

Attached: 1533569473989.png (1280x1199, 1.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:


2D is best!

Attached: 1527618967929.png (600x841, 272K)

>that's pretty hot she looks like she is really enjoying it are you going to finish inside:?
oh yeah absolutely hahaha see her belly? she is already pregnant because of me hahaha
>hmm tell me? did you like them too ? hehehehe
well Yui is definitely one of the prettiest out there
>n-not at all!!!!!!
yes it is :)
>yes it would! a-and s-shut up n-no!!!!
lies lies lies
stop laughing
>y-yes... I love those the most hahahaha they are just so pretty at least for me
They surely are
I love lingerie too and yeah I agree she is hot
>w-why "yet" are you plan on dying?
yes I'm

Attached: 654.1.jpg (1280x720, 143K)


Attached: 1494933162728.gif (360x263, 623K)

>oh yeah absolutely hahaha see her belly? she is already pregnant because of me hahaha
that's hot I'd finish inside anime girl too hehe that seems the best
>well Yui is definitely one of the prettiest out there
yep :) good taste
>yes it is :)
n-no it isn't!!!
>lies lies lies
its the truuuth!
>stop laughing
why should I? hahahaahha
>They surely are
yes good taste senpai!
>I love lingerie too and yeah I agree she is hot
also good taste heeheh
>yes I'm
r-really? w-why?

Attached: 1525468658716.jpg (960x960, 135K)

she looks crazy (hot) yes?

Attached: 1522276008270.png (2000x1403, 2.28M)

Yes..... More??

Attached: 1500541458636.gif (500x281, 1.34M)

I'd gladly impregnate Yui too

Attached: kotegawa_yui__2___to_love_ru__by_minimalistknight-dbrq3r5.png (3840x2160, 451K)

>Yes..... More??
don't have much more desu

Attached: file.png (1266x897, 1.6M)

>don't have much more desu
Ugh.... Annoying!

Attached: 1270383224156.png (1920x1080, 1.29M)

yes indeed hehehe :)
>yep :) good taste
thanks :)
>why should I? hahahaahha
oh okay continue whatever heh
>yes good taste senpai!
>also good taste heeheh
thanks thanks thanks thanks and you too buddy heh
>r-really? w-why?
because... well I don't really want to talk about it...

Attached: 2d4e50d6f9076f46991175f036716cec.jpg (500x681, 66K)

>Ugh.... Annoying!
no you!

Attached: 1530992454720.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

>yes indeed hehehe :)
good taste senpai :)
>thanks :)
of course heh :)
>oh okay continue whatever heh
I shall!
>thanks thanks thanks thanks and you too buddy heh
wow that's a lot of thanking me thanks!
>because... well I don't really want to talk about it...
w-what? tell me please is it really serious?

Attached: 1531933891960.jpg (1280x1770, 418K)

why's the janny mad?

Attached: your_autism_is_leaking.png (424x597, 288K)

probably because some of psycho's images were too lewd heh

Attached: 1531510697634.jpg (500x500, 205K)

Why? :(

Attached: 1440932720281.webm (416x240, 2.07M)

wow he must be gay

Attached: 1531665842765.png (650x914, 460K)

thanks again :)
>I shall!
very good that you are happy :)
>wow that's a lot of thanking me thanks!
no problem
>w-what? tell me please is it really serious?
nah just joking :D did you worried about me? hahaahah there is literally no reason for me to kill myself desu :D

Attached: he_he_i_m_fine____by_beautifulflowerz-d780we9.png (1024x705, 104K)

masochist webm
>Why? :(
you ask me to repeat myself too many times

Attached: 1532022972126.jpg (720x960, 694K)

Wow! Spooky Ougi-Sakuya!
>masochist wemb
For you, yes
I do? :)

Attached: 1514838580665.png (613x855, 421K)

the thread was le supposedly "off topic" so clearly someone or multiple butthurt people who hate anime from the other thread reported it

Attached: 1533563808679.png (971x1050, 254K)

are you at work yet?
>thanks again :)
of course since you have a very similar taste to me
>very good that you are happy :)
b-baka.. you s-shouldn't like that!!!!
>no problem
yep :)
>nah just joking :D
oh very good then
>did you worried about me? hahaahah there is literally no reason for me to kill myself desu :D
o-of course n-not! b-b-baka! nothing bad about being worried of your friends health you b-bakaaa!!!!

