What's Jow Forums's opinion on white africans?
What's Jow Forums's opinion on white africans?
The only white thing bapu them is their teeth. And it’s so white because they’ve never eaten anything.
good boys who dindu nuffin
deserved a lot better than what they got.
boers = subhumans
anglo southern africans (incl. anglo zimbabweans), german namibians = based and redpilled
cancer it's not like i ever seen one tho
pathetic racist larpers
All of my white african family fled to europe to avoid genocide, this was back in the early 70s
They never returned besides a few individuals
In Zambia things are pretty peaceful
they need to go back just like black europeans
Incredibly high IQ post
Wasn't South Africa over 20% white not that long ago?
Why do Afrikaners/Boers hate Anglo Africans?
dunno there might be some sort of conflict or war of some kind?
i've always found these percentages unrealistic
except for namibia and south africa
they think they were genocided because they got in the way of the british and were put in camps
But the greater enemy is the black man.
And Afrikaners should speak English. its more useful to communicate to other Whites
People from Botswana are chill. People from SA and Zimbabwe are a mixed bag.
Have you looked at the sources listed for that?
It's mostly the CIA World Factbook which really only makes educated guesses about this type of stuff
>What's Jow Forums's opinion on white africans?
The continents only hope but the Bantus have squandered the resource.
What's going on in Djibouti and Senegal?
I've also heard that Botswana people are very kind and welcoming people. Probably the most friendly in southern Africa. How about Namibia?
I don't think it was ever that high but I could be wrong.
White South Africans seem to survive on blame.
The Dutch East India company abandoned them, forcing them to become renegade slave traders, as if this was not heartbreaking enough the British tried to beat them twice in a war after they declared a rogue republic around some gold mines.
Of course the Black South African majority who they later threw into a diaspora (3.5 million Black/Indian/Coloured people were forcefully removed from their homes and farms since the 1930's that were given to whites for almost nothing) and de-Nationalised (forced to carry a passport) seems never to have liked them enough.
And of course when Jews escaping Hitler and other Brit ex colonials flooded in they were whining about having to share their fatherland.
In 1994 they got a sweetheart deal and not even a war crimes trial but that too was not appreciated enough for these Special People.
Now they are pretending to be Rwandans or Bosnian Muslims. Today they are insisting on stealing the limelight and sympathy from the millions of poor they created. I think they should finally grow up. A 350 year adolescence is more than long enough
They use the victim card every time, and throughout their history they use it to step on others EVERY time.
French people
>forcing them to become renegade slave traders, as if this was not heartbreaking enough
It was like 10/11% during the apartheid
New information that's just come to light is that many of the top ministers of the Apartheid government were pedos
Well to be fair they were probably British diaspora.
Man Apartheid South Africa is probably the only place in the world where Anglo Whites weren't the most powerful group in the country
>whites in Senegal
Looks like a bullshit map desu
>new information made up by honorable membas
Highly reliable information no doubt.
>Apartheid-era defence minister Magnus Malan and two other National Party ministers, one of whom is still alive, have been named as central figures in a paedophilia ring which targeted coloured children.
Do you actually believe this? Do you not know how ridiculous South Africa is?
>the deaths of two other individuals, Dave Allen and John Wiley, who were believed to have been involved in the paedophile ring allegedly spurred Mark Minnie, who was a policeman at the time, to investigate the case.
>Minnie's attempts to investigate the allegations against the ministers were allegedly squashed by his superiors.
>Former Cape Times journalist Chris Steyn, who co-wrote the book with Minnie, also conducted her own investigations into the allegations.
>News24 reported that the group used South African Defence Force aircraft to be flown to an island off the shores of Port Elizabeth where they repeatedly raped young boys.
>One of the boys was injured during one of the encounters and he was quickly flown to the hospital and treated at the white section of the hospital.
>The family of the boy was allegedly paid off for their silence.
>(((Chris Steyn)))
It's all possible but it's South Africa for fucks sake.
Djibouti hosts militaries from all over the world, most notably US
>Do you actually believe this?
South African news reports on this from the 80's:
>UPI Archives April 3, 1987
>Police issue warning on cabinet member's suicide
>Wiley, the only white non-Afrikaner in President Pieter Botha's cabinet, shot himself in the head Sunday at his home in the Cape Town beach suburb of Noordhoek.
>Since the suicide, newspapers have reported a close friend of the minister, deep-sea diver David Allen, committed suicide Feb. 25, hours before he was to stand trial on charges of engaging in homosexual acts with juveniles.
>The suicide could embarrass the government, which is facing a national whites-only election May 6. Wiley had already launched his campaign for re-election in his Simonstown constituency.
There are several murders of white government members that were disguised as suicides during Apartheid. I can give you more examples.
We should set up an Jow Forums colony somewhere in Africa. Which country?
>There are several murders of white government members that were disguised as suicides during Apartheid. I can give you more examples.
I can't comment because I don't know much about South African history. To me it's a wacky place with wacky people and I don't trust anything I read about it.
What do you mean you don't trust anything you read about it?
Benin :DDD
North Africans are considered white though aren't they?
You will never be a cute girl
makes me laugh how they thought they were superior to the natives and in almost all cases (like rhodesia and SA) got their shit pushed in
seething spic
arriba arriba paco
build that wall
Formative memory over the Boer Wars
There was one user in /his/ who mentioned how when anglos are portrayed in South African Media they are portrayed the same way jews are
Weak bait.
what could have been....
the world could have been so much better
armenians in ethiopia were pretty cool, too bad most of them got kicked out by asshole communists
white aid workers are scum though
>Boers rape a few kids
>Ghouls rape the entire country
Like pottery
t. benito muhamed alwariz korony
where's rhodesia now? where's the transvaal province? where's the orange free state?
yeah that's what I thought
>white africans
No such thing.
High IQ post. They've had it long time coming.
Thought they could stand up to British.
They actually we'ren't the completely fuck over africa.
Well nambia was cool with a white vice president.
Benin is a country larping as a kingdom that was in Nigeria.