Why is circumcision so popular in the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand and not in Europe

Why is circumcision so popular in the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand and not in Europe

Attached: 1452222610385.png (411x387, 9K)

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They are full of religious nuts that emigrated from Great Britain. And religious nuts love their circumcision.

Attached: Circumcision_Prevalence_at_Country.png (1116x568, 156K)

this. Nobody but jews and Muslims get circumcised here.

we didn't treat our jews as nicely as you

and ex-Murricans

ye olde continent is based, you can't deny that

only blue countries go to heaven

Thing is most of your boomers (male) would have been circumcised but as the 20th century progressed you and the Europeans turned into home birthing hippies who didn't want to unnecessarily torture infant boys
Meanwhile circumcision is sticking around here for longer because we're not as much of a bunch of soft cunts

Circumcision is a good thing according to doctors. But go ahead call me a jew shill

>Germany France and England bright red

>high rates of circumcision are coloured blue to imply to it's good


Feels good to be a hooded hero. I've noticed most cut people have major Stockholm syndrome about it and pretend that they don't mind. "Muh dick cheese" is their only argument.

Don't forget the "I'm immune to several STDs" argument as well.

>mutilating a baby's dick
Scientists disagree: biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/06/07/339465

Eh no matter how you put it you got your dick snibbled off against your will muhammad

This article gives a good explanation

the tl:dr is that people thought it had medical advantages once but then turned out it didn't really matter either or but doctors kept doing it to make money and now it's just an ingrained cultural thing

It was an anglo fad at the time, it peaked in the 50s we just have a lot of old people

glad I wasn't the only one who noticed this
I hate jews so fucking much

This is really grasping at straws to find an accredited disagreement
