Are they really white?

are they really white?

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png (1280x768, 989)


>people who wrote the aryan manual aren't white
who is then? how many people on this earth are actually white?

No one is /actually/ white

Oh I understand, like an achievable ideal every white should aspire to


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we used to be

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You got it. We are all actually just varying degrees of mutt until we can achieve transcendance and become WHITE GODS

Yakub help us

that was just to cope t b h

Attached: typical Wehrmacht soldier.jpg (240x377, 21K)

Delet, we're already accused of genocide

We are Greek

trying to whitewash history?

Attached: Kaiser Wilhelm II.jpg (300x450, 58K)

the only real whites live in north Wales and are truly mutant creatures

Since they wrongly assumed they were primarily from the steppe admixture genetically by their logic everyone East of them all the way to Moscow is more "Aryan" than Germans.

Germans have more old Euro blood than proto-IE.

>that Sudanese look
now I understand his anti-semitism

Then what's a 'Volga German'?

>Then what's a 'Volga German'?

A reverse Mexican.

>Then what's a 'Volga German'?
asking for real?
German settlers that came to Russia in the 18th century

Volga Germans are germans that were invited to settle in Russia in 18th century

technically only real 'whites' are those east Asians

Germans are mentally closer to Japanese than to Westerners. Very collectivistic and prone to cult-like hivemind behavior, extremely narrow-minded, lacking empathy to the point of conducting medical experiments on living humans and putting millions of children in gas chambers, sadistic, power-hungry, fanatical, hyper-competitive and Darwinian. Japanese religion encourages this behavior, whereas Christianity discourages it. Germans are obviously closer to the former.

thanks I have 0 historical knowledge even of Sudan, always an 'aha' moment

Well the Volga German is probably descendant from German settlers in Russia. They were living happily there in their German settlements and speaking German. Than that whole thing happend and they were mostly driven out. Under West German law they were considered German and recieved citizenship. Not all left after the war though, some stayed and were russified. When the wall fell they were still eligible for citizenship and decided to come over, but now they were barely German and basically had no country, since in the East they were still Germans, in Germany they were considerd Russians. This led to lots of pent up anger and an inferiority complex, which is why you see one poster here with a German flag posting Russian propaganda and dumping his anti-British folder over and over again while proudly proclaiming to be Volga German, which by now means little anymore.

thanks for the expanded explanation, very thoughtful and nice of you :3

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stupid question probably, but you're not actually from Sudan are you?

Well you were once so thoughtful and explained to me what that growth on my butt was

No I am, I give the impression I am not because I transitioned between radically different countries and developed a brilliant capacity (as an autistic child) to act as a chameleon to survive

Sorry for any misunderstanding, its pretty much probabilistics until the biopsy is placed under a microscope and graded

Tomorrow work so I should call it quits before putting further pressure on a precarious situation

you are my favourite poster on this board

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