Arabic culture thread

This thread is for the disscussion of the arabic language and culture (art, learning, dialects...)
Are you a foreigner who wants to learn arabic? This is the place for you.

Do you have question and/or you're curious about it? We are here to answer.

islamic extremism, political topics are not allowed.
هذا الموضوع مخصص للحديث عن الثقافة العربية من كل النواحي (فن، تعلم، لهجات...)

هل أنت أعجمي تريد تعلم اللغة العربية؟
هذا هو مكانك.

هل لك أسئلة عن الثقافة العربية؟ نحن هنا للإجابة.

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Pick one.

cringy off yourself

أنت لست عربيا أصلا
محروم من جمال الثقافة العربية.

you are not either if you speak from that prescriptive

Don’t need Arab culture when I’m a based Phoenician

أخرج من هنا يا أعجمي لسنا بحاجة الى معتوه يوهم نفسه بأشياء بعيدة عنه

هل أنت أحمق لهذه الدرجة؟

we wuz lmao all arabs are realted to phoenicians the same way you are tard

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Maronites don't want to call themselves Arabs because they hate to be related to Islam and muslims, so they rather choose to call themselves Phoenicians, how foolish?! It's the same as a Tunesian or Algerians calling himself Carthaginian. If you ask someone from Tripoli what you are he will respond: "I'm an Arab."