>tfw no white weeaboo gf to walk around Akihabara with
Why even live ;___;
Please come to Japan white people. T___T
Tfw no white weeaboo gf to walk around Akihabara with
Most white women will never love Japanese men, white women appreciate masculinity and confidence, which is lacking heavily in Japan
Which is interesting, why are japanese men so feminine? Like you'll never find a chad Japanese dude, fuck even the yakuza is laughably not scary
>Like you'll never find a chad Japanese dude, fuck even the yakuza is laughably not scary
google junko furuta
Are you even attracted to white girls? I always thought Japs prefer their own women.
that whole incident was the epitome of bugmen behavior. Poor lass.
Stop basing your worldview on memes. So-called "feminine men" get as much pussy as Chads.
>horse girl
how many red flags does there have to be
Toshiro Mifune is the epitome of masculinity.
So being a chad is viciously torturing a girl for a couple weeks then killing her? You actually disproved your own shit, if that had happened in America, the kids would have been hung in the town center while people cheered, pathetic that those pussy faggots let those kids go free
Well yeah, because Japanese women are ugly and have no choice but to fuck feminine men, plus the fact that NEETs are actually a common thing over there is another sign
Join tons of meetup and shit like that and you will find your weeaboo gf.