do you want to find love in central Asia?
Do you want to find love in central Asia?
Other urls found in this thread:
I want an Uyghur gf
Gf like pic, yes
No, I don't want a russian gf
which nationality is she?
Is this what 1000 years of Asian/White racemixing looks like?
god i wish that were me unironically
I want to escape this hellhole
be my gf
Bitch kek.
>Is this what 1000 years of Asian/White racemixing looks like?
Tajiks, Uzbeks and Kyrgyzes are more likely shitskin/asian mix. It makes them similar with mexicans. Disgusting mix
But Aya is from Kazakhstan no?
What makes it disgusting?
I find women so attractive that I kinda wish I was one
Already you are
based and redpilled
Finland is not central Asia
Very progressive post. Bravo Korea!
I was in Athens a few days ago and some muslims with chink eyes sat next to me. they fucking smell worse than pakis and wear ragged, tattered clothes
I want to find any love at all
Describe us your country : landscape, average day, girls, quality of life
Name please.
Yes, specifically Far Eastern Central Asia (Japan).
Mountains. A lot of mountains.
>average day
What do you mean? It's not a war zone, average day is an average day
Average looking mostly.
>quality of life
Subsaharan Africa
You are so lovely
Cherrs mate
ohhh she's so hot with the 2km distance between her eyes
Too bad most of them look like Mongols and Chinks (Ugly)
unironically looks better
Now make her eyes brown and she's perfect
I deserve an Aya gf NOW.
Is it weird that I kinda look like her? In the sense that she looks like she could be my sister?
I wish I had never seen her face knowing can never have her.
be my gf
Is this Kolento after faceapp?
cállese el hocico morro contigo no estoy hablando
Do you what yakuty gf?
>This is what women will look like in the Eurasian Empire
Still think it is a bad idea?
That are nenets, yakuts a bit diffrent
I welcome the Chinese hoards desu
if this was the result, asian white racemixing should be encouraged
God I love Aya
>Subsaharan Africa
You're exagerating
They are defenetly nomads, when yakuts are not
Hy лaднo. Пpocтo якyты тoжe cыpoe мяco eдят, и хyй знaeт чтo eщe y них зa плeчaми.
Can you own firearms, read any type of book and shitpost on the internet without fear of getting arrested?
Te жe кaзaхи c кыpгызaми тoлькo ceвepныe