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porca madonna
The only reason Germany is higher is Albanian and Turkish diaspora.
Is property price and unemployment really that high, or is this a cultural issue where people simply do not want the responsability of children? I dream of starting a family but dont because I am broke as fuck. What do you think is the cause?
Jesus it's worse than Japan?
>I dream of starting a family but dont because I am broke as fuck.
Asian diaspora females are well to do typically in anglo saxon countries but their fertility rates are the lowest.
financial insecurity is the number 1 cause.
half in half, its the housing situation on one side and cultural attitudes on the other. People fall into a mentality that they don't need kids, that kids are a monstrous effort to raise and that they might be terrible parents. Its consumerism-related I think
This will pass with time because of selection, as people with better attitudes breed more. Its observable for example that conservatives outbreed progressives. Within x generations they will set the tone for society and the attitude will shift to more profamily.
The problem is ofc the fact that certain elements push for mass immigration exactly during this transition, which will result in a bunch of future conflicts I imagine.
Muslims on welfare are the highest breeders in any western country. It has more to do with cultural programming. For example, women are told to delay their marriage and childbearing after they finish their lengthy college degrees.
>Italy has had sub-replacement fertility since the fucking 70s
Turkish diaspora fertility rate has gotten low in germany. It is mostly arabic influence now
they cant afford childrens from what I've heard
don't worry, there will be more AFRICAN BULLS to boost the fertility rate
i wonder How they comes here With the ports closed
all those neo-"populists" are just pressure valves to release some steam from upset natives, under Trump, Sebastian Kurz, PVV or the Brexit the white % decreased and continue to decrease, despite the claims.
A mix of african natality, illegals and legal migration will finnish Italy and Europe.
>implying your birthrates are much higher
it's raising very fast since 2003.
>ALGIERS- The crude birth rate (live births per 1,000 population) in Algeria, increased from 19.36 per thousand in 2000 up to 25.40 per thousand in 2017: this rate is among the highest in the world, said a survey by the Population Department of the Ministry of Health, Population and Hospital Reform.
>According to the survey, fertility also increased between 2000 and 2017, moving from 2.40 children up to 3.1 children per woman.
At this rate, if fertility reaches 3.5 children per woman in 2050, Algeria's population will increase to 72.4 million inhabitants (against 42 million currently), with a predominance of people under 20 and over 60.
Sorry whitoid, you're the one getting replaced
it is tho
why are you obsessed with other people's countries? real question
Arabs have always meddled in the affairs of others.
I think that ethnically replacing western people is a necessary step to get Peace on earth.
what makes you think that?
>italy has low birth rates when they have girls like this
Destroying Persia(Iran), Rome, Greece and Babylon (Irak) are necessary steps to get the Messiah back on earth.
We're in the end game now.
Niggers have Been doing nothing except enslaving raping and killing each others since Always. If anything white people prevented that. French that you and your Friends hate so much created Algeria and saved you from slavery.
History is Always centered on "What whites did" because they were the only relevent people since Always. People look at What they do, try to analyse it and realise they were not perfect so they go apeshit without ever thinking if What other races were doing is better. And most of the time it was way worst.
People always blaming wh*tes for disparition of aztèques nevermind that they got whiped by deseases and the only reason why some white boi won the battle against them is because he unified the slaves that they had
Earth will go back 500years in the past without whitoides
Kys chino bootlicking cuck
I think your history skills are limited fellow LoL player, before the french "came" we were the ones enslaving them, lmao.
it has to be poverty
think about it: you live with your parents, you cant afford a house of your own, you dont feel like a man, you cant just own a massive sprawling property you wanna fill with 7 wives and 150 children
you feel like a beaten dog, you are not in control of your food, you are not in control of your shelter, you are not in control of anything, you work some sort of an undignified job, you have no power to beat people up over there or even just say wrongthink out loud over the fears of becoming a homeless, you are utterly micromanaged
give every european his own huge property where he can build his own huge house and be his own boss and he will feel a natural desire to populate it
put him in a fast food or an office costume and make him do some repetitive meaningless task over and over with a pencil that he doesnt even own, not even fucking pencil is his, nothing is his, his life isnt his, and naturally he will not want to create any more children because children will distract him from being a slave and he will be a homeless slave if he is distracted
The most based & redpilled poster on Jow Forums
Great counter argumentation, I did except anything else from a congoïde.
The great post World War paradigm of eastern Asia was : We have to imitate white people to enter modernity. That's What Japan did, then Korea, then China. We all massively immitated occidentals economies, first with cheap knock-off and then with high-tech, high-value products. Post World War Japan was known for cheap knock-offs, then it was Made in Korea that was Seen as shitty and now it's China even thoough they are alteady rebranding themselves as more "prestige" since a few years now. We copy first and then we build our own innovative products.
Nice desilusion. French were never enslaved except by Germans and by themselves. You have no culture of state and civilisation most of the French arab hide a strong self hate through fake overblown pride. Even if you were to dominate something one day you would destroy it that's all, because of all of what I said above.
He's referring to the barbary slave trade where North Africans would raid the coasts of European country and abduct people to sell them to slave buyers. That's the official reason we invaded them in the first place. They deserved it.
The market and state have taken over most of what the extended family did. At the moment there is literally no reason to have a kid except feeling satisfied if they don't turn out like us.
