Post the MAGAPEDES equivalents from your country
Post the MAGAPEDES equivalents from your country
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Does he #StandWithIsrael like us BASED ‘pedes?
Who’s the alternative to Bolsonaro in your mind?
for him clearly Ciro Gomes or Lula, as they both want this country to be like Venezuela, the country every leftist dreams of
>This triggers the soyboys
Based Brazilian Chad.
He's just trying to get his life back on track after becoming a victim of soy
Ciro Gomes
That fucking body thought what the fuck
Ciro Gomes to kick amerimutts out of our country and get back our companies and oil and natural resources
Bolsominions são tao burros que não sabem a diferença entre nacionalismo econômico, socialismo e comunismo
yes, and to sell it all to china afterwards and establish a continental chinese puppet state
according to Wikipedia , the' amerimutts' are not controlling your energy companies and it's mostly state owned or chinese
Also he probably believes that the chinese are better and culturally closer than the americans
What’s wrong with him, hueanons? Is it autism?
you know what the funny thing is, the prince won't be the prince, it will be an army captain
>tfw no trump tier populist with alt-right tier support
Don't get me wrong, we have our fair share of populists - hell we still do, but since none of them are MAGA tier and we lost any faith in politicians we don't have any cadres like here.
Lmao hello Venezuela 2.0
Thanks for confirming basednaro will win the memelections.
anti abortion dudes
Leftists in latin america are borderline retarded. I don't even know why they continue to have face after Venezuela. Their entire brand of "nationalism" is basically anti-americanism, meanwhile they are more than willing to sell the entire continent to the chinese or russians if they promise to keep the mean american imperialists away. Meanwhile the chinks are some of the most xenophobic ecnonomic imperialists in the world, and these fuckers are helping them with glee. I fucking hate these people.
We mostly export soy to the Chinese, and I understand most of it goes to feed livestock.
Bolsominiom que é contra o aborto que pague pela educação, saúde, moradia e educação das criancas
Bolso meme cucked out to China in his most recent interview. Big Business owns him now.
abortion is a violation of the nap
Claro, quem quis agredir intelectual que veio fazer palestra sobre feminismo??
Quem ameaçou jornalistas de morte por ter mostrado que o Bozonaro é uma besta
He didn't. He said one bazillion times that he won't sell any hydroelectrics nor our minerals to China, while Ciro literally said the opposite
ah bloo bloo, think of the children while I corrupt even more this country!
Rightists in latin america are borderline retarded. I don't even know why they continue to have face after Chile/Argentina/Brazil/Colombia/Panama/Nicaragua/El Salvador/Guatemala. Their entire brand of "nationalism" is basically anti-“gommunism”, meanwhile they are more than willing to sell the entire continent to the Americans if they promise to keep the mean Cuban gommies away. Meanwhile the Americans are some of the most xenophobic ecnonomic imperialists in the world, and these fuckers are helping them with glee. I fucking hate these people.
>cucked out on china
He's the only one who's even dares to say we should be careful about it. Libs and socialists just bend over whenever they see slanted eyes.
>buáaaaa agressão
>meu feminismo!!
Vai dar a bunda, viadinho. Pelo menos o Ciro Gomes sabe falar que nem homem quando lhe convém; e a onde achas que está? Além de esquerdóide tem que ser um boiola chorão?
Maaybe if your shitty country stopped to SABOTAGE Latin America... Would be nice
Last coups financed by Amurikans: Honduras 2009, Paraguai 2012, Brazil 2016. And using sanctions to fuck Venezuela and Cuba.
You mean neoliberal Temer.
Lula and Rousseff banned Chinese investments in oil and utilities. Temer reversed that policy, you motherfucking idiot.
God I hate you rightwing loons. How do I remember your own country’s history better than you?
> I don't even know why they continue to have face after Chile/Argentina/Brazil/Colombia/Panama/Nicaragua/El Salvador/Guatemala.
