>user kun, we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. The beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.
User kun, we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children...
Sure, sure
No thanks I prefer black women
N*rdic women were a mistake. Give me a Mediterranean woman
would cum in her eye
Only fingurls =)
get this swarthy slant eyed Swede away from me. only prime breeding stock from the british isles with a translucent complexion will do
She ain't talking to YOU, Pablo
>gigantic forehead and ayy looking eyes
no thx.
she wouldn't date me, i make 15 dollars an hour :(
who cares? in the future we will have genetic engineering and will be able to change our appearance like we change our hairstyles today
So you're saying you for the need for seed? Spread ur legs bby and I'll put it in your ASS
Looks slav and not white
Are fingurls not white ikebey
kill it
But I've got nearly black eyes and nearly black, wavy hair.
My great grandparents are also from Poland.
I'm pretty much non-white. I list myself as "other" nowadays.
Hello Pablo
If you’re black or brown you could make 0$ an hour and murder old ladies for a living and she would still let you pump and dump
I can't quite tell what, but something's wrong with her eyes.
positive canthal tilt
unironically based and redpilled
go have some sopa
t. Shmuel Finkelstein
Where I live, girls that look like that end up with black guys.
Do you keep a lot of Skyrim character screenshots on your computer?
yes, thousands
>user kun, we must secure the existence of our people and a future for MeNa children. The beauty of the Middle Eastern woman must not perish from the earth.
mena monkeys breed like rabbits so no need to promote this
Aryan people were not white, you braindead English teacher.
Fuck off back to containment.
t. proxy Korean
wh*Te in europe will die out much sooner than we die out so don't worry
Sure, but you should be looking for someone more adequate.
Hell no, I'm not paying for that shit.
No thanks, I am not gay.
t. nigger
Finns are whitest people at earth nowdays
By Azura, by Azura!
>I want to help, but my eyes are brown.
Sure my arab princess :)
chon go mad obsessed with jav
do not rape ,chon
why chon use our flag?
t. English teacher gook lover
No thanks, I like black chicks
She looks like she fucks black guys
She does, probaly got BLACKED
pic related=literally marionette
>plainer than a 10 yo boy
>skinny as fuck because intentional self starvation, and thus so weak she can't do anything than "looking pretty"
>can't cook
>so shy it makes it awkward and you often have to speak up for her
>drains you of mental saneness because she often gets into an argument with you over meaningless things and also either has no reasons for it or she wants for you "to find out"