Italy has the highest IQ rate among europeans and they also have the biggest heads among europeans(1.411 cubical cm)

Italy has the highest IQ rate among europeans and they also have the biggest heads among europeans(1.411 cubical cm).
Ancestors of the italian people used to lead Europe. But what we see now?
It should be not Germany but Italy as the boss of EU. Why, Italy, why? Why dont you use your potential?

Attached: M7qSIVk83N4.jpg (612x569, 40K)

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>they also have the biggest heads among europeans(1.411 cubical cm).

Why dont you use your potential?
we are using it to outjewing eachother

pinhead genocide when?

>only one of those nations to have done anything of intellectual note recently is Japan
If your test to find the tallest man is consistently picking dwarfs, there's something wrong with your test

Italian men use their brain only when they hook up girls.

>being this ignorant
feel sorry for you, op

I will give you when i find me.
>Why dont you use your potential?
I am trying to. But accordting to the list i showed in op post my people have average IQ in 90 which is very very dissapointing. I am personally have IQ about 130(I am kazak not slav, german or korean) and its hard to believe for me people around are so dumb.

Enlight me muh islamic alem

*when i find it

North Italy is 102
South is 95
Sardinia is 90 or something

search it if you want, is the same reason why we can't have good things here

>Italy that high
I seems they are too intelligent to follow the rules, and that backfire so hard to their country.

>south is 95
Its pretty good score if you compare it with rest Europe so nothing wrong with it

wtf why mongolia so smart
I am proud mongolian from now on

Are you kalmyk or buryat

>tfw smart
ama lads

I am italian too! In my soul

Can confirm, am central Italian, have high IQ and large head, same for the rest of the family.

Wtf are you doing in russia

Italy doesnt have an iq that is >100

sicily and their 89 iq isnt helping

Attached: iq italy.jpg (365x263, 26K)

Where is Florence?

and since you asked me nicely, pic related explain the situation

pro tip: check google books for serious academic work and real estimations from books instead of unsourced meme numbers on some website

Attached: italy iq.png (552x782, 221K)

I thought heads size would be correlated with height

I find it hard to believe we have bigger heads than bosniaks or nordics

>heads size would be correlated with height
Nope it doesnt. Asian race has the biggest heads and also the highest IQ but it also has short height in average.

download this book if you care a lot about italian iq

it starts from page 54 and it explain all the north vs south iq inequality
read some extrait here for free or on google books

IQ and Brain size doesnt really correlate, eskimos have the biggest brains but a low iq

Thanks for link.
>eskimos have the biggest brains but a low iq
That might be because of their primitive lifestyle.

I like it here

Brain size ratio to the rest of the body mass is what's important

italians are brachiocephalic like nordics,anglos and iberians

Germans,balkans,slavs and french have larger heads

that's interesting

Also their IQ not that low. They have 90 IQ in average which is the way higher than IQ of other ethnicities who live primitively.

the 90 iq is inferred from pisa tests, it has never been actually tested. a metodology which is debatable since the north has a huge southern population.

Natives north african from the canary island (guanches) also have the biggest brains recorded in human history, and they're arent high iq

>Like the Cro—Magnons and Neanderthal people, they had larger brains than modern people. The Museo Canario in Las Palmas has a number of guanche skulls attesting to brain volumes, some 20% larger than modern humans
pic related.

Also did you hear about the Flynn effect? Because Italian and European/Asian Iq were 60-70 one century ago.

Attached: guanches.png (850x176, 90K)

They just have long shaped heads which has nothing to do with real brain size. Dont follow to nazi germanic memes.

Smart Italians are moving abroad and only fools are left

That is pure bullshit.

>Finns have exceptionally large heads and are taller than other nationalities, according to the Health and Welfare Institute (THL)

>The average Finn’s head is among the largest 10-15 percent of heads in WHO data

Our skull size is somewhere around 1500 ml.

Attached: Mensa members per capita.png (698x726, 28K)

wtf liguria

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Southern italians like sicilians arent really italian

>The genetic contribution of Greek chromosomes to the Sicilian gene pool is estimated to be about 37% whereas the contribution of North African populations is estimated to be around 6%.In particular

they're greek-mena people mixed with italians

brain drain is definitely an issue, but because of the general unwillingness to face it from our upper society we don't even know how big the consequences of it will be.