Attached: 1530112518567.jpg (1920x1080, 742K)

>Wow! Spooky Ougi-Sakuya!
yes... BEHIND YOU!
>For you, yes
no you
>I do? :)
you really do yes

Attached: 1529950747867.png (926x1295, 838K)

lol that's pretty sad desu

Attached: 1518526213730.jpg (1020x692, 762K)

>yes... BEHIND YOU!
Nice..... Going to feed her something
>no you
For now....
Ugh, whatever

Attached: 1517262602692.jpg (890x680, 194K)

mhm :)
>b-baka.. you s-shouldn't like that!!!!
why? I like when you are happy hahaha
>o-of course n-not! b-b-baka! nothing bad about being worried of your friends health you b-bakaaa!!!!
you are veeeery nice, thanks! :) I would worry if something bad happened to you too lol

Attached: __original_drawn_by_kekeji__8a1dabdb84378bc581d747822bd5f674.png (1280x720, 873K)

hmmm? :)
>Nice..... Going to feed her something
what will you feed her?
>For now....
for always!
>Ugh, whatever
yes... good

Attached: 1528329213452.png (800x1018, 420K)


Attached: 1501245787414.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

>mhm :)
>why? I like when you are happy hahaha
awww you do? that's so nice hhahaha :D
>you are veeeery nice, thanks! :) I would worry if something bad happened to you too lol
s-shut up! and w-wow.. you w-would? thank you! :)

Attached: 1533251551020.png (800x800, 271K)

have you seen gup by the way?

Attached: 1531077911851.png (1500x1500, 771K)

You thought I would be scared of her? Lol, dumb easy-to-scare boy
Something sweet
Why dots? :)

Attached: 1516624108740.jpg (837x900, 650K)

>You thought I would be scared of her? Lol, dumb easy-to-scare boy
yes you are liar.... and no I am not!
>Something sweet
like for example?
>Why dots? :)
because I like dots?

Attached: 1530364266534.jpg (519x1020, 112K)

I can almost smell the sweat from the fatso pressing the report button, it looks like an ontopic general about the baltics where posters happen to like anime a lot to me
yes, I sadly am at work, I hate mondays

Attached: 1510570193649.jpg (955x722, 560K)

>yes, I sadly am at work, I hate mondays
sounds awful at least you get paid a lot right? RIGHT???

Attached: 1531428658291.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

also I wonder what happened to that Lithuanian living in sweden he said he wanted to come back often

Attached: 51125671_p0.jpg (1169x826, 503K)

>awww you do? that's so nice hhahaha :D
yeah absolutely and no problem :)
>s-shut up! and w-wow.. you w-would? thank you! :)
kawaii heh yeah why not? I didn't lied when I said you are my best friend heh
still haven't...

Goodnight :)

Attached: 1533499302113.jpg (565x606, 200K)

No, I am not scared
>.... and no I am not!
Hm, is that so.... BOOOOO!
A cake?
Lol, dumb dots boy

Attached: 1516222950551.jpg (512x512, 100K)

>yeah absolutely and no problem :)
>kawaii heh yeah why not? I didn't lied when I said you are my best friend heh
awww you too are my best thank you a lot you make me very happy :)
>still haven't...
oh its okay heh :)
>Goodnight :)
hope you have sweet dreams !!!! :)

Attached: 1525385611797.jpg (850x516, 84K)

>No, I am not scared
it seems to me like you are BOOO!
>Hm, is that so.... BOOOOO!
ugh... stop scaring me p-please?
>A cake?
I really dislike cakes desu
>Lol, dumb dots boy
no you!

Attached: 1518822483107.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

and what about that slovenian I wish he came too

Attached: 1531248174850.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

N-not at all, baka...
>ugh... stop scaring me p-please?
Okay, shacking boy! :)
Bet you never had a good one, looooool
>no you!
But you are the one who likes dots, not me?