>whites disappear
>shitskins cant recreate polio vaccine
>shitskins cant build tractors or agricultural mechanizations
>shitskins cant build electricity
>diseased shitskins go full feral ooga booga over a single piece of rotten fruit
whites already disappeared from rhodesia (present day zimbabwe) and crime rates went up and so did poverty
is this what you want? more crime and poverty? you call more crime and poverty "peace"?
know your place, ignorant shitskin
Not sure if you're trolling just mentally ill.
[you need to not be enslaved by anatolian shitskin for 500 years to see message. purshase some racial purity after the ottoman rape on Jow to see that post]
>give every european his own huge property where he can build his own huge house and be his own boss and he will feel a natural desire to populate it
>put him in a fast food or an office costume and make him do some repetitive meaningless task over and over with a pencil that he doesnt even own, not even fucking pencil is his, nothing is his, his life isnt his, and naturally he will not want to create any more children because children will distract him from being a slave and he will be a homeless slave if he is distracted
unironically good post
damn a lot of people enslaved french and other europeans to get invaded.
the famous indochinese and west african pirats raiding europeans :(
whites disappearing will be the greatest revenge whites could do to shitskins
without whites, you shitskins would probably get eaten alive by diseases and tigers, famine...
left to their own devices, african niggers cant even recreate 18th century colonial rail ways, they live without trains over there because none of the subhuman nigger brain can figure out how to build a locomotive
I agree
If whites disappear they'll just be colonized by Chinese (as is already beginning to happen). Either way, they'll never be anything but purely servile.
>that one janissary soldier that LARP on Jow Forums instead of doing his job
You'll get a 5 dinar fine from the local ottoman pasha for that one, I guarantee it.
>number of asians in canada: 6 millions, mostly family and citizen that are there to stay
(canada is a 30 million country)
>number of asian in africa: less than 1 million, mostly foreigner workers that will soon leave.
(africa is 50 countries and 1.2 billion people, huge natality, will soon be 4 billions)
even if 100% of the 1.3 billion chinese moved to africa, by 2050 Africa will still be less chinese than fucking modern Canada in 2018
dumb shitskins, they should be nuked for their own benefit at this point
even insects demonstrate higher intellect than shitskins at this point
not an argument, not that i expect one from a shitskin african
how would you shitpost over the internet if whites didnt build your infrastructure anyway? dont answer this to me, i know the answer, answer it to yourself
I'm providing arguments to my claims and you are trying to make it look like you are an epic troll so you can derail the debate you are "loosing"
do you often dance around the house with socks in your hand?
t. enslaved by jap or by algerian (if whitoid under proxy)
stay mad cuck
your shitskin brain failed to figure that one chinese is worth more than a thousand africans
>chinese shows up with a helicopter gunship
>mows down like 50 thousand africans
>all other double digit iq monkeys start worshiping this one chinese dude as a god and go back to manual labor
>no whites to complain this is inhuman, chinese will give zero shits about african human rights
your environment never selected for intellect
you never had winter
you never had to develop better shelters, better tools, clothing
you could always just be a lazy monkey, with tropical fruits falling on your head
because of your reduced intellect, you will be 100% powerless against chinese helicopter gunships
you couldnt even resist redcoats or french with muskets, why do you think you will be able to resist chinese helicopter gunships??
>it's not copy-pasta, he actually wrote that
damn, that janissary is seriously mentally ill, what are the ottoman cooks putting in their food?
probably a side effect of the castration
>implying you need high fertility when all the jobs are being taken away by automation.
a shitskin has no arguments, only insults
he is insuferable scum, i can change my flag with free vpns and my argument remains the same, a shitskin no matter where he is on earth can never address the fact that he is intellectually inferior
natural order will always flush down an african subhuman into his place of undevelopment, famine, poverty, savagery, disease and so on
if white man disappears, so will the reasons for shitskins to not be in these conditions
Nato didnt finnish the job
>t. enslaved by jap
South Korea is the living example that your slave mentality is what truly prevent your country from acheiving anything. South Korea was colonised by Chinese and by Japanese. Japan actively tried to whipe our culture, a thing that whites didn't try to do in your country. Then the country was cut in half and there was the Korean war. South Korea was poorer than many african countries. Now it's the 11th economy and I'm shitposting from the 20th floor of my company's building. But yeah keep telling yourself that everything is the fault of white people and past colonisation. And I'm the one mentaly ill lol
nigger i can change flag with 2 mouse clicks and my arguments remain the same meanwhile you would be on a suicide watch if i posted with some other random european flag
>he think that his country is anything but some american colony artificially boosted by the West buying Samsung in the optic of being used as a vitrine against communist north korea
Stop projecting your insecurities on me m8, my city and family enslaved whites for centuries, you're the cucked guy being insecure.
>my arguments remain the same
Well no, I often use Balkanit and Eastern European countries as failed "white" countries
Did you eat your daily dose of dirt today, poorfag?
you are literally a nigger
t. russian sperm drinker autistic loser living in a shithole
literal fucking nigger
a nigger
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
you will always be an african nigger
Sorry, I live in a white rich country (switzerland) , am a rich nigga fucking albanian (basically serbian) girls
it doesnt matter what you do in this life, you will always be just a worthless nigger
nigger from africa
even non-nigger shit is above your whole nigger family
just a basic niggering nigger
shut the fuck up