally a different people

I'm not even separatist and don't hate English canadians but Jesus christ what a normie as fuck ethnic group

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Other urls found in this thread:


Vive le Québec libre.

This post has made me realize you guys deserve statehood. You don't deserve getting "a fucking leaf" answers to your magnificent posts.

Canada is not a bilingual country, the fags in Ottawa only pretend it is to appease our insignificant French minority. The vast majority of Anglo Canadians would be happy to see Quebec go it's own way, that way we can stop propping them up with our tax dollars.

English Canadians are basically the same as the people who came from the mayflower, only our english were searching for
> M O R E L A N D
for the english crown.
Thanks. We really should switch back to the red ensign instead of a fucking leaf.

Why does Quebec french sound so ugly compared to proper French? Pretty yikes when even a non-speaker can hear it


Attached: Sin títulooo.png (406x568, 142K)

>tfw you cuck an entire country to have bilingual packaging, gov documentation and services even though you're about ~20% of the population

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I was wondering when that Quebec obsessed spic would show up.
Also the anglos have a bunch of stuff to differentiate themselves from americans like for exemple poutine, maple syrup... oh wait

>Quebec deserves independence so they can post with a different flag on an anime imageboard
the de gaulle of our time

20% isn't an insignificant minority do you even know anything about politics.

No they would beg us to stay just like last time. Also:
>French Canada
they are not the same

it doesn't
it's cute

I was waiting for you Peru Bro

Daily reminder that Quebec will NEVER EVER be indeoendent. You will always be an english canadian colony

More like because we have differents culture, value, language,... We're not even genetically the same as white anglo canadians, we're what remains of french settler after being forgoten for 400 years by France.

then why didn't the independence vote pass?

t. typed this in frustration when he realized English canadians have nothing to distinguish themselves from other cultures

nah canadians are vastly superior to yanks

they are just generally all round good lads and they've got god tier taste in sports (hockey and curling)
never met a canadian i didn't like, proud they're part of the anglo family

Fear campaign and boomers caring more about their pension then nation, ethnic vote, kikery from Ottawa, etc.

but on the same token, what distinguishes Quebec from France aside from being France-Lite? cheese fries?

If you were french or québécois it would be obvious to you. It would honestly be too long of a list to make here

but then the counter argument would apply to anglo's as well no? if you were anglo then it would be obvious to you what makes anglo Canadians different? it would honestly be too long of a list to make here

>No they would beg us to stay just like last time. Also:
>>French Canada
>they are not the same

Yeah, there are also a handful of frogs in New Brunswick too, a province with less people than Winnipeg.

In the rest of Canada there are almost no French people, Mandarin is more common for fucks sake.

The only reason the feds beg you to stay is because for much of Canada's modern history the federal government has been dominated by federalist Quebeckers. This can and will change. No one outside of Ottawa cares about you people.

We have our own cultural scene (music, litterature, theather, tv/movie) distinct from France. Our own celebrations, lifestyle, ... Most of the time I can't tell between USA and anglo canada but the difference between Québec and France is signigicant.

No because we are actually close enough to anglo-canadians and americans to know what they are like. Most north American people outside of us have absolutely no idea what metropolitan french culture is like because they are just not exposed to it enough. I mean just take for exemple the fact that an anglo Canadian could go to the us and fool a lot of people into thinking he is American, that is pretty much unthinkable with french people and french-canadians

Why don't they move the capital to somewhere in the center of the country? Like Thunder Bay perhaps.


We have our own cultural scene (music, litterature, theather, tv/movie) distinct from Britain. Our own celebrations, lifestyle, ... Most of the time I can't tell between USA and anglo canada but the difference between Canada and Braitain is significant.

replace with UK or America same argument.

really? you can't tell the difference between anglo canadian and someone from the UK? You can't tell the difference between a Anglo Canadian or an american either? i mean, America is a big place, including the south? there is absolutely no way for a person to confuse a person from France with a a person fro Quebec?

Do non-Anglo and non-French Canadians keep to themselves or did they get absorbed by either of them?

Do anglo Canadians even have any sort of culture besides muh hockey and muh tim hortons?

We’re basically just Americans but not as retarded about guns, sex or drugs
We still suck kike cock though

So what are you aguing if you agree usa and canada are pratically the same?