Attached: 1519072909692.jpg (1000x814, 353K)

>N-not at all, baka...
why did you stutter then?
>Okay, shacking boy! :)
>Bet you never had a good one, looooool
nah they are just shit in general
>But you are the one who likes dots, not me?
you like them too dumb dot liar

Attached: 976fca644aeac451f5060fb3761e174c1433492487_full.jpg (550x700, 78K)

I did not..........!!!!!!!
You are shacking from fear, lol :)
Nah, fuck dots

Attached: 1517606516206.png (650x475, 509K)

wow that's very rude
>I did not..........!!!!!!!
>exclamation marks
you did liar lol
>You are shacking from fear, lol :)
what does that word mean????
>Nah, fuck dots
liar you just put them in your own post

Attached: 1525553487866.png (804x890, 123K)

Nice Aegis
>wow that's very rude
DUMBTANIA BTFO *farts on her pillow*
Ugh.... J-just shut the fuck up already!!!
Tch urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Shacking
Fuck dots Fuck dots Fuck dots Fuck dots Fuck dots Fuck dots Well? :)

Attached: BR5XdPJtQj0.jpg (640x640, 64K)

based Mirai btfoing wagies
>Nice Aegis
>DUMBTANIA BTFO *farts on her pillow*
bully why do you hate Satania so much?
>Ugh.... J-just shut the fuck up already!!!
why? :))))))
>that word
cannot spell? :))))
>Fuck dots Fuck dots Fuck dots Fuck dots Fuck dots Fuck dots Well? :)
liar lol

Attached: 1518823418136.png (1280x720, 1.06M)

>sounds awful
because it is
>at least you get paid a lot right? RIGHT???
h-heh y-yeah of course

Attached: 1468079846444.png (918x1302, 981K)

>because it is
... I am so sorry...
>h-heh y-yeah of course
oh you are? I guess that makes it better then user

Attached: 1527284439869.jpg (1302x1842, 183K)

She did that thing for money though...
Nice android, yes, robots>flesh cucks
Cause she's a normalfag
>why? :)))))
!!!!!!!!!!!! Cause....
What about it? :)

Attached: ywOCcIugNxs.jpg (754x812, 111K)

>... I am so sorry...
it's not your fault
>oh you are? I guess that makes it better then user
I was kidding, I'm barely above minimum wage

Attached: 1519630703319.jpg (839x835, 119K)

lol funny :)
>She did that thing for money though...
nice lie she is based
>Nice android, yes, robots>flesh cucks
I agree
>Cause she's a normalfag
>!!!!!!!!!!!! Cause....
lol why? :)))))))))))
>What about it? :)
lewd lol
now that I made fun of you you can yes
lol qt much????

Attached: 1520287675556.jpg (972x1334, 1.14M)

>it's not your fault
I know... but still its very sad
>I was kidding, I'm barely above minimum wage
I know I just wanted you to say it yourself muhahahahaha

Attached: 1532383265148.jpg (900x1200, 762K)

>I know... but still its very sad
thanks for your condolences
>I know I just wanted you to say it yourself muhahahahaha

Attached: 1409492930081.jpg (1500x1075, 184K)

God damn Yukino is so perfect I want to hug her
>thanks for your condolences
yes all the brave fighters must be remembered
its a joke... sorry....

Attached: 1521674999103.jpg (2290x3088, 473K)

>lol funny :)
But she died? :(
She asked the protag for money and wore different pairs of glasses for him... Wow!
Easy to notice that unless you're a normalfag too
>lol why? :)))))))))
>lewd lol
Oh, yes *does that thing in front of you*
>make fun of me
lol :)
You are! *pats*

Attached: yesyes.jpg (640x427, 86K)

>God damn Yukino is so perfect I want to hug her
same desu
>yes all the brave fighters must be remembered
just, even if you don't believe, please pray that I win the lottery, it's my only hope desu
>its a joke... sorry....
you're forgiven

Attached: _shirasaka_koume_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_by_mephist_pheles_e874ca4cff2b34c3 (701x1000, 358K)

what is that image saying
>But she died? :(
she did not liar
>She asked the protag for money and wore different pairs of glasses for him... Wow!
nice liar lol
>Easy to notice that unless you're a normalfag too
no you yes
lol qt
>Oh, yes *does that thing in front of you*
what thing? hmmm ? explain? :)
>lol :)
>You are! *pats*
stop that please

Attached: 68013908_p0.jpg (636x900, 310K)

>same desu
I shall go first!
>just, even if you don't believe, please pray that I win the lottery, it's my only hope desu
I shall try to send you energy so that you win yes
>you're forgiven
thank you!

