Canadian 9/11 when?

Canadian 9/11 when?

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We already live in a dystopian hell hole.

I can't wait.
>hello Canadian FBI
>tfw no 9/11 gf
why live?

hope they set off a nuclear device in vancouver

Canadian 9/11 already happened when someone addressed a woman as a non-person


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I didn't know that these sand niggers were such a crybabies. This is Trump tier butthurt.

For some reason I feel inclined to believe them. I honestly think they're telling the truth.

MBS is just trying to shore up popular support at home after catching a tremendous amount of heat from religious conservatives for his recent social reforms.

Okay, this is epic

Well they got Trump puppeted pretty easily so they get mad when someone else doesn't bow like that.

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>saudis blinked first

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>implying trump didn't put SA up to this just to mess with the leafs


>all this saudi butthurt
>meanwhile everyone in canada wanted us to cut ties with them anyways

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Va va voom my fellow pede


>watching Jow Forums backtrack from sucking saudi cock all day after this was posted
God bless Canada.

More like Trump called up King Salman and told him to go fuck with Trudeau.

WTF I love Wahhabism now

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You fucking bigot don’t you mean Allah bless Canada? The Canadian Diversity Police will hear of this

"canada? trudeau? yeah nah do whatever you want"

You already had your referendum, Pierre. Like Scotland, you're not going to get another.

>copesville, usa
How are you still seething on behalf of the saudis of all people?

we don't care moron. only one seething here is you

Why would we be seething? We’re amused that Cucknada is getting spat at by their beloved Mohammedans

>you are seething because you rebuked a theocratic shithole that no one likes
>you are seething because they had to backtrack on their shitty attempt at banter one day in

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

so disrespectfully too. lmao like where is this even coming from. everyone knows canada is small fry but not that small fry

These goat fuckers are triggered as hell

This is Jow Forums. We do the opposite here.

sandniggers riling up sandnigger separatism against white anglo protestants
as a native french i stand with canada, fuck québec

>degenerates in toronto will be blown up in your lifetime

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shut the hell up, demented frog poster.

good fuck canada

>haha yeah canada is full of muslims and cucks, what a sjw shithole. totally owned that FUCKING LEAF with my epic and original memes

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>as a native french
Wesh wesh jé swoui fwançais moi aussi mon fwêwe. Wallah!

I hope it happens at Montreal though

I was starting to think that you wouldn’t even show up on thread related to canada.

je suis allé a montreal c'était plein de bougnoules, j'avais l'impression d'être en france

You want to post those referendum results now?

J’ai été dans les 2 et je peux te garantir qu’Il y en a plus en france

They apologized to us, so we won.

*quebec city
montreal can still be saved if the anglos in the west island are given full reign of the city
quebec city however is 100% fr*nch and as such it's past saving

Best destination in Canada for 3rd year in a row nigger

Quebec is the last white major city in canada so of course this anglo wants to destroy it. I mean what good is it for an anglo if it can’t even produce Blacked porn


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Whiter than you zheng qing

That's like being the state with the least amount of gun related deaths in the US

Canada did nothing and the saudis cracked. GET FUCKED AND RESPECT HUMAN RIGHTS

quoi la baise j'adore l'Arabie Saoudite maintenant

>Canada sells weapons to Saudi Arabia

>Canada challenges Saudi Arabia

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Base Saudis

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Because the inverse is too absurd to actually comprehend.


Oh no! Saudi Arabia is going to withdraw thousands of Saudi international students from Canada and send them to the US, UK, Australia, etc.


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So can someone tell me why one (1) tweet got the Saudi savages so butthurt?

My guess is because we also made the same tweet in Arabic, and Saudis use a lot of social media.

Fuck you Ahmed.


Do any Canadians ITT know any Saudi students? What are they like?