Is whiteness considered a virus in your country too?

Is whiteness considered a virus in your country too?

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Make it stop

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Das rite!!!

idk, people around here consider themselves serbs
if you called them 'hey whites' they'd prolly say 'who is that?'

no one outside of new world calls himself 'white' and there is no such a place or people in europe either, people consider themselves what they are, not some 20th century rootless superficial meaningless label

I liked Jon Hamm, that's too bad

Watched the whole video. I think it's too clever so people won't understand it.

Based turk

Yes but we found the cure: Islam

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its true tho

calling europeans "white" and they would probably think you are a republican calling out the monarchists or something
"whites" cant even talk to each other in their native languages, grouping people that cant even talk to each other is utterly retarded

This. White, Black, Mestizo, Mulatto and Zamboo only exists in the Americas.

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Care to explain?

.>side effects may include...
>...acceptance of the mortality of yourself and your culture

Really activated my almonds.

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Being called white is an insult

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"White culture" isn't a thing anyway

Collectively it is

they are getting a littler bolder desu

Its telling people to stop being obsessed with whiteness and instead focus on blackness

It's ending puts the whole video into a negative context, so basically they say that "Maybe we shouldn't hate on whites, because it won't lift us up, we should love make ourselves better." It's just people are stupid and they will go BUT THAT'S ONLY THE ENDING!!!!

Why not? Black culture is a thing. Neither black people or white people are a monolith but that doesn't mean cultural trends can't arise across similar ethnic groups.

Source video?

I got that but I didn't feel as though they were writing off the rest of the video, simply pointing out that self affirmation is more important.


we spam our fringe monarchist movements, till amerimutts learn that in europe "whites" = monarchists, "reds" = commies, "greens" = environmentalists, etc

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no it isn't. when people say "black culture" they mean black Americans specifically. They aren't talking about Nigerian culture or Gambian culture.

But DeGaulle said a french person had to be «white and catholic» to really be french back in the sixties

Do I really have to explain how punch lines work?

>Black culture is a thing
How so? Do you think the masai are anything like the igbo?
This. Drive this point forward. The only group with a monolithic culture in the americas (barely at that) are latinos and even those people are multiracial.

They're idiots falling for a misdirection blatantly tacked on at the last 15 seconds so it's not just dismissed as the racist drivel it is. The other 6 minutes of video aren't magically invalidated by it, it's pure hatred that would be called nazism if the phase "white" was replaced with any other colour.

I never really undertood Chetniks. Like they were allied with everybody and they were the enemies of everybody at the same time.

are these videos made by pro-whites trying to rally whites by provoking them?

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The skit is them discussing the video they are editing

cheta is a small military formation, so chetnik means a member of this small military formation
they wanted to restore a king back on the throne in serbia so they went around "strategically" allying and killing everyone but themselves so there's less people to kill later

if there was 1000 commies and 500 nazis, they ally with the nazis to reduce the commies, if there's 1000 nazis and 500 commies, chetniks in that village ally with the commies to wipe out the nazis

but at the end of the day they wanted to kill all nonserb nonmonarchists, their idea was monoethnic, monoreligious, monolinguistic, monocultural serbian kingdom

This shit blows my mind. At any point do they realize that Serbia is fucking tiny and nobody cares about it. It doesn't do anything and has no real distinct culture besides fighting against everything and losing.

Like, just do something else like become a mechanic or a family man or something. Weirdos. Same thing goes for wacko militia here in the US.

no man, i dont even want to sound insulting but your opinion is fucking retarded, and here's why:
if you wanna become a "mechanic family man" in this part of serbia, austrians come with guns to kill you, while in that part ottoman leftovers (bosnia, albania etc) come with guns to kill you, while in another part commies, you get the point

its a sheltered 1st worlder opinion that you can label yourself, in reality (such as a prison, in your corner of the world) outsider gives you a label and you gotta group up with other people who outsider labeled the same as you
you can be the faggiest nonracist in america or faggiest atheist in europe, you will join the aryan brotherhood or christian group to protect yourself from the niggers or muslims

Do you have more pics like this one

>“The main function of white supremacy,” he noted later, paraphrasing Toni Morrison, “is to distract you from your work.”

Watch as the goalposts get moved from "it was a parody!" to "so what?!"

why are americans always so obsessed with race

yes ofc

they were the primary cannon fodder of the serbian side, and they were mostly recruited from the lower classes
there's trillion pictures of them because chetniks were quite frequent

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