Fucking WHERE? You mean the liberals? They barely said anything about "gommunism". If you're talking about right-wing populists, we haven't had one here since the fucking 50's if you don't include the military dictatorships. And keep in mind that the military dictatorship here was fairly popular and extremely sucessful, and even modern day socialists praise it for its economic performance.
Actual balls to the wall conservatism hasn't been around for decades. Bolsonaro is the first one that even named himself "right-wing" in well over 20 years. You know nothing of my country, you communist vermin.
No,we want Brazil being as good as Macris' Argentina
Brazilians have serious case of chornic ammnesia, there are people unironically BEGGING for a military dictatorship again
Watch the last interview and draw the conclusions yourself, those american news are literally shit
>And keep in mind that the military dictatorship here was fairly popular and extremely sucessful, and even modern day socialists praise it for its economic performance.
Nope, we want a country without crime where our culture is truly respected and not being destroyed in the name of communism
>democracy should only be respected when my leftist party wins!
Bolsonaro’s economic policy is as neoliberal as Temer’s.
He’s nothing like your military technocracy. The guy openly admits he doesn’t understand economics.
>Lula and Rousseff banned Chinese investments
The chinese have been buying brazilian soil for years, this isn't unique to Temer. Chongqing Grain Group has been buying land here for over a decade, this has never been an issue during Lula's government.
>To fuel its economic growth, Brazil needed more and more imported oil. The early years of the Brazilian Miracle had sustainable growth and borrowing. However, the 1973 oil crisis made military government increasingly borrow from international lenders, and the debt became unmanageable. By the end of the decade, Brazil had the largest debt in the world: about $US92 billion.
>Economic growth definitely ended with the 1979 energy crisis, which led to years of recession and hyperinflation.
Lmao, the guy literally ramped up taxes
>spic in charge of poortuguese
He directly said he's against chinks buying THE COUNTRY but isn't against trading shit with them.
men why do communist Americans hate your country this much. Pathetic. No one really sold latin america to the usa , we don't really invest that much in most south american countries. Mexico is the only huge exception and it's because of the proximity
>quotes from his mouth are “literally shit”
Good to know he cannot be trusted. He’ll turn into a weak moderate cuck once in office.
Why are you so easy to spot, samefaggot?
>gonservadism hasnt been in brasil for 100 billion years
>brazsil has a catholig gulture destroyed by gommunists
>temer is a le globalist gommunist
Brasileiro de classe media não liga de ver o Brasil destruído.
Eles só querem ver pobre fora da universidade pra não concorrer no mercado de trabalho, pobre desesperado para vender sua força de trabalho a preço de banana. Mimimi contra corrupção é só cortina de fumaça. Eles gostam de viver no segundo país mais desigual do mundo
This switcharoo doesn't work at all since Brazil has been economically left-wing since more than a century ago.
Meanwhile we have downies thinking the exact same shit will work THIS TIME and will vote for establishment cocksuckers like Ciro and Marina, the ignorance is astounding.
both right wing and left wing latin american politicians are pure shit.
yep, he's the goodest goy
So you won't watch the interview? Those quotes are taken out of context m8. If you want to see the real deal you need to watch the interviews and his speeches without a mediatic mediator, especially when he is literally against all political establishment
Exxon Mobil,Shell and Chevron received the Brazils oil for free from Temer
This is the reason for the coup in 2016
>any criticism of US foriegn policy means you “hate America”
Kill yourself MAGApede faggot, I will not stand with Israel.
>ain paraaa de me oprimir pofavo!!!! tudo é cupa dos outro nada cupa minha!!!!!!!
Brasileiro de classe media não liga de ver o Brasil destruído.
Eles só querem ver pobre fora da universidade pra não concorrer no mercado de trabalho, pobre desesperado para vender sua força de trabalho a preço de banana. Mimimi contra corrupção é só cortina de fumaça. Eles gostam de viver no segundo país mais desigual do mundo..
proof ? I'm seeing only Chinese companies when reading about your oil industry
I'm not a Jow Forumstard. I am a soc dem american. I just pointed that your critique about our foreign economic policy in latin america is wrong.
