Take a photo of what you are seeing or doing right now and upload it in this thread

Take a photo of what you are seeing or doing right now and upload it in this thread

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Its 0:56 am, i am sitting on bench in front of my commieblock and drinking beer. Nobodys here, only silence around.

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Just came back from work, evening shift, bought two beers in the shop nearby and drink them on the bench because air is fresh and warm. I go straight to bed after finishing them

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take your willy out

You didn't post photo

Sure. I wanted to piss anyway

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which city?

he actually did it the mad man

Suburbs of Wrocław

nice, looks comfy. it's way too hot to sit outside drinking, even 30c in the night.

also it's not comfy. my city uses white LED lights everywhere so it feels industrial and lifeless.

Record it and upload to YT

im reading a book because i am highly intelligent

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take your willy out

i went to poland in spring. i stayed with a polish friend and his gf in their comfy commieblock. i am jelly of their lives. they go to uni, go back to their warm apartment. sometimes they go out for a beer at the river with their dog. very wholesome life.


I'm leaning against a wall looking at Jow Forums on my phone thinking about how I should tiny my room

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You like golden rain? I am just taking second piss.

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I'm taking a shit while I shitpost

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Still taking a shit

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watching jija

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Taking a shower

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> Record it and upload to YT

This short walk just for you: youtu.be/s887jXkieoU

I am going home to take a shit. Brb.

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>take a picture of the screen you're staring at in the dark and upload it right now

I am just taking a shit too now.

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I was jerking off to porn thats why it took so long


This girl is Russian, just like 90% of whores on this site. She is also the living evidence that Putin is a kike. Only countries ruled and dehumanized by jews can be so degenerate and anti-christ like Russia and the USA. A human is rsduced in theze countries to a mobile meat. Thats because Jews are satanists amd their goal is to turn all non-jews into walking meat. They know that humans are Gods creation and since they are servants of Satan, they want to deprive human beings of this status by turning them into animals. The best way to do this is poverty and war

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Thats why we should kill every jew and every russian and every american whom we meet on street. Thats self defence: killing jews and their servants. We are human, children of Christ. They are anti-human. Children of anti-Christ.

I just watched Lars von Triers "The House That Jack Built". I also want to make a piece of art out of killing. I will be killing jews and people of nationalities that are friendly to jews. I will be killing random jews, russians, brits, germans, americans, ukrainians, belarusians and all nations that are loved by jews. I need more meaning in my life. Jesus said that we need to be warriors with sword.

Also czechs, the danish, the indian and bulgarian. They are loved by jewish satanists too. But foremost, i will be killing random jews. I am so smart that nobody will ever punish me for it

Fucking knew it!
Poland is based and redpilled

>dap gape

Yeah, I'll pass.

I don't want to take a picture of my boner.

If every child of Christ on this planet woke up the way i did and killed one random jew and/or one random person from any country that serves the jewry, we would save humanity from doom.

>Suburbs of Wrocław
My coworker is from Wroclaw. But he's like 70.

I alone can kill 100 jews in a month but if everyone lese fails to do the same, my effort is pointless from point of view of global significance. If i kill 100 jews in a month, it is only my pleasure but it wont change the future. You all need to follow me if you want to make the difference

>Second piss in 30 minutes.
How much did you drink? On a side note, I know someone who got body slammed by a cop in NYC for pissing in a subway station.

Blacks ruined this just like Detroit and Chicago.

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I am still pissing. 6 beers.


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I missed my train because some chucklefuck decided that steep mountain roads would be the perfect place to drive his overloaded box truck. Now I have to wait 30 minutes to catch the next one and another hour to get into the city.
My class starts in 50 minutes.

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Nice. I like the ending

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Hey lads

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Uhh...user, is this your town?

been laying in bed for five hours or so trying to pass out, it's almost four in the fucking morning lads

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Now I'm bowling

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question Jow Forums, what am I doing right now?

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>take a photo of what you're doing right now
>is literally nothing but pictures of some pollack pissing and an amerilard taking a shit
kek, never change Jow Forums

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It was cool watching this. Like a little getaway. Anons should do this more.

Wtf u r a pretty gril user go to sleep

Making sushi or watching anime. Pls tell me I am right

I’m on Alabama on a comfy island called Dauphin Island. Haven’t seen a single dolphin strangely

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laid in bed drinking cider at my mum's house, might walk home soon

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Based gun toting burger

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looks like a rollercoster

Nice fake tabs ya dip

>muh guns
no one cares retard

>Now I'm bowling
kek, the fat mans sports

going to work

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looks comfy

I'll neck you nigger

Jealous bogan who can’t own an air soft gun

why would i want to own anything associated with murder and warfare? my mind has not been infected by the imperialist motives that pervades the american mind, impressing on them that war and murder is a necessary part of life.

Listening to music and drinking wine at my friend's house

Trippin on mush solid too

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Don't thread on me!

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ITT CIA intern convinces Jow Forums to give up their real life locations.


Implying that my smartphone isen't allready tracking me.

you're gonna grow up in a few years and you'll realise that the sober mind is the most powerful experience you could ever hope to have. stop ingesting substances while you're ahead. trust me, your brain will appreciate it.

>implying anyone gives a shit about you.
thats a harder truth to grasp. You are inconsequential


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i understand this response; you're young, free spirited, idealistic, etc etc. the idea of growing up is a distal concept for you but you will realise i am right. everyone does

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Nice kitter

Just taking a phone call right now

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Dump it.

Waiting for them to finally start testing that damn machine, because i've nothing better to do then watching helicopter spining rotor for another hour

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Great, show is over, what i'm suppose to do now

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Doing to ol' pretending to work.

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I can't my boss browses Jow Forums

Sewing shorts.

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I'm smoking.

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Wasting my life away ex-yu style

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Just in bed, counting down the seconds until the moving company gets here so I can move into my new place. Tired of living in 100 sq ft rooms.

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top comfy

are u badass gamer?

kek no

It is now 5am. I've climbed up onto the roof of this building and I'm watching the city and killing a 6 pack of beers. I'm not fat I am 6'0 and weigh 130lbs. I'm quite emaciated, actually.

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Brown shoes man, should consult someone regarding aesthetics.