Attached: 1526416061403.jpg (498x750, 35K)

>I shall go first!
go ahead, just don't push me off stairs lol
>I shall try to send you energy so that you win yes
thank you very much, it means a lot
>thank you!
don't mention it

Attached: 567567576567.jpg (1209x1918, 402K)

Nice Itsugo!
Why? :)
Yes, she did... RIP
Yes, she did... Wowowowow
Wow, sister NTR youtube.com/watch?v=amKTPJMKzL0
>what thing? hmmm ? explain? :)
Ugh... That thing... The one you called 'lewd'
I bully you, yes.
*keeps patting* Why?

Attached: yes.jpg (850x661, 164K)

>go ahead, just don't push me off stairs lol
yes and don't forget Yukino belongs to me!
>thank you very much, it means a lot
no problem :)
>don't mention it
can you send me a pizza again then?
>Nice Itsugo!
cause lol
lies proof????
she is based
>Ugh... That thing... The one you called 'lewd'
describe it? :))))))
>I bully you, yes.
stop it???
cause I hate it?

Attached: de0fd92cb1c8dbe7511b33a2ff1d62c9.jpg (1280x988, 108K)

>yes and don't forget Yukino belongs to me!
she's all yours, but iroha is mine
>can you send me a pizza again then?
sure, I'll send you a mushrooms pizza bahahahahah

Attached: 65287351_p0.jpg (1191x1684, 806K)

>she's all yours, but iroha is mine
a fair deal
>sure, I'll send you a mushrooms pizza bahahahahah
but I hate those the most... you can keep that haha
also would you prefer winning the lottery or winning on a game show?

Attached: 1526590817871.jpg (1434x1461, 1.03M)

>she is based
>sister NTR
No *pukes*
I'd rather not describe it....
No! :)
>cause I hate it?
Oh... *writes it in his bullying journal*

Attached: Y22BCkVfkfg.jpg (700x600, 112K)

why did you tell me what that image was saying?
no not ntr
>No *pukes*
yes based
>No! :)
why "no" :)))))
>Oh... *writes it in his bullying journal*
wow you are that rude

Attached: 1516214211756.jpg (1102x1560, 449K)

gonna jerk off now

Attached: e35cabf38e89c25a7ee6605cfb998bbb.png (1554x2000, 1.29M)

>why did you tell me what that (You)
I did not though...
It is NTR, yes :(
>that one sister NTR doujin
Ugh.... Later... Playing games now
Cause... Like to tease you
>wow you are that rude
Yes!! Scared?? HMMMMMMMMM?

Attached: VqwZc1A.png (1081x549, 307K)

just made this, friends

Attached: fluffy fluffy.png (1079x717, 562K)

>a fair deal
it's sealed
>but I hate those the most... you can keep that haha
just kidding lol, do you like napo?
>also would you prefer winning the lottery or winning on a game show?
lottery tends to have a bigger prize pool and I don't have to answer questions or embarrass myself on national tv

Attached: 1509951586983.jpg (600x940, 101K)

>I did not though...
why didn't you I meant
>It is NTR, yes :(
yes know that thinking of sister ntr makes you very sad lol
>Ugh.... Later... Playing games now
Yes!! Scared?? HMMMMMMMMM?
not really lol

Attached: 1530710781443.jpg (700x1001, 396K)

>it's sealed
I hope we can cooperate in the future too!
>just kidding lol, do you like napo?
what is "napo"?
>lottery tends to have a bigger prize pool and I don't have to answer questions or embarrass myself on national tv
what if they paid you to embarrass yourself on national tv?

Attached: 63337195_p0.png (827x1169, 842K)

Oh.... Lol, cannot spell? :)
>yes know that thinking of sister ntr makes you very sad lol
Ugh... Shut uppu....
Yes, okay
>forgot to greentext
Clearly scared, LOL

Attached: me-punching, you-scared.png (1200x1695, 2.13M)

when I punch one of those I remember I got quite a lot of points too desu
>Oh.... Lol, cannot spell? :)
yes can
>Ugh... Shut uppu....
lol :)
>Yes, okay
yes very okay
>Clearly scared, LOL

Attached: 1527007639112.png (798x1211, 402K)

AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHAHAHA, nice lies :) Me=punching it, you=scared
Hm, okay
>lol :)
What's so funny?

