People doing their job

>people doing their job

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I dont get this, do servers not get paid in the US?

good post. got a paypal account? I'll tip you 20% for that post.

in most states, servers get minimum wage + tips (usually servers pool tips, and divide them up with the kitchen staff). In some states, servers get below minimum wage + tips, but if tips are too low to bring the total pay up to minimum wage, then their base salary legally needs to be raised to compensate.

No they don't, because restaurants don't want to pay taxes. So they charge the customers to pay them.

Tips are basically a way to evade taxation.

No. If you earn tips, you're responsible for paying income, Social Security, and Medicare tax on the tip money you receive. To the IRS, tips are taxable income just like wages. If you withhold reporting tips, it's the same as if you received your regular paycheck under-the-table; and you can be prosecuted for tax evasion.

Lol I went to America for 3 months last year and I MADE SURE to not tip a single person. I made it loud and clear.

So many angry dumb cunts and dirty looks

It's a convenient way to work out who to fire next I suppose.

I talk from the restaurant owner point of view.
Business owners have to pay taxes on their employees wages. If the customer is paying instead, the taxes are not paid.

>you have to pay for someone to bring you your food that you payed for in America