Why does the word "white" refer to European people ? I'm Syrian and my ancestors were a mix of Turks...

Why does the word "white" refer to European people ? I'm Syrian and my ancestors were a mix of Turks, Kurds and Arabs and I have a very light skin. My skin is lighter than a lot of southern Europeans yet they're considered "whiter" than me.
When will Eurofags understand that there are white doesn't mean Europeans only ??
pic for the Syrian actress Solaf Fawakharji

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Edit : When will Eurofags understand that white doesn't mean Europeans only*

when it becomes feasible, all global governments and health organizations should just have our DNA involuntarily submitted

then we can sort who's who through computer databases

also she cute

because 'whiteness' is an ethnocultural and not a biological designation. you can also cherrypick kalash and pashtun with 'white' features, but this doesn't mean anything since 'white' is not a meaningful taxon and genomic investigation of such populations evinces their affinity with local asian populations

How can you be Syrian in Saudi Arabia? Don't you have any shame. KSA turned Syria into what it is today.

its american mongrel autism

for europeans, white = monarchists
red = communists
green = environmentalists
black = anarchists
blue = republicans
yellow = liberals

calling someone "white" in europe would probably be interpreted as "this guy wanna restore monarchy"

I've been living here since before the war. Also, what do you expect me to do ? go die for assad ?

>what do you expect me to do ? go die for assad ?
Yes? Or do you disagree with him politically?

fuck off shitskin

Autism je srbja

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But are you pink tho
You need to be pink to be white

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I'm not talking about politics in this thread

because you have african admixture and aren't culturally christian

I was just trolling. Sorry.

So being white is being christian ?

because it's not about skin it's about features you can easily tell a syrian from a european even with an albino skin
also levantines have heavy semitic features (from what i see in pics)

Once you are pink you are on white step

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Syrians are brown sandniggers
(Assad is based though)

Slavs and Aryans don't share the same features yet they are all called white.

Semitic people look semitic European people look European not all semitic people look the same tribe not all Europeans look the same tribe


Both of you arent white tho neither serbs or hungary (some)

Why the fuck are your brown third worlders obsessed with Slavs and South Europeans?
They are white and Christian and you are brown and muslim.
Its not hard to grasp.

idk how to explain it but when i see a western european or a slav tourist i can easily tell the difference but both have a different vibe from mena some italians and iberian can easily pass in mena tho

I get it but that's because Ive travelled a lot and lived with peoole from different nationalities without already having other opinions and stereotypes instilled in me. I was too young for that. Other Europeans arent so lucky and are very ethnocentric

Ethnic Iberians are all pure white, the muttos and non whites in Iberia arent ethnic Iberian and they can probably pass in mena so can sicilians.

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No selim
You aren't Italian or white

It's not obsession you Americuck faggot. I just don't like ignorance of western people.

post a european looking syrian

>Slavs and Aryans don't share the same features
Slavs are aryans dumbass.

It quite clearly is

i literally said the opposite dummy
why would i identify as a race inferior than mine lmao

because the concept of white people revolves around people from europe and also includes cultural and historic attributes?

why exactly should they or anyone include you in that definition? most syrians don't even look white btw

Brown North African subhuman

Its a dumb Americanism which refers to the European race


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Don't think too hard about it. You see the reason for this confusion is because American influence is finally taking root in Europe, for the longest time these terms were only used in America for immigration purposes but now they are used to assimilate the peoples of Europe like they were used here in the US

based and white

cringe and shitskinned

>Edit : When will Eurofags understand that white doesn't mean Europeans only*

There are no whites in Europe.

White is only a thing in America.

that's an oxymore ass licking goat fucker lmao

if i posted a picture of a slav you wouldnt even know if it was a slav or "aryan" you high functioning retard camel fucker

half of the "aryan" actors in movies and tv shows are slavs because of the stereotypical blue eyes/blond hair...............
here's a "vikings" tv show main character, a fucking slav

wanna compare aeronautics/space achievements or number of tesla tier scientists, arab subhuman??

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is that a woman? why are white women so mannish looking?

jelly arap cause of the lack of cheekbones and facial bones in arap 'men'


here's another one:
they needed a nazi actress, they put a slav for the role

>shitskins in charge of even knowing what linguistically indo-european languages even are, let alone who is "white"

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i actually can tell this one is a slav
because here in my city there is more russians/ukrainians than tunisians at the moment got used to see that kind of looks

Serbia is southroon tho and like black.

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60% of serbia or such is non white

My skin is even lighter than those southern Europeans. Guess the Serbian faggot is butthurt that balkans had been fucked for years by Muslims and now he's not a 100% European.

whither than you, tyrone
half of the boys in my village were blond, here is our football club picture
not that i need to explain anything to a kenyan person such as yourself
>ashkually, americans arent kenyan [...]
but how can you explain having a kenyan president then?
you cant, you were ruled by a kenyan because all of you are collectively, racially and spiritually kenyan deep down

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pic related has lighter skin that those two but she is black meanwhile their are whites

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pathetic, black jewish BVLLS should annex your shithole

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It is you who are girly looking

You're not white crapskin. And you never will be. Why are you even here don't you have a child to behead on video?

Imagine if we treated people based on how they behaved instead of what they look like. That would be nice

here, have a visual comparison you nasty fucking shitskin
>inb4 that is not my particular tribe
arr rook same when it comes to you desert camel fuckers
know your place, brown subhuman
took like 4 seconds on google images and paint to create this shit for you
now say "thank you" and fuck off, nonwhite camel fucking scum

and separate the church and the state, you are like a thousand years behind you utter mongoloid nonwhite subhuman

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Geez dude you come off as really insecure right now tbqhwyf

those are not arab tribe
those are east african you dummy

based and redpilled
your new to Jow Forums's shitposting aren't you

Whites is just a sub race of the caucasian race.