No I said I cant distinguish an anglo-canadian and an American which is what this whole thread is about. You just injected the UK in this post for no reason

i think you need to self-reflect on that question by asking yourself if Australia has any culture aside from muh emu's and muh cricket?

culture is subtle, nation has it, some are just more similar then others.

fucking leaflet

Because you brought it up in the post you deleted?

that if the prevailing thought is that if Canada and America are culturally similar, the same argument can be used on Quebec and France, so what how can Quebec claim to be unique and culturally distinguishable, if they are in fact on the same situation when compared to France?

it's a either or comparison, pick whichever, the argument remains the same.

French from France look down on q*becois as rural barbarians who speak a niggerified version of their language

so If I take someone from texas and compare them to a newfie. you can't tell the difference?

I would love nothing more than to ship all the politicians and bureaucrats off to a shithole like Thunder Bay

I didn't delete a single post you cringy retard

>the argument remains the same.
No. What we are saying is that anglo-canadians are not a unique culture at all as they are indistinguishable from anglo-americans while québécois are distinguishable from any other culture even french pretty easily. Wether anglo-canadians are similar to brits has literally nothing to do with this

too many leaf flags

>that way we can stop propping them up with our tax dollars
Stop this at once. Quebec receives among the least federal support per capita. Only Ontario, Alberta, and Saskatchewan are net "givers" to the federal government. You would need to get rid of every single province and territory except those three if you wanted to stop "propping" anyone up with your tax dollars. We are in a federation and it is normal for the fiscal burden to be spread in this way. Inside a province cities support the country and inside a country provinces support each other, but everyone has an important part to play. Cities would not be as prosperous without the country and our provinces would not be as prosperous without working together. We are greater than the sum of our parts and this union benefits every Canadian.

meant for him

It's always a retarded anglo who has never left his trailer park who says that. You have no fucking clue what french people think cletus

Except the other provinces arent filled with whiny entitled special snowflake cry babies. You take and take and take and then spit in our faces. The only people that take it are the dumb fuck politicians who need to get elected.

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Canadian culture can be found at the provincial level. This is a big country and each province is unique.

t. black jean

So what makes Quebec and France so drastically different in culture in regards to Canada and American?

i'm not getting many arguments on how Quebec is so different from France that I can tell the difference, the same way you think Canada and America is similar culturally, I cannot distinguish the difference between Quebec and France, culturally.

It's annoying that people seem to forget that a culture exists for our nations, it's just becoming buried underneath multiculturalism. In the case of the United States, our culture has become replaced by cheap materialism and buried underneath multiculturalism but it exists.

It's annoying seeing politicians, media personalities, and people on the streets claim that "America has no culture!"
Please try to protect the culture of Canada and Australia from being twisted and trampled on. Let us serve as the example of what not to do when it comes to globalism and multiculturalism.

Damn you showed me
Just a couple of Quebec specific things that magically become quintessentially Canadian when an anglo is trying to be interesting in front of his American friend like muh pouteeeeen and maple syrup

First off, I want the entire equalization program abolished, the hardworking Alberta man should not be expected to subsidize eastern socialist programs. Second, the other poorfag provinces don't try to shake down the rest of the country by threatening secession. I say let them go, I would love to see Quebec try to run itself independently and without gibs from Anglo Canada.

stop flapping your nigger gums at me

>The hard working albertan man
You found oil, that's it.

Even most anglos can differentiate Quebec french and metropolitan french when they hear it. In fact, in my experience, americans don't even recognize Quebec french as being french and sometimes think it's Russian or german. The entire musical and literary cultures are basically completely separated and french people have completely different social norms than Quebec or anywhere else in north america

>tfw the nation of Quebec's economy collapses and they try to join the EU

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I'd love to see the shining nation of Canada after loosing Québec industry and technological parks.

By that logic Catalonia should be independent too. At least Canada bends over backwards to appease you instead of actively trying to suppress your culture, language, and identity like Spain does to Catalonia.

Absorbed by one culture depending where they live. I have Filipino, Algerian and Haituan friends who are deeply into Quebec culture and have rarely been in English Canada and dont identify with the latter culture. Same goes the other way

Seeing as quebecs population is 87% white and canada's general population is 73% white it's more likely that i'm the on who is arguing with a stupid nigger right now

Attached: quebecdemographics.png (559x571, 30K)

And Franco-phones cannot distinguish between accents of Americans and Canadians from various parts of their country?

