Should I move to spain?

Should I move to spain?

I have had a successful computer science career (~10 years) in the USA and I saved some money so that I can work remotely for the rest of my life. My physician recommended that I go to spain for my health conditions, since apparently that climate is better. So the question is as in op: what factors should I be aware of when making my decision?

(>looking to move somewhere inland like near Toledo).

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Whats your *ahem* ancestry

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50% Austrian, 50% Hungarian.

Why not go to austria

climate is not as good. Spain is warmer and better for people with asthma (at least according to my (((doctor)))).

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You're lying, do you know how I know?


You could literally find the exact same climate that you would in Spain, in the USA. So why move all the way there?

And even then, that's just so weird. Portugal has a similar climate as is cheaper to live in. You could also go to a much cheaper place like Uruguay or Chile... yeah yeah it's not Europe but these countries have a decent quality life and your dollaridoos would make you king there.

>implying I want to move to kansas or san diego
nigger no

>you could go to south america
I said (((doctor))) tha'ts why i'm double checking

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low effort b8 right?
Kansas and S. Diego are the only places you could think of moving to in the USA?

what i'm getting at is that I'm tired of USA's bullshit. I've been living in the foggy albion of California (hella liberal) all my life, and I don't like it here. I also hate the people of San Diego (moderately conservative) and the rednecks of Kansas. tl;dr I hate america and that's what I was getting at. I have a great excuse to leave this damned place for something more cultured. I collected some shekels and looking to actually have a good life now.

Now, I will checkout chile and urugay. I know jack shit about Chile and urugay, but if they are cheaper and aren't as uncultured as the burger nation, maybe it will do.

>Le (((parenthesis doctor)))) xdd


If you hate liberals you'll have a bad time in Spain lol.

Google it m8.

i hate americans. I know that anything right of Jeb! is literally hitler in Spain, but at least they are cultured.

if you move to spain i can show you around galicia :3
im amazed at the way you think, why does that have any importance? he doesnt speak german

He has no ties to Spain, why would he go live with people not his ethnicity, he should go to Hungary or Austria.

he has no ties with hungary or austria either
>"hey were are you from?"
>"huh? that country stopped existing 100 years ago, do you speak any german?"

>implying I don't have ties to spain

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so do all of the things anons said about how shitty spain is hold in galicia? It's also on the colder side (probably only topped by Basque) of Hispania.

Galicia is full of non whites, marranos and moriscos semites very dull retarded people my friend.

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The rest of spain is full of non white mutts as well, native Iberians have no birth rate and are recieving massive immigrations while being feminist and such.

In Galicia specifically you will see a very poor and backwattered economy but please do investigate and travel to make you own anthropological findings in Spain.

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wtf is pic related? An average galician? Looks pretty huhwhite for a spaniard.

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No thats me, I identify as native Iber/basque.

Not galician as to the pops that dominate galicia today.

But yea you shold definitely visit iberia to have a day in history.

>im tired of the USA
As a Europoor immigrant this angers me to no end. Leave then, dumbass Americunt. You’ll be back in 2 years tops when you realize that cheap products and mayonnaise on fries mean everything to you. Shithead Muricans watch too many European movies and think it’s just America with hotter women.

From whenth doth thou commeth from

>all of the things anons said about how shitty spain is
>bunch of south americans talking from what they read in Jow Forums
galicia is more conservative than the rest of spain(not like that matters) and has a culture closer to portugal than say.. Madrid, or Cataluña
its really green wich national tourists tend to apreciate and the old parts of cities are often very well maintained and preserved.
theres also some roman and celtic ruins if you're into that.
it also has beautiful natural reserves

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Just imagine it. The sight of some disgusting fat American mutt waddling around Spain, harassing random Spanish civilians, demanding they tell him their opinion of "based Falangism".

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Make a comparison in the people you met from Galicia compared to natives as in non recent immigratiob of these regions.
Including rest of basque country of course.

If you care about demographics it would be cool for you to do.

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Romania. That’s probably why I’m biased af cuz Romania was a Socialist shithole (and in some cases still is) and America is like heaven’s anus on earth. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love Romania and it’s a absolutely beautiful country with beautiful people but the people in the government need to be taken out into the street and put in front of a firing squad like they did in ‘89. Bonus points: I’m a CS major too and the money here is unbelievable.

i'm going there with my gf soon for vacation although I'm going to the southern parts of Spain like Andalucia. I'm kind of excited about Toledo, there's a lot of history there.

America is where you go for earning money. Once you're done with that there's nothing to do here.

>it's really green wich national tourists tend to apreciate
mind elaborating?
Also how are schools in spain? would it be realistic to raise a family there and not worry about rapefugees?

