
20/20, 20/20 vision
Cupid hit me, cupid hit me with precision
I wonder if you look both ways
When you cross my mind

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Other urls found in this thread:


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nth for astroworld, my planet my home

poo willy bum

I literally have a genius idea in my head right now. Been marinating on it for a while now. I may post it here to get some feedback, but you might steal it.

If it's any good I definitely will steal it

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What the authors are describing pejoratively, the way that a general Jewish liberalism can coexist with more conservative impulses and attitudes, has long been particularly obvious in debates about the state of Israel, where the most cosmopolitan of Jewish liberals can suddenly sound like strident nationalists. (Or as the writers of “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” put it in their “rap battle” between two rivalrous female Jewish lawyers: “Cause we’re liberals/ duh, progressive as hell / though of course, I support Israel.”) But it extends to a general Jewish interest in, and sometimes alarmism about, issues like fertility rates and cultural preservation that in the world of Gentile politics are associated with the social and cultural right.

This combination has often frustrated more thoroughgoing conservatives — Jewish ones especially — who don’t understand why more American Jews don’t extend their conservative impulses beyond the tribe and vote Republican. But a “liberalism without/conservatism within” combination is common to minority populations, and it’s a particularly reasonable reaction to the experience of Jewish history: An oft-persecuted people’s flourishing can both depend on maintaining a certain conservatism about its own patterns of marrying and begetting and cultural transmission (and, in the case of Israel, the safety of its lonely nation-state), and on encouraging liberalism and cosmopolitanism in the wider, potentially-hostile order in which the diaspora subsists.

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what country do you live in?

How do you feel about spray foods? (Like butter)

dumb unknown frogposter

I have a few that I'm already doing absolutely nothing about so you're safe enough with me

Beto, fuck off you fat stinking shitskin

>I'm using a mac so I can't be [on] a botnet

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I! Do! Not! Want! To! Toil!!!!!!!!!

>this is fine

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Wish I could wank without always stinking of shit after, tired of showering all the time

Have got wanking down to a fine art after many years of virgin freakery

Time for wagie’s toil

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Got a very unpleasant older brother
Still lives at home
Is a massive bitch
Basically autistic
And he’s gay
Fucking nightmare

Woken up in crippling pain everyday for the last 2 weeks because I have the shits

how do I fix this

h-hi bro

If you've had the shits for 2 weeks you should see your doctor

what do you mean by 'having the shits'

kill yourself nonce

I only have severe nausea about 2 times a day, will they just turn me away?

Stop consuming soy products

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Beer flys really taking the piss now lads

You should make an appointment today and find out

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I'm 300 miles from home and only coming back in a week haha oh dear hope I don't die


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what sort of pain?

There's always A&E

The needs of the banks and companies should out weigh those of the common people. Because when they are happy we can live in comfort and peace.

Hi vlad

reckon the pirate has gastroenteritis


>innocent Romans
>innocent Gauls
>innocent Britons
>innocent Slavs
>innocent Christians
>innocent Muslims
>innocent Native Canadians
>innocent whales
>innocent Byzantines

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Feel extremely cold, very nauseous, pain mostly in the stomach. Really want to die

It has now become my natural alarm clock

mdma gives me very vivid lucid dreams, I love it


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Describe your eating habits and physical habits

I knew a doctor once, so I’m somewhat knowledgeable about these things

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Why do you think he turned gay?

Jew juice designed to destroy the white race.

because they bummed each other

do you feel dehydratated by chance? (dry lips for example)

*rap song repeats the chorus twice in different voices*

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you mean tap water?

gay is not a choice its genetic

>listens to rap once

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Toil beckons

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He was always “weird” I just think it’s another manifestation of his weirdness
He can’t be the same as everyone else
Honestly hate him so much
He’s a massive pseudo intellectual as well


>He was always “weird” I just think it’s another manifestation of his weirdness
>He can’t be the same as everyone else
>He’s a massive pseudo intellectual as well
honestly me if i were gay instead of a virgin freak

What do you call these?

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>Amerilards are legalising asbestos

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Nigger heads

business idea: gay virgin freak

Sounds about right.
Only ever met one gay, was an Jow Forums tier slob and reddit tier nerd.


Scones [SKOWNS]

Thanks for confirming thailad

umm sweetie I'm a twisted fucking psychopath genetically but the nicest guy you'll ever meet IRL

anyone else constantly in some sort of pain somewhere


FUCK why is it only TUESDAY!!!!!’

Garden shed, garden shed, garden shed

Garden shed for the garçons

Them feelings I was guardin'

Heavy on my mind

All my friends lost

They couldn't read the signs

I didn't wanna talk and tell 'em my location

And they ain't wanna walk

Truth is, since a youth kid, thought it was a phase

Thought it'd be like the Frank; poof, gone

But, it's still goin' on

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I was mocking you, you have been mocked.

sickly image

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Being gay is genetic. Being a faggot is a choice.

>brits call crepes pancakes
sick fucks

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why is it that every person i've met who works in the City of London supports tottenham? i do wonder

dumb aussie frogposter


fat spic

mad to think girls rub their fanny while watching porn too

Any man in

>based gays
no such thing mate

Ayy, what's poppin'?
You know how the fuck we bleed, man
We get money and kill people, man
You hear me, man?
We don't rap beef, man
We slide, man, we drill people, man
Bomin' like Obama do and trap for the gunner too, man
I only speak facts and count racks, man, and send packs, man
Let's get it

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women are the ones who are thirtsy for sex


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good post

Women fuck who they want. Men fuck who they can. Remember that

What now?

I was a virgin, thrown out of college at age 21. I was depressed. I had no job or car.

I got my shit back together. At first it was a bit, I got my associates just before 25, got an ok girlfriend but she ended up cheating on me.

Then everything ramped up around 27.

So I'm on the cusp of my 30th birthday. I make almost six figures. I have the city apartment most people dreamed of. I got and still get the pussy I want, multiple fuckbuddies at once. I do work at a hackersace, work from home or in coffeeshops and museums. My current job is encouraging me to travel, I get infinite vacation days and can work anywhere with an internet connection.

But I feel like...empty? Or bored? For the first time in my life I don't know anyone doing better than me. Everyone else is just like, floundering. Where do I go from here?

I have a bunch of dreams I stuffed deep down or threw away. I feel like it's childish to revisit them. Stuff like my creativity. Where do I go revisiting all of that? Is it even possible to be creative if you aren't suffering? Or does our creativity come from our problem solving abilites, and I've just topped out?

'ood 'orning lads. toil in a few minutes

not all women fuck who they want my incel friend


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post it

*Boston plays in the background*

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Lose a hoe gain a hoe

an irish subhuman gave me a you

In the train listening to 0pn and reading huysmans. what are you lot doing before toil starts