Why does the word "white" refer to European people ? I'm Syrian and my ancestors were a mix of Turks...

Why does the word "white" refer to European people ? I'm Syrian and my ancestors were a mix of Turks, Kurds and Arabs and I have a very light skin. My skin is lighter than a lot of southern Europeans yet they're considered "whiter" than me.
When will Eurofags understand that there are white doesn't mean Europeans only ??
pic for the Syrian actress Solaf Fawakharji

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Edit : When will Eurofags understand that white doesn't mean Europeans only*

when it becomes feasible, all global governments and health organizations should just have our DNA involuntarily submitted

then we can sort who's who through computer databases

also she cute

because 'whiteness' is an ethnocultural and not a biological designation. you can also cherrypick kalash and pashtun with 'white' features, but this doesn't mean anything since 'white' is not a meaningful taxon and genomic investigation of such populations evinces their affinity with local asian populations

How can you be Syrian in Saudi Arabia? Don't you have any shame. KSA turned Syria into what it is today.

its american mongrel autism

for europeans, white = monarchists
red = communists
green = environmentalists
black = anarchists
blue = republicans
yellow = liberals

calling someone "white" in europe would probably be interpreted as "this guy wanna restore monarchy"

I've been living here since before the war. Also, what do you expect me to do ? go die for assad ?

>what do you expect me to do ? go die for assad ?
Yes? Or do you disagree with him politically?

fuck off shitskin

Autism je srbja

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