what happens here
What happens here
A lot of shit.
southern gothic type shit but not really because florida is culturally its own thing
Why is Miami the least American city in the United States?
some really fucking crazy shit. i'm being really serious right now, some floridians are lunatics
aww shit you know what I did....
Florida master race reporting in.
TFW most of the world will never experience the joys of a Publix sub or the thrill of wrestling an aligator.
retirement state
my waifu state.
It's the most overrated State in America.
more like what fucking DOESNt happen there
Florida is basically the Australia of the US.
Best state
Why do they bite so much
They see alligators do it all the time so they figure it must work pretty well.
Goblins like this inhabiting this place.
Publix is garbage compared to Dillon's masterrace
Midwest reporting in (Kansas)
Florida mans playing ground
this must be whitest man in american army
it is just one the most shittiest states where just walking to a store you will probably be bitten by 3-5 crack addict, black tar heroin abusin, bath salt drug zombies. Everywhere outside Disneyworld is a no go zone