>Also did you hear about the Flynn effect?
Nope. I can google it but i think it would be more interesting if you post it here pls.

Das rite

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Everyone is a political expert in italy

seems good.

>Southern italians... arent really italian
an average higher iq doesn't necessarily mean a higher number of people with a very high iq. it's all a matter of distributions
also I don't think mensa can be used as data to judge the tails of the distribution tbqh

Look at maps that adjusted for the Flynn effect and aren't meme maps. Italy is quite average in IQ as far as Europe goes. Greece and Albania has the lowest IIRC.

I find this and Italy is still dominating

Attached: iq-world-map1.png (800x364, 86K)

if italians are so smart why is their country such a shithole?

Attached: iq-europe.jpg (1300x1300, 365K)

Italians are plenty retarded. And it's not just terroni.

envy much?

>according to Lynn
Dont you think THIS map is a meme? Cause accordting to Lynn italians have IQ about 102-103 points and he even written it in his book.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-07-16-48-27.png (1920x1080, 467K)

italians are brachiocephalic like nordics,anglos and iberians

Germans,balkans,slavs and french have larger heads
of course they are just terroni

You already said that before

basically, flynn effect summed up :

the average iq in europe, usa, asia in 1900 or 1950 was around 60-70
and since the education is getting better, the food too, the IQ is rising

the average iq in all countries is getting higher btw, africa, asia, south america etc.

>Ethnic Kazakhs obtained a mean British IQ of 82.2, ethnic Russians obtained a mean British IQ of 103.2, and ethnic Uzbeks obtained a mean British IQ of 86.0. The IQ of Kazakhstan is estimated at 87.3

the flynn effect will made that the kazakh iq will be around 90-95 by 2025-2030, and 95-105 in 2045-2050

assuming a standard gain per decade similar to the rest of the countries

Attached: chartoftheday_7104_pisa_top_rated_countries_regions_2016_n.jpg (960x1204, 468K)

Immigration and the welfare state is bringing IQ down worldwide and the average IQ of all nations involved in that will be lower than 85 in the next decades if that doesn't change

pic related, people need to understand that IQ isnt a stable fixed data.

the average iq in south korea was around 75-80 in the 1970 or 1980 year, but they gained 7.7 iq point per decade

turkey was 65 in 1970, but it's 99 today

it works for evey country, even african countries are having massives gains

Attached: Flynn-–-World-Regions.png (3000x1908, 246K)

>people keep bringing up those meme IQ stats
>Ireland consistently perform highly in PISA
explain this

chinese iq was like 70 few decades ago, their improved education and culture really boosted their iq

>Immigration and the welfare state is bringing IQ down worldwide
not true at all.

>and the average IQ of all nations involved in that will be lower than 85 in the next decades if that doesn't change
The immigrants from "85 iq countris" often have an iq > 100 in western countries

This one just tested a group of kazakh pupils from the south. I wouldnt say kazakhs are that dumb and russians are much smarter. I am personally about 130 points of IQ and both of my parents are kazaks. Nobody from my close relatives who done this test have IQ below of 100.

Most likely it will reach a certain limit.

but we are smart

Ireland has a high IQ, they got humiliated with false numbers made up by some bad pseudo-"scientist" because they were catholics.
literally a smear campaign

IQ is really cognitive abilities, it's not much about "intelligence" as it's mostly education and culture.
Russian iq was 60 a century ago, no need to be ashamed. Every country get their time

Lynn is a fucking racist anyway, he probably falsified the kazakstan results to prove his racial pro apartheid white supremacist theories

you have a far more intense education system compared to european countries which is why I find Finland so impressive

finland is ahving a negative flynn effect tho, their iq is getting lower

Then why he marked so high result for our close relatives - mongolians?

