Remember if you're looking for a good example of delusion just look at Brexiters

Remember if you're looking for a good example of delusion just look at Brexiters.

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Other urls found in this thread:

we're fucked desu

>Haha you need us we will get a better deal because we are so great
>p-please give us something

literally laughed out loud

100% deserved

holy fuck

comedy gold

If there is one thing i fucking hate about internet culture is this popular thing of cropping retarded tabloid headlines to try to make a point

We're just having a good laugh over Brexiter tabloids.

Don't be that nasty over nothing.

yeah true
and our options seem to be corbyn or boris from here so it's not getting better

Greece should veto Brexit unless the UK pays Greece's denbts

i'm sorry it's not against you

it's just a slow and long build up that created resentment n me

Comments are even better

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Do they not teach the difference between 'to' and 'too' in bong schools anymore?
Or is it that the towelheads think of themselves as "British people" now?

>tfw to intelligent for the European mainland

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>manage to bring up muslims in a debate about retarded british nationalists

the amazing polish IQ

Before Brexit I kind of wanted us to leave the EU but now I have a hard time seeing how it will benefit us when a much more relevant country can't even get good deals out of it.

hope riots happen and all anglos kill each other

The only delsusional people ITT are the Johnny Foreigners doubting BRITAIN. We don't need Europe, meanwhile Germans and Spaniards buy our Minis and Marmalade. We don't need their siestas and leiderhosen.

Brexit will finally show the world that BRITAIN is back in business.

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Cringe, desu。

Ignorance won, there have been plenty of articles years before that considered what would mean for a country to leave Europe, but UK citizens did not vote after careful consideration, it was an impulsive act dictated not by reason but emotion.

But sure, go tell the students, the scientists, the workers who lost grants, jobs and have to pay more for stuff now how you totally beat the jews.

Hopefully my country can learn from this mistake and not repeat it.

You know that Minis are built by BMW, right?

Impulsive action is the best way to foil elaborate scheming

The will of the people won. Hopefully Italians follow their proud tradition of abandoning alliances and leave the EU too.

Germans have no regard for you. They see you all as inferior.

I fail to see what this statement would prove regarding Brexit.

Well, duh. Germans are the master race

>Hopefully Italians follow their proud tradition of abandoning alliances and leave the EU too.
1) Italy's poverty has been on the rise since 2004, that's 14 years of poverty increase, with people in "absolute poverty" having more than tripled, and you can't just say that is all immigrants.
2) We don't have a strong economy, our GDP has not recovered unlike other nations from the economic crysis.
3) We don't have our own coin.
4) We benefit from various European grants, done to the State or to various indipendent institutions
5) Our own coin had been weakened already before entering the Euro
6) We rely on other countries for too many things, French for energy because THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE dictated that we should have no Nuclear energy because muh Chernobyl despite the fact that the plans that had been laid out would have made it a much safer one and we still wasted time, money and space because the cement foundations had been laid out and are still there, decades later.
b) We do not make Oil ourselves, and fuel is already very expensive going from 1,65 to 1,80. We even reached 2 euros some years ago. As it is the average wage is shit and there are many who cannot accept a job because between fuel and parking it would cost them more....IF the guy actually pay them at the end.
7) The ease of import-export is very beneficial for a country that relies so much on Tourism.

8) Fuck Germans.

What benefits could we possibly gain from leaving the UE?

Finally, someone gets it.

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jesus christ how stupid are those people
but i have to say that there is a huge resemblance between them and trump supporters
the writing style is almost the same

How do you like being the EU's bitch?

i'm from northern ireland so worst case scenario i can go down south or elsewhere in europe
feels a bit bad being tied to this shit

So you have an irish passport?

Do you want Northern Ireland to merge with the rest of the island?

Why don't we just have a second referendum? Remain will win since more young people will be galvanised into voting and more of the elderly voters from two years ago will have shifted off this mortal coil.

>lets just vote on this issue until we get the result I want

Lmao are European farmers so sensitive that they would riot over another country leaving the EU?

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>if they don't vote as I want we need to vote again
>we totally respect the results though
No you must burn

yes everyone born here is entitled to both an irish and british passport
yes but it'll have to be democratically

Democracy was a mistake and this is how we fix it.

Then Trump invades the UK to bring them freedom

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Rioting is their favorite sport, but no. It's just old Niges wishful thinking.

I don't get why you don't vote to leave the UK and either join Ireland or be on your own inside the EU.

Are there really positive things from staying in the UK?

The boomers did this

UK funds their shithole, keeping northern Ireland is actually a drain on the British economy.

Scotland should leave the UK

to put it simply a lot of Northern Ireland isn't Irish, they're descendants of Scottish settlers who feel very strongly about staying part of the UK and many of them have a major distaste for Ireland and its culture.
there are also economic unionists but their arguments shouldn't last long if brexit is as bad as it looks to be

lmao, anglos are delusional

That would only be justifiable with a best of 3.

>UK gets TOUGH

Lmao, do brits really believe this? Their government is literally crying because the EU is mean to them.

They'll be fine in the long run. Of course the imitial shock will be massive.

also we are a NET IMPORTER of EU goods, meaning that tariffs WILL create riots in the street, but its to little to late.

>also we are a NET IMPORTER of EU goods, meaning that tariffs WILL

t. Alison Little, Deputy political editor

i told this was going to devolve into an all out trade war

Boycott German products
Boycott French products
Boycott Dutch products
Boycott Balt products

DEATH TO THE e""""u""""

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Boycott Greek products

fine by me
DEATH TO THE e""""u""""

Which one? pic related

>Boycotting the EU as a greek

Do you eat a lot of olives and feta cheese recently?

We need to sell crops there, they made 7% of our market, but we could handle the Russian ban somehow, which was worse

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>buy my shit
they will gas you to death but who cares?

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What do you drive?

Calm down, have some friendship noodles

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But who cares about the greek market?
It's not like they had a lot of buying power lmao

Obviously we trade more with the countries nearest us.
Hardest hit will be: Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, France, and unironically Germany. I think your fishermen will be extremely hard hit in the event of no deal as they disproportionately fish in our waters.

I don't really understand the gleeful "haha stupid Britain, EU are going to rek u" position a lot of Europeans seem to take. They are literally going to make us all poorer for their "inseparable" rights and you're all cheering them on.

It's not a negotiation. Regardless of how far removed Britains position is from the EUs, at least we have been flexible and actually willing to negotiate in our position.

It's going to hurt like hell but I really hope we crash out with no deal at this point. Brexit means Brexit.

Could they do this?

no lol

desu I would if I was gayreek