Big man Jim edition
/dixie/ + /desi/ + /polska/ - Southern US & India & Poland & friends
Can you stop being an even bigger alcoholic than the boatman and calm down for once?
where liberals are, I must bully
but fine
Of the guys who actually stood a chance to win the primary, he was the only one who gave a flying fuck about the environment, so yeah, I voted for him. You would too if you saw the fucking Beijing-tier smog hanging over some of the big cities when it's hot.
Alright, maybe not Beijing-tier but it's still gross.
i have 3 dollaros, what should I buy on steam
it's not the CIA that I care about. it's you faggots. I don't some autists off Jow Forums to have my number
also what the other user said: solipsism isn't what you think it is
Nothing, buy in-game currency in a mobile game.
>You would too if you saw the fucking Beijing-tier smog
we haven't had that since the 80's
based retard
>conveniently ignoring the last line
we haven't even had smog since the 80s, that's a fucking haze
maybe you should stop living in a valley with several million other people and zero public transportation
I dunno, some anime game like
LA absolutely gets smog, which is one of the reasons I hate going there.
alright im buying dungeon siege
what part of california/LA do you live in
we all know each others location, nobodies gonna fucking trace you down
see if FTL is on sale
is this not smog
it's LA in 2010
i already have ftl
>nobodies gonna fucking trace you down
that's haze
t. insane chi who keeps asking for a fight
Why would Miami be my most ideal city in the United States?
>Costa Rica
That's why. Huge Latino population, doubt you'd even need to learn English if you really didn't want to.
I urge you to consider Conway, Arkansas
have you considered conway arkansas?
>hurr furr im so important and famous that i dont wanna give away my phone number
>the CIA and the jews are after me
get over yourself dummies
just stop posting
conway, arkansas is a much better fit
almost time for bed, central/eastern posters
don't stay up too late, its a weekday
>tfw hairy ass
>have to wipe ass for around 20 minutes every time i take a shit
Nah, it's Madison, Wisconsin
>tfw they're gonna get away with lying to the public again
Alternate using wet wipes and toilet paper.
>what is a hand bidet
dont get up from the toilet seat after being done
Idk which other country you're in but they fucking kiked my AT&T after barely 2 months of inactivity
do you not care about this? they just lied to you
>any comment made in favour of NN written off as "lol h@x0r"
>get rid of NN
>oh btw we were never hacked xdddd
>thx Obama!!!! (unironically)
>do you not care
no, it's par for the course
why worry about something you can't change, you'll just make yourself angry
I dont belive you did it, we go way back
democracy dies with apathy
what exactly do you want us to do about it
it's not a democracy if our government is controlled by bureaucrats
not gay man TM started posting more after the incident
i wish he'd just leave us alone like before
The incident?
do you still talk to tusc
what happened to him
I have no idea. just remember who fucked you over the next time you go to vote
>tfw lobbyists decide the fate of the common man
the system is rigged against >us
>just remember who fucked you over the next time you go to vote
get fucked in the ass either way, you just get to choose in what way
>both sides are equally bad
>just remember who fucked you over
it's not fucking me over if i wanted net neutrality gone anyway
who cares anyway, we can't do anything short of revolution
>short of revolution
>implying a revolution is realistic
>implying a revolution is possible in the modern world where everything you do is monitored
grim 2bh
also why did you want NN gone?
>also why did you want NN gone?
it's government overreach and restricts smaller ISPs
also i hate the federal government more than anything
Legitimately thought that was a website and tried to type it in. Turns out I'm an idiot.
>he clicks any link he sees
would link you to lemonparty but you'd probably enjoy it
whats your favorite book, anime, and movie
I LITERALLY thought about making this EXACT post word for word
100% serious
metro 2033
evangelion i guess
pi, not sure
1984, probably.
Also enjoy collections of Chekhov's short stories and Dostoyevsky's "Demons" (Бecы).
I've only watched one (Code Geass), after a friend recommended it to me. Liked it, FWIW.
The Shape of Water.
