Why does everyone think Indians are ugly?they are nowhere near as ugly as Jow Forums says they are in real life

Why does everyone think Indians are ugly?they are nowhere near as ugly as Jow Forums says they are in real life

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Show me one that isnt

but im not Indian tho its just an observation i made

sure, pajeet.

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ah, so youre a bangladeshi then.

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There are no way you're not a pajeet

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because indian isnt a race and our diaspora to the US are south indian soyboy dark skin manlets who only focus on studying and act like complete betas in america

and hollywood casts the most indian looking indians like Aziz Ansari and Mindy Kaling only

I'm american born and now go to college in california, i mog 90% of americans my age. Although they just REEEE and say i dont look indian

Indians are some sort of paradox.

They don't have ugly features per se. In fact, they are more attractive than blacks and arabs.
But their appearance is still quite repulsive. I have no idea why.
It might just be something they do to themselves, like their attitude, annoying accents, mustaches, being smelly as they eat curry, etc.

sure thing, raj. your golden shirts and phones STILL wont buy you white women.

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I'm a 6 foot 4 Aryan bvll while you're a pathetic soyboy NEET

know your place, wh*toid

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post ur face then pajeet


why do indians all reek of curry? i know they dont poop in toilets, but do they not shower? even the doctors/engineers/managers ive met smell bad to some degree.

post your ugly incel face or don't bother giving a (You)

already did nigga


ok then you are good looking i guess. even though your chin and jaw is a bit too much but i dont know why people think you are not Indian there are plenty of Indians with similar face(other than the huge ass jaw) and skin color but not the height cause most of em are manlets

im a 6'3" slav. id tear you limb from limb, although your bad odor might give you some advantage.

I just realized what it is.

Indians have the uncanny valley effect. They look almost human, but you just know something is off.

post your face subhuman autist

an aryan like me has no time for your Jow Forums LARPs

usa is diff than aus probably, we have tons more immigrants from all over the world so it is easy to mistake u as something else

go do your squats polish bitch fuck you

indians never cease to amuse me

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no they act like beta everywhere. if they don't, they still act childish like 14-16yo boys. i don't know why they think they look cool

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> doesnt post his hideous face
> commenting on an obviously attractive and tall Aryan man's looks

you dropped out of school with that low IQ bro? lmao

ik, most of them act beta in the US too

it is a little triggering REEE

you look a bit like toni mahfud

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>posting your face on a Mongolian yurt building forum

cmere bby ill treat u reel nice wit my 2 feet penis i love yu

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Only if I had his blue eyes tho

I've graced your subhuman presence enough

Don't (You) this unless you grow balls to show us your ugly mug

this is why even the >52% CHI's are more respected on this board than pajeet.

you still haven't posted your face whitey incel, you were the only claiming there isnt a single good looking Indian and white people are infinitely better looking

t. literal subhuman

Now the monkey comes out of the sleeve.

you mean most pajeets are bullied on here bc of their looks?

it's just hilarious for me, watching some autistic NEET incel act so tough when IRL I mog his entire family to hell and beyond


mog a toilet for once

We have no Indians or Paki's here. We're not Australia.

I cant even tell if youre trolling at this point or if youre just a classic pooper. Either way this is the best thread ive seen on int today. Bravo.

prove it

heres my face

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meh boring

as usual, none of the ugly incels posted their face

im gonna go workout, have a good cope session my lads

damn so white and beautiful

com back bby we need to talk abot sxxxy time

You look like a retarded rapebaby. And stop calling yourself aryan, even pakis and afghani people look lighter than you. You just don't realise how much of a mutt you are kek

>Why does everyone think Indians are ugly
because we are actually ugly, sminems crossed with abbos.