regardless your opinion of the Ottoman empire you have to admit in the area of boy fucking there was no equal to the Ottoman's
sure they may have been that liked boy fucking such as Greeks,Romans and tribes across central asia but the no one fucked little boys as much as the Ottoman's
They fucked
>Turkish boys
>Armenian boys
>European boys
>Arab boys
>even black little African boys
The Ottoman empire were the best boy fuckers
Okay, this is epic.
Romans had boy slaves from all over the empire that they would fuck on a regular basis.
Romans come in a close second in boy fucking
>make them eunuchs
>can't play with their balls anymore while fucking them
>"best boy fuckers"
if you cut off their balls then it isn't gay, and it is just manly straight sex
That was reserved for the black boi's and only when they became adults
fucking a boy would have gave you a death penality in most of the ottoman regions
I doubt that very much :
>A köçek would begin training around the age of seven or eight
>A dancer's career would last as long as he was beardless and retained his youthful appearance
>The köçeks were available sexually, often to the highest bidder, in the passive role.
oh yeah
it's a famous fact that arabs, slavs, greeks, and turks are very respectful of the law
They also cleaved off the dick with that same swipe of the dagger. Making it gay-proof is one thing but if you can't make him erect and cum while you fuck him, there's almost no point.
It was earlier than that, so they'd stay flabby as adults. Probably around the same age as european castrati got it.
>Köçeks were much more sought after than the Çengi ("belly dancers"), their female counterparts. Some youths were known to have been killed by the Çengi, who were extremely jealous of men's attention toward the boys.[11][14]
It's not the turks/arabs that punished the sodomy, it's the european converts (renegats) that came from europe, converted to islam and came to live in the ottoman empire
>Another element that is not specific to Islam appears: the punishment of pecado nefando, of sodomy: three slaves were beaten for having committed this act. The Turks of origin did not punish Christian slaves for bad morals, since sodomy was common, it was the renegades who did it. Border phenomenon, shall we say. "Because they[the captives] are Christians - says the father - they were punished in this way, if they had been Turks they would not only not have been punished at all but they would boast about it as they usually do; it is because this vice is not punished that there is so much to let go11".
>At the time, the Christian, who had renounced the prison guard of the Galley next to the hospital, was of Maltese origin. He was watching the grain. He "severely reprimanded Christians suspected of having practiced sodomy; telling them that they were not Christians, because if they were, they would not do such a thing, and to one of them who asked him to forgive him through Jesus Christ he said that it was for this very reason that he had to punish him more, for Jesus Christ wanted them to be good and not perform such infamies, that they were worse than the Moors and that they were a worse example.
European banished also sodomy and homosexuality in MENA when they colonized it, it was "normal" before.
Ottoman sultans would have harem's filled with women and little boys from all around the known world
Africa,Europe,Arabia even the Indian sub continent
>european literally ruined homosex and pedosex in all of the maghreb
fuck them
Honestly I would be contempt with just a twink black African boy to fuck
disgusting sodomite
>being so brainwashed by judaic myths that you think that there is something wrong with having pleasure from an evolutionnary driven natural enjoyment
Celts were boy fuckers as well :
>Athenaeus in the Deipnosophists states that the Celts also partook and despite the beauty of their women, preferred the love of boys. Some would regularly bed down on their animal skins with a lover on each side.
So it's basically the jews who are responsible again.
>is an apostate
>calls others cucks
>literally cucked to eternal hellfire because of "muh dick" and "muh science"
congratulations on being cucked by the west user
The first french governor to Morocco was actually a gay man so local customs wouldn't be upset too much kek.
They were a lot of boy fuckers all around the world but no one will ever rival the amount of boy fucking the Ottoman's did
why only for blacks?
How do you compare the amount of boy fucking in different cultures?
I'm from an atheist family. Also im not really a fag but more bi, wouldnt say no to a sexy qt teen boy
Lyautey was pretty based tho, he actually cared unlike the rest of politicians (arabs or europeans)
>Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau – whom Lyautey despised, as he did most politicians – joked that Lyautey was "an admirable and courageous man who always had balls up to his ass. It's just a shame that they are not always his."
>I'm from an atheist family
sorry to hear that my african friend
not gay but what's the source
it was planned obsolescence
>a policy of producing consumer goods that rapidly become obsolete and so require replacing, achieved by frequent changes in design, termination of the supply of spare parts, and the use of non-durable materials.
capturing African Slave was businesses in which many people were employed they had develop an entire system for it
the Ottoman's saw that Europeans had stopped capturing slaves directly and instead just used the slaves kid to continue their labor force and sure it might have been easier to just used slave kids for the Ottomans but they couldn't risk the businesses collapsing and people losing their jobs so instead they continued castrating slaves and then replacing them with captured new one's