People doing their job

>people doing their job

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I dont get this, do servers not get paid in the US?

good post. got a paypal account? I'll tip you 20% for that post.

in most states, servers get minimum wage + tips (usually servers pool tips, and divide them up with the kitchen staff). In some states, servers get below minimum wage + tips, but if tips are too low to bring the total pay up to minimum wage, then their base salary legally needs to be raised to compensate.

No they don't, because restaurants don't want to pay taxes. So they charge the customers to pay them.

Tips are basically a way to evade taxation.

No. If you earn tips, you're responsible for paying income, Social Security, and Medicare tax on the tip money you receive. To the IRS, tips are taxable income just like wages. If you withhold reporting tips, it's the same as if you received your regular paycheck under-the-table; and you can be prosecuted for tax evasion.

Lol I went to America for 3 months last year and I MADE SURE to not tip a single person. I made it loud and clear.

So many angry dumb cunts and dirty looks

It's a convenient way to work out who to fire next I suppose.

I talk from the restaurant owner point of view.
Business owners have to pay taxes on their employees wages. If the customer is paying instead, the taxes are not paid.

>you have to pay for someone to bring you your food that you payed for in America

>you have to pay for someone to bring you food that you payed for in America because that persons wage is offset by its employer to account for the person who's paying for the food to also pay the person bringing for the food because of the expectation that personalized service should warrant its own reward

There are restaurants that don't accept tips. Customers don't seem to care one way or the other, but they have a hard time retaining wait staff when tips are forbade.

paying employees is for commies

I don't know why people who hate tipping pretend to be opposing it from a left-wing position. it's actually very progressive, since rich people tip more often, and will tip a higher percentage. So a poor guy and a rich guy may have the same exact meal at the same restaurant, but the rich guy will pay more at the end of the meal. Men tip more often, and a higher percentage, and women make more from tips then men do; so it goes a little ways to help the gender/wage gap. Also, blacks don't tip at all, so that money they keep is like a small contribution to reparations for slavery.

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or maybe just pay the workers so their livelyhood doesnt depend on how many "nobleman" donates to them

all workers make minimum wage or higher (unless they are working illegally). Raising minimum wage has never ended tipping.

I don't like dealing with waiters in general but the amount you would get tipped would be worked into the bill without the system along with them not receiving performance based incentives resulting in bad service (but good enough to not get fired)

Let me just get my own shit from the kitchen

>rich people tip more often, and will tip a higher percentage
[citation needed]

If I had to tip I'd tip the cook, carrying food to table is not an accomplishment.
Or do as follows, it worked wonders when I visited murica
>go to restaurant
>"btw I only tip if the service is good"
>see the dumb waiter working his/her ass off
>finish the meal
>pay the meal
>"sorry but the service was lacking, no tips this time"
Gullible fools, not like I came back to that place so no spitting on food next time.

>For a 2003 study published in The Journal of Applied Social Psychology, “Ethnic Differences in Tipping: Evidence, Explanations and Implications,” W. Michael Lynn examined the results of a nationwide telephone survey and “found that the higher the income the more people reported tipping waiters and waitresses,” he said today in a telephone interview.

>(The study also found that African-Americans on average tipped less than whites and were more likely to leave flat-dollar amounts rather than tips based on a percentage of the bill. The study found that the ethnic difference persisted even after controlling for income, education and quality of service, but Mr. Lynn said “there are no doubt circumstances under which blacks get poor service and therefore lower their tips.”)

>innocent toilets

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I don't tip. Nah, I don't believe in it. Don't give me that. She don't make enough money that she can quit. I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm concerned, they're just doing their job.


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>“there are no doubt circumstances under which blacks get poor service and therefore lower their tips.” :^)

oh my god

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he did say circumstances, not all the time. hes not trying to make an excuse for the result, just an obiter i think. the studies are clear though, african-americans just seem more rude in general. maybe as some sort of vengeance against whitey or some shit

rich people tip to assert dominance or to show that they are rich

Just a weird cultural quirk I guess. No one tips fast food workers yet it's the same shit.

I only tip to avoid an awkward, "was there anything wrong with your meal or service?" question.