Attached: M1mfypZShbE.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

me on right you on left lol
not lying desu
>Me=punching it, you=scared
nah its the opposite duuuumb!!!!!
>Hm, okay
>What's so funny?
you're funny yes :)

Attached: 1527972430432.png (752x858, 676K)

Okay, good.....
nah its the opposite duuuuuuumb!!!
Proof? In a long sentence and with complicated words :)
No, I am serious

Attached: m150nxa9QLw.jpg (500x403, 36K)

>I hope we can cooperate in the future too!
so do I
>what is "napo"?
red pepper, basil, tomato slices and olives, it's from naples
>what if they paid you to embarrass yourself on national tv?
I'd still rather win the lottery if possible

Attached: _akiyama_mio_k_on_drawn_by_ikari_manatsu_544b13fe4ce1a063e81ba45e9f881efb.jpg (600x800, 193K)

scared? :))))))))))
yes good
>nah its the opposite duuuuuuumb!!!
why are you lying??? hmm??
>Proof? In a long sentence and with complicated words :)
nah lol
>No, I am serious

Attached: 67910673_p1.png (1395x964, 580K)

I never lie
>nah lol
Why not? :)

Attached: LOLL.jpg (1128x1600, 326K)

>so do I
very good
>red pepper, basil, tomato slices and olives, it's from naples
oh you meant that yes I do like those, do you?
>I'd still rather win the lottery if possible
I guess that's the better choice, but what if there was no other option?

Attached: 1525284852192.jpg (700x771, 126K)

>I never lie
you do
cause lol

Attached: 1519752944816.jpg (810x1127, 505K)

Yes, cute onee :)
Shut up!
Proof? :)

Attached: 1512330498194.jpg (675x536, 92K)

>oh you meant that yes I do like those
very nice, sending you one then
>do you?
heck yeah I do
>I guess that's the better choice, but what if there was no other option?
then so be it, I won't have to deal with opinions when I live in a mansion on a mountain

Attached: DiRNx75VAAArfX.jpg (750x1200, 75K)

>Yes, cute onee :)
yeah she is
>Shut up!
lol nice tsun!~
a lot of it yes
yes lol

Attached: 66760420_p0.jpg (1200x919, 325K)

>very nice, sending you one then
thank you then! I shall be waiting!
>heck yeah I do
very good taste
>then so be it, I won't have to deal with opinions when I live in a mansion on a mountain
hmm okay then I guess that make sense

Attached: 1529955269909.jpg (2175x1830, 1.11M)

Yes, like cute onees....
>lol nice tsun!~
>posts Asuka
Lol, nice tsun!
Post one

Attached: 1515943455534.png (680x753, 427K)

>Yes, like cute onees....
yes nice
>Lol, nice tsun!
you are yes
>Post one
don't want to lol

Attached: 1521403523416.jpg (1200x1217, 241K)

Funny pic
Don't have it.... Why??
Yes, very nice
>don't want to lol
Why not?

Attached: _ilbqVyYSH4.jpg (480x515, 45K)

>very good taste
y-you too

Attached: redditisbetterthan4chan.jpg (474x474, 41K)

>Don't have it.... Why??
its hot
>Why not?

Attached: 67046807_p0.png (635x903, 467K)

thank you!

Attached: 1525288625424.jpg (567x800, 292K)

Well?? :) Why not?

Attached: 1514571112763.jpg (371x550, 43K)

talking about pizza made me hungry desu going for a pizza once I'm dismissed from work
thank you too

Attached: _original_drawn_by_monobe_tsukuri_7ec0b1d40f3aa257ce2602399c1b525f2.png (990x1400, 1.4M)

>Well?? :) Why not?
cause lol
>talking about pizza made me hungry desu going for a pizza once I'm dismissed from work
fuck now I want one too
which one will you get?
>thank you too
no problem

Attached: 1531076797816.jpg (800x1139, 572K)

Here, I found it
>cause lol

Attached: 1519496249728.png (900x980, 1.37M)

that's not even the one baka
cause lol

Attached: 1532117200321.gif (500x281, 2M)

>fuck now I want one too
you should get one, the one I sent will take some time
>which one will you get?
probably a napo

Attached: 1528741362999.jpg (811x1200, 170K)

Fuck off lol

>you should get one, the one I sent will take some time
I shall get it tomorrow desu too late now bad to eat at nights
>probably a napo
nice any sauce?
rude :(

Attached: 1529161893368.png (1529x1181, 710K)

>I shall get it tomorrow desu too late now
>bad to eat at nights
whaaaaaaaaaat, night snacks are the best
>nice any sauce?
huh??? what do you mean??????

Attached: 64538546_p0.png (700x988, 709K)