this is france
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they can't be helped, it's just in their nature
Delusional mutt, those are obviously a bunch of niggers and sandniggers rioting
Rioting is France's national past time. They've been doing it for hundreds of years, why stop now?
obviously, if we have migrants it means we are first world country otherwise they wouldn't move there.
France is 2nd world.
Brazil got a lot of immigrants, including Western immigrants, yet it never was a first world country.
Japan doesn't get immigrants, yet it is a first world country.
France is in a worse situation than us, and we have fucking Trump.
But France man... where is France's future?
There's a common feature between all those people rioting but I can't quite put my finger on it
>win world cup
>start protesting
France, I...
It's just black people they destroy their environment every so often it's nothing to worry about
Remember Ferguson? They exploded gas stations back then and shot up stores.
Yes, but who will pay the reparations ? White people though all the taxes to get destroyed again by niggers.
Blacks get a "get out of jail free" card socially, grand scale. Because 300 years ago America bought slaves from blacks.
So they can do anything.
I watched the video and most of the people were mostly sandniggers and whites and nogss.
I wouldn't expect otherwise from worthless autistic intbro who's whore mother got killed by nogs but the French flags in here exclusively placing blame on niggers are Ahmeds false flagging
I hope you get killed the way your putrid mother was. I genuinely despite you with every being of my spirit tripfaggot
More like 4th, Doundou Hissene Moussaui Achmed.
>Is France really 1st world?????
Yes pic related is Eurostoxx 50
19/50 are french.
Also I hope you bought some softbank stocks yesterday user.
>the jungle music when they go back to showing the africans
fucking hell based japs
Who cares about big companies, they don't influence your life. Paris, Marseille, Nice, etc. are African now.
Why do you guys reply to race bait so much?
>first world France wins World Cup final
>massive chimpout
>third world Croatia loses World Cup final
>nice party and comfy celebration
>Who cares about big companies, they don't influence your life
They absolutely do.
Describe a day of your life without any big company. I'm talking worldwide big companies. That's right, it would be stone age.
>Paris, Marseille, Nice, etc. are African now
I live in Paris so I'll not talk about Marseille and Nice. Paris is homogenous. You think barbès and other shit suburbs represent 100% of Paris. Niggers are in nigger districts. Simple. That's the same for Harlem in Manhattan. Stop reading Jow Forums infographics and upvoting thedonald and just go outside and judge by yourself Tintin.
>massive chimpout
Literally 50 hooligans loot a familymart filmed by dozens of news outlets
Went to celebrations the night of the world cup final and it was nice and comfy, just stop watching fake news.
if your opinions cant be distinguished from youtube comments, its time to reevaluate your views.
this. let those french people do french things!
>he prouds himself of living in a corporatocracy
Soccer always had hooliganism.
>That's the same for Harlem in Manhattan.
Harlem is heavily gentrified though.
It’s been massively on the decline for 20 years now to the point in all of western-Europe there’s like 10 football games with some real chances of rioting.
On top of that riots because your national team won don’t happen very often.
France 1st world.
Many rich and super rich (from around the world), a developed luxury goods industry, an excellent south where there are no aggressive niggas. Paris at the same time - 3rd world. They lost him
> excellent south where there are no aggressive niggas
Is this the same France? The South is the worst after Paris and some shitholes around Paris
Soccer makes Euro's go fucking nuts and transform into sub human animals
Here's anglo's chimping out because they won a game
but they are stupid
This is IN France. But this is NOT French.
>France is in a worse situation than us
No we're not. Maybe stop watching cherry picked youtube videos and look at the facts?
the south is either african shitholes and poor rural places where farmers earn 300€ a month
Strange how black people care about football in France. In the UK it's a white thing, with pretty strong nationalist/racist undertones.
Bring back the monarchy and the problem is solved.
>I live in Paris so I'll not talk about Marseille and Nice. Paris is homogenous. You think barbès and other shit suburbs represent 100% of Paris. Niggers are in nigger districts. Simple. That's the same for Harlem in Manhattan. Stop reading Jow Forums infographics and upvoting thedonald and just go outside and judge by yourself Tintin.
Ouais enfin faut pas être trop optimiste non plus l'autre jour j'étais devant le bon marché, 100% blanc en principe, qu'est-ce que je vois ? Un putain de groupe de gitans
Je leur refuse une cigarette et ils se mettent a crier et dire que je suis un fils de pute et tout
Même les beaux quartiers c'est de pire en pire, maintenant ils veulent mettre un centez pour migrants devant le metro Sèvres-Babylone stp
un centre*
je téléphoneposte
>Un putain de groupe de gitans
On devrait leur interdire la rive gauche.
mais les gitans y'en a partout depuis des siècles abruti...
et ce genre d'histoire ça n'arrive qu'aux couilles molles, j'ai beaucoup connu de racailles et ils ne choisissent pas leurs cibles au hasard
Oui bien sur et aussi les gitans se pointaient à la cour à Versailles dans les années 1700 et on les laissait faire aussi
Non désolé tu payes des loyers exorbitants c'est pas pour te taper des gitans normalement la police les dégage
Et les gitans c'est pas des racailles c'est juste des gitans, d'ailleurs il m'est rien arrivé hein ils allaient pas m'aggresser mais ça les empêche pas de faire chier quand même
complètement d'accord
dans les années 1700 quand un français se faisait traiter de fils de pute par une bande, il appelait toute sa famille pour tabasser ladite bande
tu peux t'en prendre qu'à toi-même victime
Paris on its way to look like Johannesburg. Rip
mais qu'est-ce que t'es con
tu te fait traiter de fils de pute et tu réagis même pas, comment tu fais pour te regarder dans le miroir pauvre merde ?
ouais bien sur je vais aller me battre tout seul contre 15 romanichels bonne idée
fils de pute va
viens me chercher on se donne rdv
malaucul lol
why do football fans do this?
t. dont watch sports
tu te fait traiter de fils de pute et tu réagis même pas, comment tu fais pour te regarder dans le miroir pauvre merde ?
malaucul, je vais te passer de la crème mon chéri
All the time.
We used to have football just for white, but it went bankrupt.
its like being a retard is a requirement to be a football fan
But it's. Imagine a sport that only attracts sub 80 IQ.
They lack goals and hobbies in their pathetic life, so they do this shit.
Why can't they design a proper roundabout?
Japan doesn't have sports riots, you are a civilized people
they don't have the balls it takes for riots, it's not a choice for them.
>lose football match
>go to bathroom
>rip loo from the floor
>throw from the window
>kill random people from "enemy" team
>don't regret a thing
There isn't a day that goes by without the French either rioting, blockading something or protesting. They love it.
True tho. Paris was even re-designed during the napoleon rule to make easier to police to shoot protester using cannons.
>t. football hooligan
>monkeys getting up in the firetruck
this wouldn't happen even here. That place is doomed.
Its just like in my videogames!
Who the fuck wants to live in a country where nothing happens ?
>Brazil NEVER was a 1st world country
People came here because slavery was abolished and nobody wanted to pay them, so they started taking european/japanese immigrants to work on farms for almost nothing.
Is this how french people show happiness?
>That Tunisian flag.
terrible, isn't it? everything on top of all the garbage strewn everywhere, that is a dead polity
>Harlem is heavily gentrified though.
No, it really isn't. It's a meme pushed by realtors. It's not as bad as it was but it's still full of loud spics and nogs.
t.NYC resident.
It's getting less and less first world.
The shit suburbs population is many times greater than Paris mate and that should be a concern to anyone thinking ahead