What do white people smell like to you non-whites?
What do white people smell like to you non-whites?
wet dogs
the kind of deodorant you're wearing?
dead wet dog which rolled in vinegar and rotten eggs
salty milk and coins
I never saw a white person.
I've heard this one before
not washed t-shirt for 10 days
I smell like coffee and meat desu
mix of sweat and cheese
Ive always wondered this.
Chinese people have a very distinct body oder if they havent washed. same with indian.
Own skin smell
Scrub your nuts and then sniff your fingers.
That's your smell.
what if you don't have nuts
Somalis and Indians are the only people I know really smells
Upper-class Indians I've met didn't smell though
Anyone notice Chinese girls smell like mothballs when you smell their skin up close? It's weird, I never noticed it with white chicks.
The stereotype here is sour milk
Not only girls i think
Delicious. You get to smell that all the time in white countries? Jealous
gaijin eat lots of meat.and Junk food everyday
so they smell spoiled onoin
ive never met any
I feel like this could actually be true
it is
Dunno, I've never met a white person.
burned rubber/really bad odor you can smell 5 meters away
you can smell mine
Like trash