Tfw no white weeaboo gf to walk around Akihabara with

>tfw no white weeaboo gf to walk around Akihabara with
Why even live ;___;
Please come to Japan white people. T___T

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Most white women will never love Japanese men, white women appreciate masculinity and confidence, which is lacking heavily in Japan

Which is interesting, why are japanese men so feminine? Like you'll never find a chad Japanese dude, fuck even the yakuza is laughably not scary

>Like you'll never find a chad Japanese dude, fuck even the yakuza is laughably not scary

google junko furuta

Are you even attracted to white girls? I always thought Japs prefer their own women.

that whole incident was the epitome of bugmen behavior. Poor lass.

Stop basing your worldview on memes. So-called "feminine men" get as much pussy as Chads.

>horse girl
how many red flags does there have to be

Toshiro Mifune is the epitome of masculinity.

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So being a chad is viciously torturing a girl for a couple weeks then killing her? You actually disproved your own shit, if that had happened in America, the kids would have been hung in the town center while people cheered, pathetic that those pussy faggots let those kids go free

Well yeah, because Japanese women are ugly and have no choice but to fuck feminine men, plus the fact that NEETs are actually a common thing over there is another sign

Join tons of meetup and shit like that and you will find your weeaboo gf.

>Most White women
I’m talking about white weeaboo women that were so fantasized by k-pop and come all the way to Japan ^_^

If you are serious, there are hellotalk, interpals and a lot of other options.
Start from today.

What do you even call a 'feminine man'?

American men are so fucking masculine that they even have huge tits.
good for you guys.

>white women appreciate masculinity and confidence

imagine being this delusional

Thank you bro
I’m gonna try these apps asap

Would you date this girl? She went to same high school

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do white boys like Japanese traps???

Her nickname was Snow White

Was the most annoying person in my Japanese class

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Not talking about old Japanese people, they were super fucking masculine, nothing against them

you'll be disappointed, almost all of them are super ugly and probably have something mentally wrong with them

Just in the way they interact with women, their jokes and mannerisms, a weird lack of confidence, and small and skinny

I used to have to play a couple japanese teams while I played rugby in oregon, and we'd go drinking with them after and they were so fucking weird, not one person would come and talk with us, and they all spoke english, even their drinking was weird, they would just take sips and seemed like they couldn't handle their alcohol

Gave me a really bad view of nips in high school

Lmao, Well with the standards of brazilian women being not a brazilian man, i'm not surprised your view of women's standards is

If she dyed her hair brown and without the braces and a decent body, she'd be good, something just looks off about her


It was done by Zainichi Koreans. A lot of modern "yakuza" are Koreans, and the trend is getting stronger.

>something just looks off about her
lazy eye

She had nice breasts if I remember right
Just really didn't think much about it back then because she rarely wore revealing clothes

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Why not. She is so pretty

nah man, she just has that look about her, that crazy look

i've been with a good amount of crazy bitches and I know she's insane, also the fact she's a weeb kinda makes that worse


>that crazy look
I know. I see it too. It's the lazy eye. Maybe the heavy brow doesn't help.

>English teacher in Japan dreams about white girls
just go home

Dated an American and now dating a European,
i guess it depents on person of course, but American girls in general seem to be fucking insufferable entitled cunts.
They can't cook for shit as well.
I want my gf to be able to cook at least as much I can.

No I’m pure Japanese
By the way the girl in the OP is a German girl.
How can we make more German girls come to Japan???

>Being skinny and taking your time to drink are signs of femininity
Lmao, girls love skinny guys, think of young DiCaprio for example or Francisco Lachowski. And drinking alcohol fast is awkward teen who just started partying trying to look cool-tier.

Yeah she kinda was crazy

She's kind of girl that talks about anime all the time and extremely childish (her voice too), probably to the extent where she doesn't distinguish between fiction and reality

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Should I teach English in Japan for one year after I graduate then go back to being an engineer?

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Don't let your dreams be dreams

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female weebs are fucking mental.
Sometimes I wish I had someone that I could share my interests with but then I remember how much of a hassle it is to deal with other people, stay alone and stay happy.


>almost all of them are super ugly and probably have something mentally wrong with them
Right about there being mentally wrong with them, but at least white girls in my university are very.
There are incredibly good-looking girls with mental problems. Such girls cannot adopt to Society in their own countries and come to Japan..
Usually it’s almost impossible for Japanese men to get 10/10 white gf... but weeb magic makes it possible...!

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Like it or not, a built guy who can handle his alcohol is regarded as more masculine, it's not about how fast you drink per say, but how you handle it. and sure some skinny guys are sought after, but they have the face and hair etc. that's what make them attractive, their feminine qualities are what makes them attractive to girls

Oh god, i fucking HATE girls who talk in that high pitched ""cute"" voice, feel bad you had to deal with her lad, Never actually been around a real weeb, grew up in Louisiana and spent a couple years of uni at the Univeristy of Oregon, so i feel bad for ya

Yeah to get that great solid gf, you're gonna have to go where they are, and yeah I feel you for that

>i fucking HATE girls who talk in that high pitched ""cute"" voice
this 2bh

I wanna get a "normal" white wife.
Weebs are cringy as fuck.

Yeah, having a weeb wife would be awful, I'd hate for her to be in charge of raising my kids

It can be surprisingly easy if you approach koreaboo.
Find them on an online site or in an app and let them come to Japan. For them, gook and jap are the same.

depends but its a yes from me.

>muh anime was a life was a life
>animu is the same everywhere
>I miss talking to people of my own race
>I haven't made meaningful relationships with anoyone in here
>Being gaijin sucks
>teaching kindergarden english to kids sucks
>muh feet hurt
>Please move here white people so I'm not alone

dusgusting white weeb sluts. In reality these female faggots just want to become house wifes to be able to become NEETs

The dumb weeb on the vid says one of the reasons why she left is because all her friends left too.
It puzzles me how someone wants to live abroad but then only becomes friends with other foreigners.

I would need to pretend like something animu character if I had a weeb wife.
That's a literal living hell.

Go on tinder, I'm serious. Since it's so popular among Westerners in general, you'll also find plenty of White people on there who live in Japan. Especially non weebs, because tinder is known as being for the party people/normies. And you know how otaku in general despise those. But I guess the only downside of party people and normies is that they may not be attracted to you if you're not the western standard of attractive. Weebs are more acceptive of looks that do not fall into that standard or even prefer it.

>burger went full retard

did she say in the vid where she got the money from and how she got the visa?
I mean it must be really expensive to move there TWICE

>Being that attracted to a 6 at best
