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based black man

me on the right

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Shadow of the Colossus was better


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*dabs on saudi arabia*

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Shadow of the Colossus seems like it would be interesting, but when you think about it, it isn't


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it's literally the opposite lmao. you begged them to release a prisoner and got cucked

Lost all my money investing in dog food

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Boris Johnson is just Tommy Robinson with a posh accent. It’s time this country stopped turning a blind eye to racism out of a lingering sense of class deference.

wonder who could be behind this post


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Bojo is the man! #MAGA

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Tell everyone I'll see them somewhere, sometime

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really need a poo!

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the northern diet plan

blocks your path

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>when you DAB on your N*bba in FORTNITE in front of da h8ters

It's like Twin Peaks

he wouldn't look homeless if he wasn't lolloping on the ground

lads this is it
shes finally getting the boot and behind bars

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good stuff

all jokes aside, brit is at an all time low

Messaging girl s while drunk peak of life innit

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only a nigger would pose next to a homeless person

Berlin is specimen central

Why would you say such a thing

there she is

Wanked so hard my arm is full of lactic acid

been watching her for years on end

>tfw got a job in a social office
>tfw frequently going out with work guys after work
>tfw think one of the girls is into me
>gave me number and we chat on whats app and she's getting flirty
>tfw normie life

Don't like this lads, it was so much simpler when it was me + take away + computer games, every night of the week forever.

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Should I buy USD ??? Pound is going to become Zimbabwe tier

Would love to fart on your face

Life s good

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The worst is when its so painful you can't finish, this is after multiple sessions and your dick is just a spongy mass but you want to finish what you've started.

>Should I buy USD ??? Pound is going to become Zimbabwe tier

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don't go back to being a degen but you should live the lone wolf life instead, as autism as that sounds in this post it's the most patrician way


snail mail

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I was wanking to girls I had chances but fucked it up with so it was important I came

im a nazi

So lads, when's the next war?

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Lpvinnng it lads why everyone so.sad life is gooood hahaha

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Finding a gf seems impossible honestly. There's a barrier between me and everyone else, the aspie high inhibition forcefield

then don't go if you don't like it you dim cunt, no one's forcing you

love how fantano btfo all her /mu/ waifufags

couple of years I reckon

Tonight. Me and you meet in the park next to the chippy.

When we invade brussels

the last one never ended

there's someken for everyone user don't worry it will happen xxx

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if tanks did that in a modern war they would be carpet bombed

capitalism was a mistake and women are pretty stupid

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pretty mad that there will never be another war in western europe

Yes! YES!!!

talk xx

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not much of a rare truth

Straight, Woman, Single, Monogamous, 5’ 11”, Average build

White, Speaks English, Attended Post grad, Catholic (and laughing about it), Never smokes, Drinks socially, Doesn’t do drugs, Vegetarian, Doesn’t have kids but wants them, Sagittarius

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in a modern war, surface-to-air missiles would be deployed to shoot bombers far better than ever before

I'm heading back from the Iron Maiden concert

In a strange and beautiful twist of fate, I encountered the quirky guy at the arena. We talked a little but it was too loud to have a real conversation. He got a written warning at work over the racism thing. He told me things about the show. His gf was there but didn't say anything, she seemed out off by me. Repulsed even. Think she may be trans, she's taller than him, plus big hands and it'll explain why she didn't talk.

We walked out of the venue together too. I was in a rush to catch this train so left him unceremoniously, it may even have been rude, could have soared a minute or two to say goodbye properly but it was just "see ya"

He asked if I enjoyed the concert and related questions

From what I could see, he and his gf were both very restrained during the concert. I may have killed his buzz. His gf looked over to me several times (they were closer to the stage so it made sense for me to look in their direction but not for them to look my way)

It was loud.
Music too loud to hear the song lyrics

falklands war 2.0: gibraltar edition is happening soon la

shut up you little freak

*its a hologram*

recommend me a good film

Can't help but think that Poley should be friends with Tim.

irish cunt we should she kept you annexed

Das Boot

Remember this fucking crap. look at the downvotes

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really horny and depraved at the minute. have to wank at least 3 times in the evening when home from work, and not just porn but browsing fabswingers and messaging people, and it gets in the way of doing anything remotely productive, how do i get out of this rut


nah you've probably got shit taste

hey poley when are you going to get your cock cut off?

why are all benders also nonces

my friend that lives here goes to Berghain every single weekend and does 10+ lines and 2 pills
don't know how he's still alive

Are aircraft carriers obsolete?

the wailing


I can see they've had facial surgery

depends on where they're used

problem child 2


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i heard your mum got diagnosed with congenital iodine deficiency syndrome

Don't you have to be gay to get in

strange how communists and anti-fascists advocate for third world immigration when capitalism gets the most benefit from it

so true so true


jeff goldblum

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no he goes with his gf and she goes harder than him

drones and rockets are all thats needed so no man is even at risk and they just launch a load so it overwhelms most missile defence systems
not to mention in an actual war planes would do risky missions

god shes so fit