
The Rorke menace must be dealth with edition

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what music should I listen to in the shower?

>the rorke menace must be dealt with

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>can't handle it

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*enters the thread*

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Gabber beats and black metal.

vile thot

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Jewish people are not okay
Hanukkah is not cool

I guess I'm here because I don't have time to meet people away from a computer screen. Work is my primary concern right now and as long as I'm at my laptop, I'm pretty decent at multitasking.

Protip: don't open by asking about my job. More than half of the messages I've had so far do that.

Second protip: It's okay to talk geeky to me. Even though I'm a girl, I might still understand it. Hell, I might even be impressed.

ill be honest with you, the west is done. your people are uneducated, lazy, and barbaric. always have been. you subjgate and exploit humbler nations for resources you could have easily gotten in your own land if you werent so lazy and uneducated. but now thats over. china is going to turn all of your nations into sattelite states and bring peace their newer generations, while leaving the old thinking in the dust. the trash that is western "culture" is going to be cleaned up and destroyed by china, so that the atrocities the west commits that litters history can no longer occur.

radcens and leftypol have always been gay

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morning dose of seminal fluid has been submitted

>the atrocities the west commits
Its just banter mate.

have realized how utterly full of bullshit politics are and will furthermore be ignoring them henceforth

*touches your willy*

radcens are just rorke enablers

watching Pirate of the Caribbean (the first one) which I recorded from Channel 5HD previously so I can skip the adverts

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>ill be honest with you, the west is done. your people are uneducated, lazy, and barbaric. always have been. you subjgate and exploit humbler nations for resources you could have easily gotten in your own land if you werent so lazy and uneducated. but now thats over. china is going to turn all of your nations into sattelite states and bring peace their newer generations, while leaving the old thinking in the dust. the trash that is western "culture" is going to be cleaned up and destroyed by china, so that the atrocities the west commits that litters history can no longer occur.

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>What I'm doing with my life
>Things you would be jealous of (and if you wouldn't be jealous of them, we wouldn't get along). Best not to think about it too much.
what did she mean by this?

shut up jew


starting the day with a glass of coldbrew coffee

I'm right wing

Best not to think about it too much.

The arrogant bitch is begging for a slap.

stay mad. all of your blood coated monuments will be torn down by the PLA in due time.

would rather eat a girl's arse than her fanny

>stay mad. all of your blood coated monuments will be torn down by the PLA in due time.

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wish I was dead haha

I have 2 wings.
I fly high, proud and true.

grim grim grim

Was Worf a diversity hire? He seems pretty on the ball but would he really pass those starfleet academy exams?

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Have a mouth ulcer under my tongue thats making it very painful to eat

I got warned for this post haha what the fuck I must have triggered the leftypol janny or something

alex jones won the internet

How is it possible to post on topic when there isn’t a topic?

Need awful air quality and for my culture to be destroyed.

>What I'm doing with my life
>Things you would be jealous of (and if you wouldn't be jealous of them, we wouldn't get along). Best not to think about it too much.

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2 large chicken kebabs please mate with sauce and salad separate and a 2L of pepsi from the fridge

This is the general dedicated to the discussion of British culture.

Say no more

westerners like you need to be locked up in mental institutions while the newer generations can be reeducated.

topic is British culture. How is that hard to comprehend?

Love pints
Love the pub
Hate the footy

Simple as


start posting then

autism is larping as a Chinese communist

This isn't Thai food, you go away now thank

Shut the fuck up

met 1 gay man recently

he had this frantic smile, very creepy. he also tried to get me drunk in order to fuck me

saw another gay (didn't talk to him, but he was doing the gay walk) - he, too, had the creepy smile on him

benders are proper weird

don't even speak to me before I've had my coffee
*goes the whole day without coffee*

All of my posts are related in one way or another to the great British culture. What are you trying to say, you cretinoid yank?

how come people use meme arrows to indicate someone doing something when they're supposed to use *s

Business idea: Rename the UK to Prime Anglo Kingdom of Inglés or PAKI for short

how is this post in particular related to british culture

I can sense the passion in this thread. Please direct it in a good direction.

>westerners like you need to be locked up in mental institutions while the newer generations can be reeducated.

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what the fuck are you on about you spastic

What the fuck is his problem?

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what are some longish anime series worth watching?

all genres accepted including moe and shounen

>walks towards you
see how ridiculous that is?

boku no pico

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he's literally the mutt meme but in real life

I was merely attempting to educate you to /brit/. but you're a lost cause.

Imagine unironically being a maoist

the PLA can take on every one of your european militaries. all you can do is cry.

Reminds me of that one episode of the Ricky Gervais Show where Karl spoke about a gay male nurse. Ricky went mental because he dared imply that gay people have noticeable traits which is why he knew he was gay.


nobody uses meme arrows to actionpost you SLUG

>the PLA can take on every one of your european militaries. all you can do is cry.

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no friends

Where would you stay :- chinese city or chinese countryside?

need a new keyboard, been broke for about 5 or 6 days. been using an on-screen keyboard and typing with the mouse. was supposed to get a new keyboard last saturday, but I didn't get around to it

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Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Soul Eater
Full Metal Alchemist

outside of these walls there are my friend

Maybe try getting a grip first.

Look at this lovely chap

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You typed all this with an onscreen keyboard?

Use your phone, there's loads of apps you can install that let you control your computer with your phone, including mouse and keyboard.

>friends make you live longer
Why does anyone want friends

Typed this with my mind (dick)

the frog hasn't made one post related to british culture all thread

Morrissey is based and i like his music
That's British culture related right?

Favourite season on this island?

the grassy knoll

This post was written by Runt B, as commanded by his Supreme Overlord (me)


David Lean is my favourite British director

post your favourite mozz choon

Posting from British toil lads

yeah i've got quite proficient at it, solid 15 words a minute. cheers for the tip, i'll look into it

fuck off

tell me how canadian politics isn't related to british culture when the queen is literally on their money

Its suedehead


SSRIs... just dont....

Autumn or early winter