It's just goblinos larp BS when algeria is literally whiter than modern day france and germany.

>cherry picked images
>look guys its proof!


Thats just pure autism

its 2 am and i am drunk
but how can i explain booze to a muslim such as yourself?

thanks unironically

Why are you drunk on tuesday?

It's just a descriptive term. Nobody in the West thinks brown people like Syrians or Serbs are white because they look different then the host population in countries that are nominally considered white.

This working definition of 'white' in Western Europe is based on the idea that the people in the in-group can pass as locals. 99% of Austrians will pass as Norwegians, maybe 5% of Serbs will and 2-3% of Syrians. That is how normal people view it, and pictures of people who look white is not indicative
of how the general population of the country looks.

In general the countries east and south of Austria are too mixed for most of their populations to pass as locals in Western Europe, hence they cannot be considered white.


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Whites exist in serbia yea.

This guy looks like a bavarian due to danube

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>caucasian race
No such thing.

You're expecting too much from Jow Forumstards

You’re honestly retarded if you think Serbians are as different looking from us as fucking Syrians

its a long story but basically i got some sort of a job for the first time so i felt like opening a bottle

there was this junior marketing executive job and i went for an interview after a phone call, told the guy i have zero experience, hell i dont even believe office shitters even do anything all day, told him marketing is a huge fucking bullshit too, any retard could do whatever the fuck these parasites even do, companies are good or bad because of the empirical, actual, measurable stuff they make, stuff like engines or food or whatever is good or bad because of their mechanical properties, not some marketing bullshittery, its just talking to people and convincing the non-technical mouth breathing retards with buzzwords, that is all marketing is

guy told me "ok listen you are only 20 years old but we need someone like you for this position, you are starting 2 days from today" and he gave me some papers to sign and i gotta show up to their offices when they told me and i got nothing better to do than drink till then

well the Syrian guy was at fault thinking that it's just a matter of skin

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"white people" is a social construct

>Why does the word "white" refer to European people
For the same reason that oranges are deemed orange while grapefruits are not.

The fact that you get that out from what I wrote shows me that you are not Norwegian, show your eye color with a timestamp


But it is. White skin means you're white. Nothing else to it.

it's not? most asians and arabs can have pale skin

no it's not i know tones of people not just with pale skin but with blond hair and light eyes but still look like mulattoes

pale skin is just an adaptation of living near the poles.

>pol education on race

brown hands typed this post

Is this really what you said or did you just think about it? How drunk are you right now?

Any way congratulations for getting that job m8

>thinks having pale skin doesn't make you white
>calls me a Jow Forumstard

Skin is a deduction. Being "white" implies a certain biological maturity that is characteristic for Europeans, hence the word is reserved for Europeans only.

Then just fucking say European, retard.

Why are you so mad?

That's doesn't work out for Americans of European descent, who mutually call themselves white.

no, i actually told him that to his face
he asked me some bullshit like "well you do not seem to be qualified, so why do you think you can do this" and then i just told him what i thought about his "qualifications" and that was that there are no non-technical qualifications in his braindead area of 'expertise', any retard can do these non-technical jobs, calculating thermal efficiency of an engine cycle is hard i imagine, but what do i know i dont have a formal education on such things, but marketing some utterly retarded product to some utterly retarded consumers require absolutely no skill and i could do it just as good if not much better than the standardized retards with qualifications

he said he was impressed with my overall thinking and attitude and that he needs someone like that, he told me that people he usually talks for such positions are self proclaimed intellectuals who stutter when they talk and falsely believe they are smart because they completed a 4 year kindergarden program and he needs someone much more down to earth and down to people he wants to market to

im not wearing a clownsuit tho those faggots can forget about making me wear some retarded clothes you cant even run or jump in, might as well wear a rope, told him that too, if he wants to wear a fragile piece of rope you are not sure if it will tear if you yawn instead of a full movement, sprinting, trusty comfy sweatpants and hoodie im not interested

So european culture was invented by egyptians, jews, greeks, middle easterners, italians, which are not white acording to pol logic.

greek democracy (something niggers still cant pull off due to corruption), roman law (something nonwhite lawless shitholes cant figure out), and enlightenment values (something arab cunts cant figure out and separate the church and the state)

its very basic and simple unless you are trying to get it wrong on purpose


>Implying Christianity (something invented by a Palestinian Jew) had no influence on European culture.

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>white this
>white that

I'm sick of this shit. OP is just an insecure faggot who's looking for acceptance and appraisal by a bunch of autists on a mongol throat-singing imageboard.

europeans stole most of their knowledge from arabic libraries back in the renaissance.

which was after an entire centurie of europeans fighting over religion like modern day muslims.

made by brown people not diferent from turks.

>roman law
made by manlets not diferent from algerians (same genetics).

european culture is brown as fuck.

But Americans, Australians, Canadians, etc aren't European.

incredibly cringe post

If they invented European culture, that's obviously because they *moved* to Europe, i.e. they resemble the modern Europeans.

your opinion is wrong and the fact that we can even talk on the internet is the proof

>if poopskins didnt invent breathing air, we would all choke!
low hanging fruit, anyone would pick it, anyone would figure out whatever the fuck early bullshit they stole from greeks anyway

fuck it im drunk ill just put all seething shitskin flags on filter

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