
Morning coffee edition

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For me It's Oliang

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>not barako

>tfw your first fuckup on the job

It happens. Don't worry too much about it, just be the solution.

what is the ingredient? I know in vietnam they put concentrated milk and tea bubbles in it and call it a drink. this just looks like black coffee with ice in it

More like Northern Malay Coffee


Aww man that food fill a hole

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What does real coffee taste like?

A poor tagalog like me can only afford instant coffee packs

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What does real coffee taste like?

A poor slum dweller Bisaya and illocano like me can only afford instant coffee candy

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As a bisayan marcos supporter who eats shit as a traditional cuisine

will I like shit coffee?

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Cindy Gulla is perfect
prove me wrong

Protip: you can't

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how can a woman be so pretty

Dingin banget ya

why does android always copy apple?

Amati, Tiru, Modifikasi

It goes both way tho
They becaming more and more similar every release

dingin aja

>be me
>mutiple hysterias happened
>latest this morning
>no way of confirmation
>just a whatsapp notif
>even an alleged audio recording
>apparently class got cancelled from 11 to 12
>every one had to go to surau
>mumbled, "Do I have to go?"
>and this cute religious girl said, "Nanti x dpt pahala la"
>and gave me the cutest smile ever
>I laughed it off nonchalantly
>cute girl or not I'm not going
>I made my way to my room
>blast songs on my speaker
I call bullshit. Ruralfags and their superstitions.

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Redpill me on the ambonese people.

And that's why you're still a virgin right now. Cute girl > lame songs anytime.

She's gonna go to the surau. I ain't gonna spend time reading the yassin for 30 mins


Is 2 hours from 60% to 10% percentage battery on laptop considered good enough in indon standard? I got this around 2 years ago though.

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sounds like you have AIDS

t. doctor

see your local GP ASAP

Depend on laptop and usage. If you use it for gaming yes its good.

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I think I have these same coffee cups
they're very nice, I only wish I had an espresso maker

Merah putih launch was pretty great.

poo coffee is unironically EXTREMELY good
I have an expensive bag of weasel coffee

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what is your laptop, especially the age of your laptop
my x220 can sustain it's power for 5 hours on full browsing

post yfw musk, sneakly put anti-pedo device onn merah putih

>mfw full browsing

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That launch trailer is soo cheezy holy shit.
Red beam laser of DESTRUCTION.


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We need our own satellite

For what? for spying their own citizen?

Communications. We actually had two: one broke down, the other was sold off. We have a cubesat right now though, doing scientific work.

Satellite Ariff

What's the mission?

searching pedos for Papa Elon Musk

New satellite to replace TELKOM-1. Now on geosynchronous orbit pretty much covering the entire SEA and some.


Educate yourself my dude. I feel shame living with countrymen like you.

>educate yourself

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Cringe and Bluepilled.

Flatted and redpilled

Good on you for shitposting I guess.
I remember when Jow Forums was a place for dorks and geek to act retarded and have fun. But I guess that quote do come true after all "if you act retarded, actual retard will believe that they are in good company.

>I remember when Jow Forums was a place for dorks and geek to act retarded and have fun
Time changes gramps. Also, good thing never last.

Why does PH have bad internet but ID has okay internet

Fuck off, gramp. This is our generation now.

Who the fuck is causing all these "posting from your ISP IP range or country has been blocked due to abuse" shit on /a/?

because of puchong schizo nigger with no life
i bet he is the crack shipping autist too

Post vid

Not even that old. 19 yo boomer. Been here since 2007, lurked since way back and used BBS back in the day.

Unlisted from the spacex youtube channel and deleted from telkom youtube channel. I'll do some digging when I'm back home.

>19 y'o
>not old

Hi user, how's kindergarten?

Quite fun, my teacher has big milkies!

cheese pizza poster

Go pretend to piss your pant
She'll bring you to bathroom and touch your weewee

Stop watching hentai.

How old are you then, youngling? Lurk for 1 year before posting kudasai.

smell like fecesbook here

>all this indon posters

Shut up
We're just back from work

How's work user?

I was just back from class. Fuck I nearly swallowed a mint leaf... AAAAAAAAA

Shit just like always
Now fuck off

Good edition

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Have you guys ever had the feeling of forgetting your mother language when you were learning other language?

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No but i failed my English test back when i studied Japanese.
Now i'm bad at both.

>failing english test, the easiest of tests

Well how about you tried those english test for CPNS. Like seriously, sometimes i wonder am i really dumb or the one who made the test is.

Malaysia BTFO

How can you forget indonesian while still living in indonesia? Are you a foreigner?

The one who made the tests most likely

Not exactly a foreigner, just overseas for a long time. just came back this year

>he doesn't know Cinta Laura

It's frustrating when it comes to multiple choice questions.
All of the answers were correct depends on what occasion you use it but nope must pick one.

Based richfag

I wish


If you're not below 10 years old, you should kill yourself.


I wish i can see my shitpost on /lang/ indon thread again.

Are you below 10 yo?

Master degree? Lol we actually got a master over here.

>tfw must re-checking all financial report

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4 years old boy.

I just fapped ;-;

What /asean/ thinks of austronsian Varg?

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Wasn't there an indonesian professor shitposting way back ago?
Personally I knew a surgeon who lurk and shitposted on this site.
There was a time when mod would ban underage poster. Hope they add "user was banned for this post" too. Haven't seen that in a while.

Hope you have a tasty dinner, then a comfy night and a great sleep

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>indonesian professor shitposting
No fucking way

Mom and dad bought padang which i hate REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>not liking padang

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not everyone a n33t like you user :3
like this, an accountant