Is Arizona a good state to live in?
Is Arizona a good state to live in?
if you like it being 120 degrees in the summer, sure. has good gun laws, bu
If you like Death Valley temperatures all year around.
why would you live outside ny or cali
depends, are you brown
if you enjoy not being assaulted by oppressive laws, hobos, "minority groups," smog, noise, everything being expensive as fuck, et cetera.
why not just move to alaska if you have civilization so much
The Northern half is comfy around Flagstaff. The temperature there is not desert, but rather Alpine-esque. Phoenix, Yuma and Tucson are the desert image you see. That's where it's 100 in the shade.
As long as it stays red and keeps the commiefornians out, it'll still be a good state to live in.
its ok its hot as shit and theres good mexican food and the grand canyon
>t. Arizona resident
>that post
>that flag
How does it compare to New Jersey?
Question, how accurate is this brand?
My aunt lives there and says the latinos behave worse than gypsy, is this true?
Extremely inaccurate soyboy drink. No self-respecting conservative Arizonan would be caught drinking that.
i wouldn't know, i've never met a gypsy. but yeah the latrinos are bad. hence why arizona gets a racist reputation. plus many elderly retire here and florida. so we get a lot of boomers. white trash in apache junction and so forth. the further down you go, the more brown it gets
you would have a better time in new mexico, southern texas, or california
Not even close. They're just run of the mill poor people who speak spanish.
Why do u guys always hate the latinos so much and blame them for everything when you treat us like shit?
the areas in which latinos live is third world tier, you speak spanish, pop out like 10 kids, there's a good chance you're illegal, and are usually short and fat. are there good latinos? sure, but most are just mestizo trash as the good ones don't have a reason to leave their country anyways.
I don't get why people hate the latinos so much. If you ever need any sort of construction or repairs or whatever done, they'll do it super cheap. Even cheaper if you talk to them in Spanish.
>muh jobs
The only jobs they take are menial minimum wage jobs. Jobs with a good salary are not available to people without papers, so they don't increase competition for those.
Because they move to our country "for a better life", but wave their flags, sing songs about how great Mexico is, trash neighborhoods with their chicano culture. Plus they breed like rabbits; I would say 40% of latinas are walking around pregnant for that anchor baby.
Only 2 things I do like however....they work some shitty, hard jobs in the sun and do the "unwanted" jobs - also they hate niggers (Because they compete for gibs). They indeed do the shit jobs, but get paid under the table, which means they don't pay taxes. Pros and cons.
I post this all the time Arizona is mentioned but it's true
>great gun laws
>qt latina college girls
>medical marijuana
>right to work
>flagstaff if you don't like the heat or brown people
>right next to Cali and Nevada for comfy vacations
easily one of the best states in the union
new mexico is just another extension of mexico. southern texas is basically mexico and california is basically mexico. arizona is more of a red state (slighty turning blue thanks to cali trash). while the other states are blue (texas nearly went blue in the election if i recall)
Why do you care so much about how kids they have or if they talk in spanish or english? Really, what difference does that make in your shitty life? The latinos go into your fucking country because in their countries they feel insecure, they don't have a job, they don't have any opportunities to earn something or do something with their lifes, they can't even be a fucking babysitter or constructor or anything. But I know you're never going to understand it because you're a fucking yankee and your whole life is totally different than ours.
Well, most of Arizona do not use that stupid DST
You'd be fine in Pima county
because i like english more than spanish (it's the product oh my enviroment), i would make it the national language if i could. afterall these are my opinions and the opinions of others. feel free to disagree i really don't care.
>make in your shitty life?
nice projection
>The latinos go into your fucking country because in their countries they feel insecure, they don't have a job, they don't have any opportunities to earn something or do something with their lifes, they can't even be a fucking babysitter or constructor or anything.
So this gives anybody the authority of moving into a better country because theirs sucks? I guess if we lived back that logic nobody would live in africa and we all would flock to france or germany...oh wait nvm.
>But I know you're never going to understand it because you're a fucking yankee and your whole life is totally different than ours.
i'm not a yankee but ok.
>and your whole life is totally different than ours.
Yes it is, and I was telling it like it was from my perspective because afterall this is the thread about the US, specifically my state and what most people in the state think. Clearly my comments hit a little too close to home. Sorry. Feel free to apply to a citizenship request and come on over.
In truth. All of the border states are revolting. They are hardly even american at this point. God I hate our disgusting elite for ruining this once comfy country.