
Desert Fox edition

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rommel was black?

dump your rule violation gimmick stocks

at least my butt is empty

lads does anyone know the celebrity gossip website (exclusively gossip not a news website that aslo does gossip or w.e.). The website has a black style and it lists entries by date on the left hand side. Thanks

Mr. President

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Charls and nick arent even particularly rorkish

fuck off reddit cunt it's not funny at all outside of that subreddit defo not of Jow Forums

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runtbait.com my fine friend

Am an avid reader of Mumsnet

>kekistan is not rorke sweaty

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omg that's it well done thank you


both are trump supporters
both dislike social justice and PC culture

yes they are, charls is a massive rorke

hey doug hows your evening so far. what time do you usually go to sleep since you got toil tomorrow

post the kev version of this

>>kekistan is not rorke sweaty

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wearing a skirt

you're only using me for sex

doug died


this sends the british into a fury

Any of you lads like scampi????

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There's also agcwebpages.com/BLINDITEMS/MAINPAGE.html
Abysmal Geocities-esque layout but it is updated every day.

maybe reddit is more your speed

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I mean it's not. Kekistan is some weird yank shite.

smart kid

Why the fuck would you want to view a celeb gossip website

There is no Leftypol Discord you spacker


the ex is waiting until i find someone else and then she'll beg me for my willy and tear me away from my new gf

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what podcasts are we listening to lads?

he knows and hes baiting you, stop replying

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>are good looking people good looking in all photos and angles/lighting?

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Might go if you're a woman innit

the Kennedys were the only /aesthetic/ american political family

the US cries out for another Irish-American political dynasty




frankly wondering if micks laugh to themselves when they make a shitpost

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I like boys in skirts
not a fag just like them that's all
simple as

AHHHHHHH my hair is thinning at the temples lads, can it be stopped

if you're complaining about Jow Forums every other post, maybe it's you who is the problem and it's you who needs to leave, "le football yank"

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no one over the age of 12 does this though

letting micks in began our downward spiral

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I'm not listening to a podcast I'm listening to season 9 simpsons dvd commentaries

ask alan

Why aren't any women attracted to frugality?

The eternal Hibe' strikes yet again

wtf is the point of /brit/
half the posts here don't even get replies

Everyone hates sjw culture

Supporting trump is a way to get viral success, those guys are more anti-establishment than anything

Sam hyde admitted all this but it was obvious if you had been following mde in like 2012. They were trying to ride the wave which carried runts like sargon to success.

Pol are exploitable brainlets.

Show me a better choon, I'll wait


weird how millennial and zoomer runts don't have a Catholic/Protestant divide anymore
fucking creeps me out

british culture and semantics

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/brit/ is the 21st century version of the graffiti of pompeii

EU is pretending they aren't gutted that we're leaving

He's going down fighting, obviously his Twitter is next.

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dont care what your pronouns are. calling you what you are

point is to get as many (you)s as you can per thread.


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Can frugality buy new shows or jewelry?

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have you listened to this Simpsons podcast?


>b-b-but we're going to get Macedonia a-and Turkey!

you're a retard if you think they genuinely don't like trump. charles has talked about what trump is doing right multiple times on stream.

*swirls my Amber drink gently in the glass*
*deeply scents the fumes wafting from its surface*
Ahh yes
Red bull and rum.... quite exquisite

If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free

Why doesnt he just post on here?

Atheism in just a religion for the intellectually lazy

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wait I take it back this isn't funny at all

>shows like
>uses only example where it applies, which is fictitious anyway
oh ok

this is so so so wrong

is this our chance lads

We all saw the Vimeo but this girl's Twitter is also a fucking mess.
At one point she was begging people to buy her a plane ticket home so she could see her family, which obviously she could afford herself but she just wanted someone else to pay for it outright. First class at that. I think some sucker did it eventually.

That seems like a very lame card to have in your game.

Mad that they won't admit that HIV is now going airborne

Niggers are inhaling that shit in Africa

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I think they need to hire more janmen

ah yes

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Feel guilty that we've undermined the EU project lads

all of their maps and stuff will look stupid with ireland in but no UK

>Racism outside of /b/ is a bannable offense? Fuck off gookmoot

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they won't admit it probably because it's not physically possible

That's unironically not a bad idea. He'd probably even get his own board if he asked.

Hasn't this been a rule for a long time?

Getting ready for bed lads

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rules are rules pal, get over it

need this man as prime minister


need a paki hating gf