Canadians and Americans don't have different social norms? how is musical and literary cultures different? do you Quebecois not consume any literature or music from France? or is it likely that you consume the same music and literature but also some of your own?

i think you are giving yourself too much credit here on your supposed 'uniqueness'.

black is a state of mind, le negro


Americans are Germano-Italians whereas Canadians are Celto-Ukrainians. Simple really

Thanks for posting a picture of your average quebecker when confronted with the truth

J'ai si hâte de voir nos frère québecois INDÉPENDANT des f*uilles

Are you joking? WHAT industry?

The thing most people need to realise about the Quebec independence movement is that most separatists are lefties. These are not people who think logically, or are interested in things like economic reality. Like all lefties, the Quebec separatist thinks with his heart and not with his head. Quebec independence makes ZERO sense from a logical and economic perspective, their new country would collapse.

>At least Canada bends over backwards to appease you instead of actively trying to suppress your culture
You know nothing of Canada past and current history then.

you're all irrelevant up there, shut up already

You don't even know about your own country.

Truth hurts, eh Pierre?

le nègre*

>And Franco-phones cannot distinguish between accents of Americans and Canadians from various parts of their country?
That's not the point. Someone from france and someone from québec can instantly be told appart no matter what region they are from, That is far from being the case with americans and canadians
>Canadians and Americans don't have different social norms?
Not really from what i can tell
>how is musical and literary cultures different? do you Quebecois not consume any literature or music from France? or is it likely that you consume the same music and literature but also some of your own?
Pretty much. There are a few french artists/movies/writers that are known here but those are usually the ones that are known worldwide
>i think you are giving yourself too much credit here on your supposed 'uniqueness'.
There is no credit. I like the french and i wouldn't care if we were just like them .I'm just telling you we aren't

If our country would collapse and Canada would be richer, why do the Anglos oppose it. Oh yeah maybe because we are the second largest economy in the country after Ontario. We hold the second largest economic center and one of the most bilingual cities in the Western world. We hold the largest port in Canada and the main sea access on the Eastern coast. We are the largest producer of electricity and will be the main producers of energy once Alberta runs out of muh oil. We have huge amounts of minerals, wood, water and a first world economy already. Please tell me how we would bankrupt and reach LatAm tier just because we would obtain independance?

Maybe we would be poorer, but the worst I could see us economically is Finland, Austria, Spain, etc. tier.

>Tfw you could possibly visit an independent and third world Montreal and pay Tijuana prices for Quebec QTs
I'm for it

Si j'étais le roi du Québec je cocuerais les anglos de l'océan Atlantique en esti.

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Oh shut the fuck up, Anglo Canadians have treated you with velvet gloves compared to the majority of all regional cultures in the West. I don’t see Catalan or Basque enshrined in the Spanish constitution, nor Occitan or Breton in France’s like French is in the Canadian constitution. You have it very easy comparatively. The fact that your language isn’t in drastic decline like those regional languages I mentioned is proof of that.

Most Anglo's would be fine with Quebec leaving. It's Ottawa that opposes it, and Ottawa has been dominated by federalist Quebeckers for most of Canada's modern history.

>>Tfw you could possibly visit an independent and third world Montreal and pay Tijuana prices for Quebec QTs

You're assuming that Montreal would be part of the deal. I'm not sure that we would give it to the frogs, tbqh.

Not only that. We have the best universities in the country and are the leader in technology industry (engineering, aeronautical, etc.).

Most importantly, economy isn't the main factor for Quebecois. If all you care about is muh GDP per capita why dont you just move to Norway or Switzerland? Because there are other factors like quality of life, social aspects, culture, etc.

Montreal is like half Anglo speaking nowadays. Doubtful it would go to Quebec if they seceded.

