This thread is for the disscussion of the arabic language and culture (art, learning, dialects...) Are you a foreigner who wants to learn arabic? This is the place for you.
Do you have question and/or you're curious about it? We are here to answer.
islamic extremism, political topics are not allowed. هذا الموضوع مخصص للحديث عن الثقافة العربية من كل النواحي (فن، تعلم، لهجات...)
هل أنت أعجمي تريد تعلم اللغة العربية؟ هذا هو مكانك.
Maronites don't want to call themselves Arabs because they hate to be related to Islam and muslims, so they rather choose to call themselves Phoenicians, how foolish?! It's the same as a Tunesian or Algerians calling himself Carthaginian. If you ask someone from Tripoli what you are he will respond: "I'm an Arab."
Julian Campbell
carthagian isn't an ethnicity it's a civilisation that used to be here so actually any modern tunisian can say i'm carthagian but that doesn't mean tunisian aren't berber cause they are not speaking ethnically but Phoenician is an ethnicity and that's the difference
Josiah Miller
do most maghrebis refer to themselves as Arab or berber?
Carter Harris
Jack King
From my experience in Morocco the Riffian people (north Morocco) will call themselves Berbers, the rest of the Moroccans will say that they are Arabs.
Charles Bell
What a silly question. They are Arabs and only tribal bebers would say otherwise until they leave for Europe and will then start calling themselves Arabs
Brody Cooper
Some (((kabyles))) denounce being arab and claim they're 100% berber (something that is untrue obv) and get mad when you tell them that. If you go west (ie. Western algeria or Morocco) most people refer to themselves as arabs. The more east you go (eastern Algeria or tunisia) most people refer to themselves as berber.
William Rivera
What dialect of Arabic?
Jaxon Lewis
Levantine of course
Ryan Rivera
Ok. What other dialects would i be able to understand if i chose the Levantine route.
Leo Johnson
gulfie pretty much the same but with harash pronunciation
Ayden Taylor
Thanks for the insight.
Ethan Turner
>people itt typing in msa >>unironically typing in msa on Jow Forums cringe
Wyatt Bell
الفصحى هي لسان القدماء و المتعلمون ألستَ بمتعلمٍ؟
Andrew Davis
شكله أمي محارب للعرب و العروبة, ليت العرب توحد صفها و تطهر أراضيها من أمثاله
Isaac Thompson
is it possible to learn arabic on your own? or is it so damn hard I need to pay for a class from a native arabic person?
Kayden Garcia
صَدِقتَ عندما تكلمت يا أخَ العربْ
It's complicated. Arabic isn't one language to begin with, it should be seen as the rough semitic version of Latin since actual Arabic is an extinct language as it has no native speakers.
If you're serious, you should learn MSA(Modern Standard Arabic) and a dialect of your choice(either levantine or Egyptian desu) since dialects usually vary in grammar, lexicons and phonology.
Adam White
To add to my previous reply, you should try to learn MSA then see if it gets too hard. Start with MSA then dialect I guess.
Owen Ortiz
cool thanks but do you reccomend I take a class? or try learning on my own?
I think the dialect I would choose is egyptian because a lot of people speak it. If I learn egyptian arabic would people from qatar understand me? I want to go to qatar for the world cup
Landon Hall
>try learning on my own? try first.
>If I learn egyptian arabic would people from qatar understand me? Probably. Egyptian Arabic is popular, even though it sounds very harsh and different than most dialects.
Anthony Clark
Besides in your daily normal life, when / where do you guys mainly speak arabic? Exclusively online, or maybe in certain other scenarios?
Wyatt Perry
when you greentext in arabic, do you type > or
Colton Morris
I type >
>when / where do you guys mainly speak arabic? Exclusively online, or maybe in certain other scenarios? I personally rarely use Arabic online. I only use it in real life when talking to someone or whatever. In fact, I think in English and my Traditional/Standard Arabic is very trashy.