>Russian iq was 60 a century ago
except that it wasn't

Why do people care about this shit? It's literally just a reflection of how much of a shithole (or not) a country is. Greece has one of the lowest average IQs in europe and like the second highest number of scientists per capita in the world iirc. So what's the point of caring about the IQ? It's all a matter of development.

the average western/white iq was 70 in 1900, and the US/Western Europe were a much educated, richer country than pre-soviet peasant russia

>To do it the other way, the average person in 1910 who stepped through a time-warp to today would have an IQ measurement of 70. That is, to quote Pinker again, "at the border of mental retardation".

mongoloidboo like most white supremacists/racists

your thread start with numbers that are from his "works", you should be careful to not spread baseless racist numbers

Wtf does inbreeding really cause lower IQ

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Not necessarily. Jews had pretty hight inbreeding but they also have one of the highest IQ. Inbreeding just strenghtens your mutations.

methodical, periodical subjects that require 0 iq just a brainless memorization process...
no wonder asians are on top

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So as long as you inbreed with smart relatives you'll keep the strong IQ?

IQ memery aside, the thing that ruins italy is that we all egocentric as fuck
everybody acts exclusively out of self-interest and nobody actually cares about the nation as a whole

most people don't pay taxes (which is somewhat justifiable because they are insanely high) and everyone is perfectly fine with scamming eachother or, even better, the state

the effect of imbreeding on iq has been studied

Yeah it's the same shit here, people are extremely individualistic. Everyone thinks about the "family" (might as well translate to "tribe") rather than the nation. People are content with crumbling and shitty infrastructure and services because "it's the gubmint's responsibility". Many streets in big cities look like shit while people's houses are in tip-top condition, flawlessly clean.

Only time in recent memory that people came together is the recent wildfires and hating germanoids.

Again, not necessarily. Its about your recessive genes(most of diseases are recessive). So if you have genes for mental diseases there is a low chance your descedants will have this disease. But if you do inbred the chances will be strongly increased and it doesnt matter how high IQ your relatives had because a down syndrome will make your baby dumb anyway.

that's the duty of the state to assure that there is social equality, that taxes are being paid and that individualism doesnt ruin the country.
education of childrens in school is the first step.

The mixed legacy of the mediteranean culture and un-controlled mercantilism ruined many countries.
Everything you quoted is 100 times worse here btw.

sour grapes(・∀・)

>that's the duty of the state to assure that there is social equality, that taxes are being paid and that individualism doesnt ruin the country.
In theory yes, in practice it's impossible for the state to do that. It's up to the parents (it's always up to them) to teach their children to be responsible citizens and not take shortcuts. But that's also very difficult in practice because like you said history weighs heavy on these regions. Northern european societies developed differently and now they're better for it in many ways. I often mock germans for being conformist to whatever regime is currently ruling, but in reality that conformism also makes their country run like a well-oiled machine.

Japan was 60-70 IQ until 1965

>The gains in Japan of 7.7 IQ points per decade for those born approximately 1940 1965 are identical to the gains per decade for Koreans born 1970 1990.

you just got educated 20-30 years before korea, that's all

i think being controlled by foreign powers is also partly to blame
Italy has been a battlefield for France/Spain/Austria for centuries, Greece with the Ottomans and Algeria with France had the same problem

it's hard to feel any connection to the government when it doesn't even speak your same language, and that kind of feeling is rooted deeply into our society

this desu

I've heard a lot of theories: climate, history, culture etc. but it's very hard to explain those behaviour with a consistant theory, there is always counter exemple.

but I think only serious scientists can answer to those complex situations

>Mediterranean Countries and Corruption: Political, Economic, and Social Factors
you can pirate it on sci hub

pretty good paper I remember, it gives some indications

I always wanted to defend that theory btw but it has some serious counter-exemple.
Morocco for exemple; it was independant in basically all its history (some protectorate for 30 years, that's all)


Actually it's a stupid post, igore it, 80% of moroccan hated the state and lived in total anarchy for centuries, they even call the current state 'makhhezn' a pretty serious word that describe the hatred between the state that taxed for centuries and the local that fought against him

yeah the controled by foreign countries is a good theory

it explain why never conquered countries in germanic and northern europe are different

italian food is nice, italian climate is good, italian women are beauteous. why bother? being an italian man is kinda benefits.

ItaliMOORS making Yakub proud.

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>Why, Italy, why? Why dont you use your potential?

We won a fields medal and a poincare price in just one week. We smart as heck :^)

autism price

medical nobel price is the stuff

Is this the ranking that only sampled the richer coastal Chinese cities? Have a 5 minute discussion with a peasant nongmin from an inner province and you will definitely cast a skeptical eye at a score of 105.

I'm Italian and my IQ is 94
Pretty average
