Which sounds better, French or Italian?

which sounds better, French or Italian?

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italian without question

french is what it would sound like if you had a golf ball in your throat

Italian by far the best sounding language of all languages
French in girls sound nice, but in men sounds gay

French is the best-sounding language. I don't like how Italian sounds or any Romance language other than French.


Portuguese is the only latin language which doesn't sound gay because it sounds retarded

At least french and Italian are white languages unlike Spanish or Portuguese

first reply

Hard mode: which sounds better in full speech, not small exerts?


still Italian

I agree with French being a White language but Italians aren’t white


I don't have an example but I'm genuinely convinced that Italian gets really annoying after a while. Italian is only good for music, imo.

Italian by far

but that's the truth tho, even in France Italian is stereotyped as the beautiful language of love, don't know if it's as efficient but at least it soudns better which was what OP asked


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>in France Italian is stereotyped as the beautiful language of love
you're probably a southron/crypto-italian "provençal", I've never heard of this

French miles away.

French obviously

French does to me. There's too much verbal emphasis in Italian. It sounds a little high strung or something. Not sure if I'm making any sense. I could also be biased because I studied French t b h.

i'm from the north east and that's the truth


Even when the french exaggerate their pronounciation it still sounds lovely.

I hate speaking it though, you need to twist the tongue too much.



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Is there a dialect that's in between? Kinda like Catalan is with French and Spanish

>i'm from the north east
so am I, matteo

French for me. Italian is also beautiful though.

Occitan or Franco-Provençal, probably the latter

my Japanese wife told me Korean sounds for japanese like arab sounds fro europeans


bah dsl mec que t'aies jamais remarqué que l'italien est stéréotypé comme la langue des dragueurs

Québec French > Italian >>> piss >>> shit >>> Fr*nch French

simple as

You seem to have some knowledge of French. Also, nice taste in French music.

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I can easily see this. Korean sounds bad to me too.

accent marseillais


Pavalave fvancese è facilisssimo, basta metteve le vu al posto delle erre.

Stereolab is tits.

l'éternel 1/4 injun frappe encore...

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Japanese > Italian > French


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>les Parigots ont besoin de sous-titres pour comprendre le français marseillais
À quand le génocide des parigots ?

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on a aussi besoin de sous-titres pour comprendre le picard


>Italian genes
>Germanic genes


>cette prononciation de « il fait comme ça »
basés Picards

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>Chad speaks French
I think that settles it.

Swiss (German)

Japanese sounds better than all European languages to me no offense

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I just don't like that French R

Japanese is a nice sounding language. Easily the best in east Asia. It's only cringy because you're on Jow Forums.

Je suis né à Marseille, je vis en Provence depuis toujours et je constate chaque jour que seuls les vieux ont conservé leur accent. Les jeunes dans les villes comme Aix-en-Provence ont des accents très neutres, pas vraiment parisiens mais tu pourrais pas deviner qu'ils viennent de Provence. Et honnêtement, je m'en réjouis.

French. God dam listen to her:

t. brainwashed shitaboo

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Japanese > Russian

fr*Nchoids are poop



I can imagine

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Based rolled R brother

French is a goat sounding language
Italian is just turrets Spanish(already an ugly language)

they don't pronounce R's at all actually

>rolling their R

Italian. French has a horrible "r" sound and it sounds too nasal.

German R
French R

> sasaka nagasaka kokku sakka
So butifel.....


Glorious Nihongo >>>>

Attached: d3umt43VCTUwBae1mUsvaw9t3uKwVeDKIJIMyLzkMXU.png (960x960, 531K)

anglos love japanese because they both can't pronounce R

French by far.

>бляяяя зoвyт мыыыыыыщёёёё хopoжecтвый poбитюлыыыыыыыы


>donne argent

>let me tell you about your language

>Lock dance contest
>both american and japanese come dressed as cowboys
>i-i-it was supposed to be rock dance reeeee

Romanian sounds very cute and I like it

It's too many vowels at once. France is a colder and calmer version of it with our german pronunciation and all our vowels.

the one you like more, you filthy monkey


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I dislike both, but if I had to choose then French I guess. It's just as ugly but at least it's unique in its uglyness

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french is for girls