So? The military government invested a shitton in alternatives to oil and made an ethanol based alternative to try and stabilize the oil prices. They did exactly what socialists would try to do, and obviously ended up with hyperinflation. I guess neoliberalism really IS the answer after all uh?
>appealing to smafagging sense after just 5 posts
Why is mental retardation so easy to spot?
quads never lie
It's funny how afraid commies are of the military regime considering it was heavily left-wing in its economic politicies, it's nothing but an ideological war for them and they will be fine with literally anything as long as the leader praises their pet commie.
Bolsonaro supports proper market-driven economic politicies like in any decent country, only a complete ignorant idiot would be against this.
I don't apologize for much on Jow Forums, but I am legitimately sorry for spreading evangelical Protestantism to Brazil
we fucked up
He's a catholic you dip.
Is Bolsonaro really fascist? or just a patriotic populist?
The military regime was necessary to keep commies at bay, it was during the cold war and the previous president was heavily in favor of USSR mind you.
Statism never works for too long however, the regime outlived its purpose and we went into a recession as expected.
Nowadays lefties keep defending statism while the right-wing is pushing for modernizing the economy and ending this centralist government bullshit which is the core of all problems here.
Yeah, to pay for your gigantic fucking debt bill.
You think Bolsomeme is gonna not pay those debts?
the fuck is he doing then
J*ws are enemies
he literally wants a chicago boy at economics and wants to give cops permission to kill while giving gun permits to everyone, also he has deep ties with protestants, military dictatorship supporter, trad catholics and the royal family. He is literally a conservative
Wait, but some of you rightwing loons are calling for the return to that dictatorship?
Holy shit, that's the most white French people I've ever seen in one photograph
Reminder: You do not argue with libertarians. You shoot them.
but supported by pr*Testants
He's a socially conservative patriotic populist that grew more liberal in terms of economics as of late. He unironically defended Chavez back in the day and was staunchly against privatizations more often than not siding with socialists to keep the neolibs out of the way. Now he's convinced socialists are satan and became literal Pinochet.
all heads are beautiful
fedora shaming has got to go
You're really moronic if you think religion is anything new here, stop being so self-centered.
Yeah, let's make everyone even more poor while I indebt my country even more, instead of giving the opportunity for free entrepreneurship and the enrichment of the poor class and collect taxes from the upcoming production!
non-white french people aren't french people
So? Aren't most americans protestant? I don't know why do I bother talking about someone who hates most of his own compatriots about how should politics be run in my country. Fuck off.
If worst comes to worst then it's a necessary evil, but it's laughable to think that anyone would bother installing a military regime AFTER being democratically elected.
It's a very different time and there's no real pressure of a regime here, stop reading sensationalist media.
Ahh yessss, “price controls” Bolsonaro is free market now
>let's take opinions from 30 years ago and throw it back at him
great strategy
it would be interesting to see what could he make in Brazil tbqh
He can try cutting taxes, but who pays the interest on the deficit?
Everyone here knows he has been a statist in the past and you don't need to tell me about my country, he already addressed this and said he realized statism doesn't really work and his appointed ministers are heavily pro-market.
Stop reading fake news.
Then don't send them to the World Cup to win national glory, nigger.
alt-lite-lite civic """nationalists"""
You should cut taxes gradually while the production increases, the problem is that bureaucracy and government being too much indebted while not wanting to lose one inch of power. So Temer to cater for his politician friends would rather see Brazil burning instead of him and his friends going to jail and without power over state companies and other shit
Shouldn't this make you like him then? Honestly, economics in this continent is a loser's game. His only consistent plataform is to keep faggots from running schools and brutalize criminals, like a good classic conservative. The fact that tires to compromise with both ultranationalists and neolibs makes him a versatile politician this day and age.
>let's bully an average French citizen for what his elites do
I bet you're a fat fucking nigger getting off of this. Genuinely wishing for your death right now.
>an economic illiterate rightwing populist with a tiny coalition dependent on foreign capital
Uh oh
Listen, your views from when you’re 35 are your true view in life. Bolsonaro believes in whatever makes him feel happy each day.
He has no real principles