>The fact that your language isn’t in drastic decline like those regional languages I mentioned is proof of that.
No it's proof of the fact that we are a more significant proportion of the country's population and they had to appease us to a certain extent or face a rebellion (which they did once). The fact that they are trying to spin this as being the anglos generous nature is pure self serving bullshit

Constitutionally it doesnt have the choice. But anyway even I as a Quebecer believe independance is dead. Migrants, Anglos and Leftists killed the movement. The babyboomera were the big Nationalists but our generation is too much into this globalist Hollywood-like Anglo saxon dominated culture to want it. I also dont want to abandon our French diaspora in the other provinces like the Acadiens, Franco Ontarians and Franco Manitobans

Yeah, imagine that those babyboomers who were young and idealistic in the 70's and 80's have now grown up, own property, are thinking about retirement, and are absolutely not interested in doing something that will tank the economy.

Only a third of the population of France in 1910 actually spoke French, yet today it’s pretty much 99%. Same thing could happen in a generation to Quebec if you weren’t so catered to by the Anglo government.

I mean it’d still be a giant headache for the new Quebec government. You might even have to make your constitution bilingual as well just like Canada you seceded from

have you ever met an american outside of Jow Forums?

i actually have cousins in the us

Not likely. French separatists hate Anglos, there would be no concessions to them, they would be treated as second class citizens. Most Anglos, and likely a lot of French, would move to Canada. This is what happened in Montreal decades ago in the 70's and 80's. Montreal used to be Canada's largest and most relevant city, but there was an exodus when it seemed like Quebec independence would actually happen, even back then smart people realized it would be an utter failure.

Australia doesn't really have any culture besides drinking goon but australians do have an identity. If you're were at an Jow Forums bar you could definitely go "oh that guy is australian" where as a canadian would be indistinguishable from an american or may even be confused with the drywall.

sorry buddy but you basically are the diet coke version of us

Polls show the majority (80%+) of Quebeckers consider themselves Canadian and want to stay in the union. Political analysts believe their separatist parties are so unpopular they might not even survive the upcoming provincial election. Separatism isn't a uniquely Quebecker phenomenon either and is a mainstream sentiment in other provinces and territories as well. Quebec is Canadian through and through, a disgruntled separatist minority notwithstanding.
>First off, I want the entire equalization program abolished, the hardworking Alberta man should not be expected to subsidize eastern socialist programs.
Whether or not the equalization program deserves to exist should be predicated on economic grounds first and foremost. We need to ask ourselves if it helps develop the country as a whole. Some people and administrative regions pay more than they directly receive and this is a simple reality of society. This alone is not an argument against the equalization program. It should also be noted the program is not funneling money from Alberta to Quebec. The funds are taken at the federal level and raised with taxes on all Canadians. Albertans as much as Quebeckers pay for the program. Overall, equalization gives each Quebecker a hundred dollars every month and can hardly be faulted for the province's social programs. Those are primarily paid for by Quebeckers themselves who pay some of the highest provincial income tax rates in the country. Their economic model is a result of their own choices and not of every other province and territory paying them tribute.
>Second, the other poorfag provinces don't try to shake down the rest of the country by threatening secession.
Every province and territory is entitled to equalization payments and indeed most of them benefit from the program more than Quebec. Quebec didn't extort the federal government to get its due.

>Same thing could happen in a generation to Quebec if you weren’t so catered to by the Anglo government.
Yeah sure that's probably why it didn't happen for hundreds of years while french was illegal in the parliament and it was impossible to get a good job if you didn't speak English. The English governor general explicitly stated in 1839 that canada would try to assimilate the french population and now ,since they failed, his descendants are trying to play it off as if they had never tried because they where just too nice. Well fuck off anglo. we are still speaking french because you're a bunch of weak pussies, not because you're nice (you aren't)

Polls show the majority (80%+) of polls are propaganda.

how is this not based

>muh mandarin
every fucking time

i'm really starting to believe in chinese shills. yes goys, don't learn the language of a founding nation and learn the language of your new masters.

learn neither, you already speak english

>i likely do not understand french but let me tell you what french people think about you

don't forget to mention regulation 17

good thing we used to have the highest birth rate in the world or else we'd be an historical footnote by now

What is the fall of separatist parties indicative of if not of a wide disinterest in separatism? Some polls differ in their figures but are consistent in that the idea is being pushed to the fringe.

bad leadership. martine ouellet was a mistake.

just wait until the federal government does something retarded again.

Quebec and Southern US should both be independent, then the remainders should combine.
Leave the degeneracy away from us.
Maritimes can also combine with New England and become a new Country if they want