I mean, it says .ru so I was like "cool, I can read that".
pi is really weird
brave new world
legend of galactic heroes
don't really watch movies, probably the count of monte cristo tho
come on I'm sorry for bullying
have some fun and answer the inquiries, I like knowing my dixie buds better
don't know how to read
don't watch anime
don't have a favorite
one benefit of NN being gone is that states can enforce their own version of NN overruling the federal shit
but this gives more power to the big Telecom corporations. would you rather have corporations decide the fate of your internet or the government? even before NN was an actual law, the FCC had a philosophic bend towards NN. now with it gone, things like paid prioritisation are a real possibility
same lol. sensible_chuckle.webm
I'm bad at picking favourites so I'll just say what I'm currently into
reading Sophie's World right now. pretty good for an entry-level perspective into philosophy. hopefully I can move to some more serious stuff after I finish this. probably gonna read "The Problems of Philosophy" after this one
only watched Pokémon and Beyblade when I was younger. so of those two, I guess Pokémon
at the moment, it's gotta be The Big Lebowski. such a wonderfully weird movie. enjoyed every minute of it
faggot sodomite
>I can read
obviously fucking not
how nu r u
dumb tiny nigger
sorry i can't understand you
Sorry, what does this say? I can't read.
>would you rather have corporations decide the fate of your internet
corporations, they don't have the moral legitimacy that mediocre bureaucrats in washington do
>paid prioritisation
don't care, this isn't an issue
people keep bullshitting about us getting those '$20 for Facebook and Jewgle, $5 for Youtube, $50 for premium all access' plans but we didn't have NN for two decades and it's never been an issue
>we didn't have NN for two decades and it's never been an issue
see >even before NN was an actual law, the FCC had a philosophic bend towards NN
you still haven't told me why i should care about something i can't change
didn't (You) you
im not too familiar about this person but did he seriously say 'we don't export our ideology at the barrel of a gun?'
A tie between The Prince and The German Way of War by Robert M. Citino
The only anime I've watched in its entirety is Initial D and it was pretty shit
Birth of a Nation
uh yeah....i legitimately don't see what's wrong with that though
muh war
we've started one "major" war since ww2, fuck off
the fact that he's wrong? that Americans have exported their ideology at the barrel of a gun through various wars and assassinations?
well YOU shouldn't I guess because you don't want it to change anyway
Idk man... the fact that entities like the FCC can get away with lying and have ZERO consequences just frustrates me. sad state of affairs
>the fact that entities like the FCC can get away with lying and have ZERO consequences just frustrates me. sad state of affairs
everything about the government frustrates me. just do what i do and bitch about it on cantonese noodle shop yelp pages
which one is the major one?
>Politician points out that spreading democracy by the sword is not what a democracy should seek to do
>"Uhh lmao he's wrong America spreads democracy by through coups and assassinations if not outright conflict lmao what an idiot"
gulf war 2
we didn't start vietnam or korea
>tfw shill against generals on Jow Forums
>tfw starting to spend more time on generals
what? no. i'm curious as to know why he made that quote because it is factually incorrect in regards to america's actions in the world.
no emphasis on whether it is right or wrong, but as a matter of fact.
sometimes it's nice to shitpost in a glorified chatroom of a thread
>i'm curious as to know why he made that quote
he was obviously talking about what he thought was proper behaviour, not the bullshit that the government gets up to on a regular basis
why are foreigners all intentionally obtuse when it comes to american politics
the heck Jow Forums
what are you doing
so is he saying that america does not export ideology through a barrel of a gun? or is he saying that america should not export ideology through a barrel of a gun?
because it seems to me, from that quote, he's implying that america has does not export ideology at the barrel of a gun, which is factually untrue.
ah its chromium related shiiet
chromium does not work well with color calibration have to switch back to firefox
alberta needs to move to montana or idaho or something so i don't have to deal with dogshit leaf posts
left chromium right firefox
is it weird that i don't really care at all if my graphics looks like either left or right
bit, the tail is completely ruined on the left image
well i am a photo and audio autist
>the tail is completely ruined on the left image
i didn't notice until you pointed that out
i thought you were being autistic about the image on the right being slightly darker