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Precisely. One day I am going to go back to the motherland with my Romanian fiancé soon to be wife and buy a fat chunk of land with some animals and die on it. And leave all my money to my future kids.

North east spain including probably burgos-aragon-basque country

now that would be funny

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Well I know where i'll go on vacation next year then. :)

so you want me to go back to Austriahungary?

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>mind elaborating?
its green as in theres a lot of vegetation compared with other parts of spain.
the atlantic coast of spain is very forested.
>Also how are schools in spain?
they have about 25-30 students per class in middle school and some of the equipment might be outdated.
theres some complaints from parents that they put too much homework forcing the kids to have no time for social life outside school.
>would it be realistic to raise a family there and not worry about rapefugees?
yeah, if you're white and educated its really easy to get a job, but if you're brown and you have to work your ass off because we dont have any free money to give you'd probably move to France and Germany (wich they've done over and over again)

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Do what you think is good friend.

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Austria is a gorgeous country, I would go there but if you’re looking for warmer weather then Spain or Italy would be your best bet. The South Slavic countries still haven’t gotten their shit together since YugoSlavia and Idk wtf is going on in Greece.

>schools have too much homework
very nice
>easy to get a job
very very nice

tell me, do i have to be catholic to do this? I fell for the orthodox meme here, so idk if people still care (probably not but just as a control question). Also is it better to import your own gf or find one there? I hope that's not counted as too much of a racemix.

Well at least romania is in proximity to russia so if uncle sam decides to cuck you, putin can use the church and little green men to save you and your kids.

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No one cares about religion in Spain

Vigo is nice right?

>My physician recommended that I go to spain for my health conditions, since apparently that climate is better.
What? Is this the 19th century?

Also, Commiefornia has the same climate doesn't it?

Vienna is definitely on my bucket list.

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I love that city so much.

San Diego is OK, but as I mentioned previously culture-wise it's very lacking. And yes, i've been there.

ok good.

Please don't go to Vienna OP, it's a wonderful city and I don't want you to ruin it.

no one cares what religion you are my man, and its very unlikely that they even ask you your religion
>Also is it better to import your own gf or find one there?
i dont know and i dont care
vigo has the worst traffic and angriest drivers in galicia.
its also an industrial, badly planned city that expanded quickly and has a mix of ruins of old buildings next to new buildings.
did you see the art museums and El Retiro?

thanks spanbro for the answers, will definitely keep in mind.

>ahmed dares talk about ruined cities

Of course I did. Everything about that city is to my liking: the people, the walkability, the food/drinks, the atmosphere, the cultural venues, the climate, literally everything is perfect. Oh and having Zarro on draft is ebin.

If the economy was better I'd move there in a heartbeat.

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The problem is the Viennese are extremely civilised and polite people who will try and accommodate your lard-ass, unlike the proper Parisian or Roman treatment you deserve.

ok that was funny

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I'll take you up on the galicia tour though ;)

if i had a job offer there i would move in a heartbeat too
sounds great ^_^ i live 30mins from santiago wich is the must-visit city

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looks comfy

Vigo is the ugliest city in the country after Murcia. It is everything that can go wrong with post-industrial seaside cities.

Doesn't the US have a place with the same climate as Spain?

>from argentina

I was born in Argentina with asma, and my doc told my parents the same. My dad has nationality because his grandfather killed all the commies in here.
Im in Spain since I have 5 and its all really especially the food and the traditions. If you have money recomend you to go to the Canary islands, I was only in Santa cruz de tenerife but was really good, I dont really know how it is right now cos I was very young when I was in there but still really good place. The only bad things is the accent that they have when they talk and that there is no work.
And if ur worried for the asma then stop being, I had really bad attacks when i was young and was in hospital every 5 days, but now with time its all good, i dont have to use meds anymore and can do hard sports with no problem. Just do sports, cycling is really good especially if you doit near the beach.

No you cant brazuka, doctor goldstein is right for once, this climate is perfect for people with asma, south america is not good, the air is too dense i was in Argentina last year and was like breathing water really shocked me how diferent it was and is full of negros de mierda, here the air is dry and clean with some moros but not as much. And Portugal is shit.

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>Wanting to move to Spain since apparently that climate is better
>H-Hey user, move to Galicia
>Like isn't raining and windy 330 days / year
Go to Malaga Baleares or Alicante, That's where the Anglos/Krauts are, if you could work from home the weather is great there

>and its all really especially the food and the traditions
really good*

>moving to a specific climate due to health conditions
Just be urself. Settle for whatever you want man.

You are welcome as long as you don't have jewish blood

Vasco-iberismo is a meme, they were not the same people. Also if you're from Castile it's way more probable you are Celtic rather than Iber.